Cleveland Cavalier FT Watch


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Staff member
Just going to track this thru the Finals.

Through 5 games this postseason...

Cleveland 148
Opponents 75

well when you continually hammer the ball into the post and have a lot of guys who attack the basket, you're gonna get the calls.

its not as tho the cavs are a team filled with guys who float on the perimeter waiting for the open jump shot..........wait a second...........
It wouldn't have mattered in the first round and won't this round. It will be pretty interesting come the Finals if it happens to be an opponent other than the Lakers. Smoke's youtube imbed in the other thread got me "reminiscing" aboput the 2006 playoffs and the atrocity that was Dwayne Wade in the last two series.

Lol junky, with James they obviously should get a nice amount of FT's but it's been ridiculous already in playoffs. Last night wasn't terrible but just wait.

Also, this can be the LeBron "Fouls committed" watch

Game One vs Atlanta: 34 minutes-0 fouls.
Just going to track this thru the Finals.

Through 5 games this postseason...

Cleveland 148
Opponents 75


I think underneath it should be mention of the 148 how many are Lebron's

G1 11-14
G2 13-17
G3 7-11
G4 16-17
G5 8-9

Total 55-68.

Cleveland 148
Opponents 75
Lebrons 68 out of 148
I think the more interesting stat is Lebron not getting called for any fouls in 34 mins.....that should be monitored as well through the playoffs. Superstar treatment in full effect for sure.
I think you could set a number, actually, on total fouls committed by LeBron in the playoffs from here on in.

Off the top of my head I might say 20.5, but I think that might actually be far too high.
I think the more interesting stat is Lebron not getting called for any fouls in 34 mins.....that should be monitored as well through the playoffs. Superstar treatment in full effect for sure.

That is routine though. I first started tracking this after a game Rasheed got a tech that led to suspension in Cleveland. He basically said after the game how could it be possible for a guy to play 42 minutes with his attacking style and size and not committ a foul. He is right. Like him or not, he has always told the truth about the NBA. It's a lesser version of wrestling basically. Anyways, I tracked after that noticed the rest of season and first round how he averaged something like 1 foul a game. His career stats for fouls are amazing. Somewhere, there was a great article about this.

I'll re-do this thread later and track everything to a tee.
I think you could set a number, actually, on total fouls committed by LeBron in the playoffs from here on in.

Off the top of my head I might say 20.5, but I think that might actually be far too high.

Well, he will play 11-20 more games assuming they go all the way.

I too think that number is high.
I been looking at FT's for a few years for the stars or teams I think the NBA wants to see advance. Its pathetic what this league has become. Its so evident and the normal fan really has no clue. Europe hoops will eventually turn the NBA into some world league football.
I too think that number is high.

And what makes it even funnier is that Dwayne Wade may have had 20+ fouls himself in one playoff series. Lord knows Melo gets called. Kobe, though . . . maybe two a game.
Playoffs this year so far...get ready fellas, and take a seat, I mean it!!

LeBron James. 5 games, 196.29 minutes, 5 personal Fouls, 68 FT attempts.
kobe barely plays defense tho......just kinda loafs around waiting to make a play that makes him look cool (either a steal or a swat), the guy very rarely gets into his opponents jersey with suffocating defense like bron does
kobe barely plays defense tho......just kinda loafs around waiting to make a play that makes him look cool (either a steal or a swat), the guy very rarely gets into his opponents jersey with suffocating defense like bron does

Are you crazy he shuts the best player on the other team down. Only star that wants to man up and guard the other star.
Playoffs this year so far...get ready fellas, and take a seat, I mean it!!

