Coaching Carousel

Cousin Sal said on Simmons podcast that the reason the Garett thing played out all last week was because Jerry wanted for him to stay in the organization and was trying to convince him to take another role , but Jason was insisting that it be a coaching position

lmao if true
Not even sure why fire Garrett to hire this guy? All the young innovative types out there and they bring in a guy who the league past by years ago?

McCarthy made sense for a shit bag organization like the browns who need some freakin stability more than anything but the cowboys needed someone to install a offense that takes advantage of the already developed talent they got!! This Mfer has never had a top 10 rushing offense! How is that a good fit for this team? Only way i see this being a good move is if he brings in a really clever OC, not sure id expect that since offense supposed to be his calling card.

Reports are they only brought in Marvin Lewis (token black guy) and McCarthy, if that true how much more redic can it get? Outside the meddling owner you had one the most desirable jobs I would think and you don’t even talk with any the young hot names? Doesn’t even make sense.
Do Browns hire Garrett? Lol. Im so curious how many ppl turn these losers down!! Reports are Ruhle turned down a interview. Lol. I could actually be convinced Garrett be a decent fit for the Clowns.
Giants hire Joe Judge as HC.

Who?? Pats wr coach? Has anyone seen the pats wrs this year? Between their lack of success and hoody guys being terrible I’d say this yet another slam dunk hire by gmen!! As in it a slam dunk they be back in the market in 3 years!! lol
Shefty helping NYG spin this for the fanbase?

The fan base should be used to gettleman fukkin everything up outside maybe his 1st round picks., you would think he be more interested in getting his draft picks better coaching. I laughed at Shumer hire and this one is even more ridiculous.

I’d rather it be known everyone else turned the job down than let ppl think this was my top choice.. only upside I can see is maybe this be final nail in gettieman coffin.
I cannot believe how much the Panthers are paying Rhule. I predict that he flops big time.

I’d take chance with him over any the other hires besides the guy they fired who committed career suicide for the money I suppose.
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Ruhle really good hire imo. He a proven program builder. I’d have opened my checkbook too if it was either get him or the gmen hire! (The patriots water boy? ) Lol
How the fuck do you spin this as something to get an already pissed off fan base excited? Who the hell is Joe Judge? And how have the Patriots wide receivers looked this year? OMFG

But i root for the Jets and we suck, so my sympathy level is non-existent for those guys.

He was the ST coordinator as well for 3 years, which for the Pats is on par with the off and def coordinators

I actually like the hiring of special teams guys, seen a few nfl guys point thismout on twitter too so most of these arent original

They are the only guys who coach people from offense and defense
Have to motivate guys to play on st which no one really wants to do
Why does the HC need to call plays? Let the oc and dc do that allows you to focus on situations more in game, and makes the HC more of a ceo type role

Also it means a team isnt specifically tied to a scheme

Look at the ravens from early last season to this season, Harbaugh found someone to design an offense around lamar, rather than if he was the offense, shoehorning him into his philosophy

Also makes the oc and DC positions more desirable imo, so you get a better candidate

Lastly, a lot of the ST guys that have been hired as head coaches that have been super successful

Not a lot of them get hired, but harbaugh, bellichek, cowher, Ditka, vermeil, and levy all ST guys
He was the ST coordinator as well for 3 years, which for the Pats is on par with the off and def coordinators

I actually like the hiring of special teams guys, seen a few nfl guys point thismout on twitter too so most of these arent original

They are the only guys who coach people from offense and defense
Have to motivate guys to play on st which no one really wants to do
Why does the HC need to call plays? Let the oc and dc do that allows you to focus on situations more in game, and makes the HC more of a ceo type role

Also it means a team isnt specifically tied to a scheme

Look at the ravens from early last season to this season, Harbaugh found someone to design an offense around lamar, rather than if he was the offense, shoehorning him into his philosophy

Also makes the oc and DC positions more desirable imo, so you get a better candidate

Lastly, a lot of the ST guys that have been hired as head coaches that have been super successful

Not a lot of them get hired, but harbaugh, bellichek, cowher, Ditka, vermeil, and levy all ST guys
I read about how much Belicheat loves him and gave up his precious ST duties to him.

This could be a low key good one
I read about how much Belicheat loves him and gave up his precious ST duties to him.

This could be a low key good one

How many hoody guys have turned out to be good hires? (The Miami guy looks like he might be the 1st), My guess is he came in the room and was the complete opposite of Shurmer and gettelman got all excited.
An Ivy League guy, hmmmm. Could a Penn man put a Princeton grad on his staff?

Image result for jason garrett