Charlie Strong To Texas

who would you have liked them to hire, realistically?

I think its a fine hire. He will breathe energy into the program right away from a recruiting stand point, he'll have free money to hire whichever coach he wants, and the guy was going to get scooped up by a top flight program sooner than later.
who would you have liked them to hire, realistically?

Im just curious to hear the reasons why they hired Strong. Were they in the process of hiring Strong all day and Mora/Briles caught wind and made an announcement about backing out? Or did Texas panic after Mora/Briles backed out of consideration this afternoon? I agree it's hard to hire coaches these days (to and from anywhere) bc everyone makes a lot of money whereas fifteen twenty years ago hardly no one did.
just glad Mora said no thanks...

sucks to be Tejas though, when a HC won't leave UCLA or Baylor for your school. :)
Im just curious to hear the reasons why they hired Strong. Were they in the process of hiring Strong all day and Mora/Briles caught wind and made an announcement about backing out? Or did Texas panic after Mora/Briles backed out of consideration this afternoon? I agree it hard to hire coaches these days (to and from anywhere) bc everyone makes a lot of money whereas fifteen twenty years ago hardly no one did.

Mora has a fine situation at UCLA, is killing it on the recruiting trail, and doesn't have to deal with the focus of the entire state every day. Hell, he isn't even the hot topic in his own City.

Briles has no pressure at Baylor.

The Texas job is a huge job in terms of CFB, the top job of all, however with that comes an overwhelming amount of scrutiny/analyzing your every move. Some guys may just not want to deal with that for a few extra dollars.

Out of the realistic options they had on their list, this is a good hire.
I personally have thought/said all along Briles won't leave Baylor. He has build a monster and wants to guide it. He also has the comfort of him being able to have 3 bad seasons and no one will run him out....whereas Texas would kick him to the curb. However, it's interesting to think that maybe Texas found their coach, and Briles and Mora caught wind of it and decided to back out of the talk....I could see that happening.

Also, as an OU fan, I am not scared of the Strong hire...but I thought if Texas got Franklin or Strong then both would be really good hires. It doesn't scare me, but I think they both will breathe fire back into Texas (and strong has great roots to Florida for recruiting)
We'll see. I just wonder if there were ulterior motives in the hire and I'd like to know if the school panicked or if Strong was there guy all a long. He has an opportunity to succeed that's for sure. QB1 is his first assignment.
The pressure at UT is overrated. They've had three coaches in the 20+ years since I moved to Texas, and none of them were anywhere close to being among the 5 best coaches in the country, and the coach at a top-5 program should be a top-5 coach.
who would you have liked them to hire, realistically?

I think its a fine hire. He will breathe energy into the program right away from a recruiting stand point, he'll have free money to hire whichever coach he wants, and the guy was going to get scooped up by a top flight program sooner than later.
Many. I said from the jump Briles. Even if not him, they have been mortified by this. How far down was CS seriously? You are Texas...they got turned down by coaches. Either the coaches were lame or Idk what. No one can sell me on, "This isnt Texas anymore" because yes it is
Mora has a fine situation at UCLA, is killing it on the recruiting trail, and doesn't have to deal with the focus of the entire state every day. Hell, he isn't even the hot topic in his own City.

Briles has no pressure at Baylor.

The Texas job is a huge job in terms of CFB, the top job of all, however with that comes an overwhelming amount of scrutiny/analyzing your every move. Some guys may just not want to deal with that for a few extra dollars.

Out of the realistic options they had on their list, this is a good hire.
Damn ETG....I like high pressure guys. I am sure TX does too. Very weak hire. You have to see this...should be lined up. Media leaks shit, sure. Shouldnt have this many coaches turn you down
Many. I said from the jump Briles. Even if not him, they have been mortified by this. How far down was CS seriously? You are Texas...they got turned down by coaches. Either the coaches were lame or Idk what. No one can sell me on, "This isnt Texas anymore" because yes it is