LeBron James. 5 games, 196.29 minutes, 5 personal Fouls, 68 FT attempts.

appox 1 FT attempt per every 2.89 mins

appox 1 foul called per every 39.26 mins (basically 1 per game roughly)

the NBA is Bron-tastic:cheers:
I am with ontime. Not saying Kobe goes all out on defense. LeBron didn't start doing that on a consistent basis till this year though. Of the stars in the game, when Kobe wants to lock down on someone there is no one better. Again, of the stars.
not really dude, thats ariza's role, kobes got too many miles to be concerned with playing defense
I am with ontime. Not saying Kobe goes all out on defense. LeBron didn't start doing that on a consistent basis till this year though. Of the stars in the game, when Kobe wants to lock down on someone there is no one better. Again, of the stars.

no doubt, key point being when he wants to.....kobes grown lazy with age, can't blame him, but thats the way it is
Kobe can't play consistent, 40-minute lockdown defense like he used to. He can still play it in spurts. But his legs are not what they used to be. He's played what, 1200 NBA games? He and Garnett and all these cats who came outta HS, their decline will start much earlier than the average NBA player. Especially the skinny ones like Garnett and Kobe. Bron's body might be a bit more durable as he gets into his 12th, 13th, 14th season.
NBA wants James 2 get a ring just like they wanted Boston to get a ring and just like they wanted Chi Town to get the 1st pick and get Rose.
Zactly. 2 rounds away and we already see the fear and hear the excuses.

Just be happy the king is going to rightfully take his throne this year.

MVP- check. dominated the voting

Finals win (that he guaranteed btw in that pep rally thing)- pending:popcorn:

We are all witnesses.
Why is the eastern conference evening having the playoffs? Just put cleveland in there....everyone knows its coming.

I do wish you were a bit older to remember the Cavs teams from 1988-1993. They played Chicago 4 times in playoffs during that tenure. You would have same feelings as a throwback or anyone else. Cleveland got the next megastar and thats a big thing in this league. It's why in the past 25 years(Stern era) that teams like Detroit, San Antonio and even to a lesser extent Houston have been able to garner 9 'ships.
What's funny is LeBron is actually at the Q right now, just drew a foul on Joe Johnson. Crazy.
Well, it is funny how things go. It looked like all season that the Cavs would at least face a difficult Conference Finals while the Lakers would cruise through the West. The opposite is happening now.

I do wish you were a bit older to remember the Cavs teams from 1988-1993. They played Chicago 4 times in playoffs during that tenure. You would have same feelings as a throwback or anyone else. Cleveland got the next megastar and thats a big thing in this league. It's why in the past 25 years(Stern era) that teams like Detroit, San Antonio and even to a lesser extent Houston have been able to garner 9 'ships.

You're insane. The next megastar? Come on, Cleveland has never seen a player like LeBron, and the league hasn't seen once since Jordan so you're paragraph up there is sort of diluting IMO...

And yeah, maybe if I was 'older,' but I'm not. So I'm going to ride this out until I see something otherwise.
stfu steed ;)

Your not getting the gist of what I am saying. Any Cleveland fan/backer is going to say it's nonsense that Cleveland and James get the benefit of some calls. That is just being blind. The numbers bear it out and in Stern's tenure as commish the same things have happened over and over. Whatt I was comparing it too is back the only other time Cle was good they got burned in a few series because they had to play MJ. Who did Daddy Stern want advancing further? Exactly. The 1988-1989 Cavs team was better than this current Cavs team. And this current Cavs team is one that I respect because they are a 'team' and play hard everynight.
Why? I'm a Cleveland fan and I blatantly say that he gets calls...he gets superstar calls. He gets more at home. Its no worse than any other star. Kobe gets the same amount at Staples, versus a WC road game. Its just what happends, thats the NBA for you. There are realist fans out there when it comes to that IMO.

Alright, well I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers here but there's just a little too much politiking/drama/excuses going on right now....whether its because Cleveland is in the situation they are, or other teams are injured, "people" want them to win or whatever the case. Its the NBA, its going to be how it is but I'll tell you right now I'll take a championship any way we can get it at this rate...
Hell yeah you will. It's been infinity for that city. All stars get calls, absolutely. LeBron right now is at that 2006 Dwayne Wade level. The team as a whole is. We'll see as playoffs carry on.

Lakers in 5 in Finals...;)
I agree that LeBron gets special treatment. I disagree that it's occurring by way of orders from the commissioner's office.
I agree that LeBron gets special treatment. I disagree that it's occurring by way of orders from the commissioner's office.

Where is it coming from then?

It's basically a known what needs to be done. That's why you see certain officials at certain games.

More amazing to me than the getting to line more is the fact this guy never gets called for fouls. He has turned into ahelluva defender this year consistenly but it is simply amazing to me.