Clemson crushes Ohio St

Oh and if anyone has anything more to say in this thread I want to hear facts why I’m wrong. Not opinion or rah rah because Ohio state is your favoritist team of all time and they are just great. And I don’t want to just hear I am wrong or have no idea what I’m talking about. If you have facts share them

But unless you have facts shove that shit up your ass.
Good morning, wire..... I'm curious, who commented on your post that in your "opinion" or you "think" rah rah rah because Ohio St is their "favoritist team of all time and they are just great"?

I didn't notice any Ohio St fans commenting, unless it's "Stewart20" (honestly don't know his/her team). Who are the Ohio St fans that commented?
It’s not you I am referring to l8ker if that’s why you are asking. You disagreed but showed me examples and I have no problem with that.

it’s not even Stewart either. I think he just doesn’t like me although his comments lend me to think I did insult his favorite team. But I can live with that too because I don’t think my wife likes me much so I’m used to that.

it was more or less a preemptive strike against an obvious osu fan who has another thread in this forum. He posted in this thread but other than just saying he hates Sweeney and Sweeney is afraid of osu which is actually laughable he never just said osu will win because they are great in my thread.

But after having read his thread just consider my statement a preemptive warning shot across his bow because my tolerance for hyped fans is very low. Always has been. GL
LMAO...... Good enough for me. I was just curious and yes, for the record, I am not a tOSU fan (only when they make me $$$).

However, it seems as though I need to do further research on this situation. Updates to follow. Haha GL
You’re a downright LOSER. send me $600 and we can call it even. LOSER!!!!!!!! Time for bed old man
go bucks... cant wait to not hear from the toothless clemson followers!! im shocked they know how to use the internet!! go Bucks!!
None. Sorry Bud. He did look off a lot more tonight and I will say that. He is also tougher than I gave him credit for but I still don't like him. Just my opinion. GL
You’re a downright LOSER. send me $600 and we can call it even. LOSER!!!!!!!! Time for bed old man
BS post like this should never be allowed. Wire is one of the most respected posters on here. No one should ever endure horse shit like this, NO ONE!!!
go bucks... cant wait to not hear from the toothless clemson followers!! im shocked they know how to use the internet!! go Bucks!!

so sad when ya see someone who never wins. You can always spot them when they finally do win a game, pathetic. At least pretend you have won before.
Nevada Sportsbooks made record revs in November I think. I imagine they made about 50 million on Clemson bettors. Im not mad at ya.

I did have TL scoring the first TD which helped but I had Clemson closing out a 7, 5,4 ,and 2 teamer that absolutely hurt.
Ok time for my two cents. I have gone against public sentiment at 80% and I have gone with them but it’s by pure accident. I cap and pick my own games. I could not care less whether The line moves or not

the line is exactly where i figured it would be and it is deference to the name Ohio st.

I will say it again and I hope people are listening. For the reasons I gave above Clemson is going to crush osu. It’s not because they always will it’s not because acc is good or big10 is bad. It’s because the osu defensive design scheme is horrible and fields tells every one where he is going to throw. Given those two factors they have no hope of beating a very solid Clemson team. And they won’t. Clemson wins this game and covers period.

and for the record I figure bama then beats the hell out of Nd and beats not the hell out of but beats Clemson.

so there it is after all is said and done that is what is going to happen. I don’t think it it is going to happen. It is going to happen. Bet accordingly. GL

that didnt age well.... 80/20 rule is a thing... in nature as in all things! its the law of the universe. so why the fuck should you pay attention to it?!?!? solid write up though. looks like the TP i just flushed down the drain! and follow your own advice..... i wanna hear facts not some brainwashed ESPN fanboy talking shit because he watched 72 straight hours of sports center!
You are posting this two days after the game?

I was diplomatic the first time you acted like an asshole a few days ago. Perhaps you mistakenly took that for weakness. I’m getting a little tired of your personal attacks. This is twice you have rubbed my nose in it.

I said I was wrong about Ohio state and I strongly suggest you learn to win graciously Another personal attack by you will no doubt result in you creating a screen name at a place called covers which is frankly given your behavior where you belong. Move on please.

But I will again say and for the last time mods please ignore this behavior. Obviously this young man has never won or been right before because he is having trouble knowing how to act like a gentleman. Thanks
Why thank you teapot. Always nice to hear feedback from other posters

mods please ignore him. Let it go. He’s all excited right now. GL
This guy attacked me as well and I never had an opinion on the game. I talked about Fields not being the NFL QB everyone thinks he is. I still don't believe it after this 1 game.
Wise teapot and I have squared things privately. He’s a decent guy. I would let that one go. In fact we should let this whole thread go.

traderjoe and I have however not squared things. But it is possible he sleeps with the fishes because I have not heard back from him. In any event let’s move on my brother. There are more games for us to lose money on. GL
I really like that I’m not a fan of ... unless they make me money. Good one. I wish more people thought like that. GL

Like L*kersfan74 I am a fan of the team I am invested in . Stay safe & healthy W2W, always appreciate your input. I think you and I are gettiing close to celebrating our 20th anniversary :smiledrinkbeer: