****College Football In-Game Thread****

Ohio isn’t done scoring...Nevada knows they are running it every play and cant stop it...that last TD they knew they were running option to that side and the still couldn’t stop it
Your probably right but I don’t think Frank is worried about the over...He is going to keep pounding them until they stop em or they don’t have the lead
Certainly he wants to score points. Ohio is not gonna winna 6-3 type game. They will need points. The set up is there.
Did you guys see the discrepancy of 4th quarter points the Bobcats allowed this season at home vs away? Allowed 83 in the 4th quarter of their six home games and allowed only 20 in the 4th quarter of their four road games. But I figured it out:

When Ohio was tied/ leading after the 3rd quarter they are perfect 6-0 this season with 35 points allowed in the 4Q
When they are trailing after the 3rd quarter they are winless 0-6 this season with 68 points allowed in the 4Q
We couldn't figure out the posters they handed us on Wednesday until everyone did their thing in the stadium. Turned out cool.

Those B-2s don't seem real.

We couldn't figure out the posters they handed us on Wednesday until everyone did their thing in the stadium. Turned out cool.

Those B-2s don't seem real.

The guy who takes these has a few similar pics in years past. Lemme see if I can find the link
We've got 21 of those bad boys, with a drive off the lot price tag at $2.1 billion per unit.

With a range of 6,000 miles without refueling.

As much as I always enjoy going to the Rose Bowl game itself, the anticipation of seeing that bad boy coming in from the north during pre-game is as exciting as anything.
If you want to see a real aircraft watch the warthog (A10). We fly F-16s and transitioning to the F35s. But the A-10 is badass.

Yeah, a good buddy of mine is a retired Lt. Col. and flew one in the initial Iraqi invasion.

He said the nickname "Tank Killer" was insanely appropriate...