It doesn't matter though. Getting rid of Mack was the move that mattered, the next guy is irrelevant. I expect Strong to be successful, and it pains me because I would love for the horns to suck for years to come, but his defenses tend to overachieve and his pro-style offense, like it or not, will attract some awesome QBs
The pressure at UT is overrated. They've had three coaches in the 20+ years since I moved to Texas, and none of them were anywhere close to being among the 5 best coaches in the country, and the coach at a top-5 program should be a top-5 coach.
It doesn't matter though. Getting rid of Mack was the move that mattered, the next guy is irrelevant. I expect Strong to be successful, and it pains me because I would love for the horns to suck for years to come, but his defenses tend to overachieve and his pro-style offense, like it or not, will attract some awesome QBs

Shit, Mediocre Mack's offenses attracted awesome QBs. The problem was that he and his staff often turned them away.
Damn ETG....I like high pressure guys. I am sure TX does too. Very weak hire. You have to see this...should be lined up. Media leaks shit, sure. Shouldnt have this many coaches turn you down

Give me the list of coaches you believe could have signed the dotted line for this job that realistically would leave their current school?

Saban, Gus, Jimbo were never realistic.
We'll see. I just wonder if there were ulterior motives in the hire and I'd like to know if the school panicked or if Strong was there guy all a long. He has an opportunity to succeed that's for sure. QB1 is his first assignment.

They panicked. No way on God's green Earth was Charlie Strong their first choice even though that's what they will be saying publicly. There are a lot of coaches with longer track records than him, I just don't see how he could have been #1.
The funny thing is if Charlie Strong was a panic pick, which he may have been, Texas got lucky as fuck. A buncha worse panic bombs out there imo
Strong was never their #1 choice, but he was always realistic.

Any school could list Saban, Gus, Jimbo, and Gruden as their top 4 choices - it doesn't mean those guys are realistic options.

Maybe I would make a call to Mark Richt and offer him a change of scenery.
Strong was never their #1 choice, but he was always realistic.

Any school could list Saban, Gus, Jimbo, and Gruden as their top 4 choices - it doesn't mean those guys are realistic options.

Maybe I would make a call to Mark Richt and offer him a change of scenery.
I think one of the more realistic ones already took the UW job. He's such a NW guy though that I don't think he would have had any interest in Texas so maybe he wasn't that realistic.
Lets see how Strong goes without a star player first. Many so called "hot" coaches aren't so hot and find it hard to win year in, year out once a star player leaves. TCU without Dalton, Boise without Moore, Chizik without cam, Tom O'Brien without Matt Ryan and Russell Wilson.

And Franklin has to beat some ranked teams. SEC East is down a bit. Lets see how he goes when Florida rise, Tennessee rise. Back to 4-8 seasons
Lets see how Strong goes without a star player first. Many so called "hot" coaches aren't so hot and find it hard to win year in, year out once a star player leaves. TCU without Dalton, Boise without Moore, Chizik without cam, Tom O'Brien without Matt Ryan and Russell Wilson.

LOL!!!!! Twinkie knows all about this. Can you say Curley Hallman? Not so good without Brett Favre....
Lets see how Strong goes without a star player first. Many so called "hot" coaches aren't so hot and find it hard to win year in, year out once a star player leaves. TCU without Dalton, Boise without Moore, Chizik without cam, Tom O'Brien without Matt Ryan and Russell Wilson.

And Franklin has to beat some ranked teams. SEC East is down a bit. Lets see how he goes when Florida rise, Tennessee rise. Back to 4-8 seasons

I agree that Teddy B is a huge reason for Strong's success. One other name and I know I'll get ripped for it but I would have looked long and hard at Larry Fedora. He's got a long track record, took over a bit of a dumpster fire at UNC after Butch and really has that program trending in the right direction. I think he could have been a good fit for Texas.
do you guys really think Texas won't instantly get better recruits, regardless of Strong, because Mack is gone? I do, and in a big way.
I will admit that I like Strong more than most, be curious to see how he does with the ability to put quality coaches all around him, in every position, and how he handles the disbursement of power...that's always the craps shoot.
do you guys really think Texas won't instantly get better recruits, regardless of Strong, because Mack is gone? I do, and in a big way.

just using rivals right now. from the 2014 class, Texas has commits from the #9, #13, & #16 recruits.....In the state of Texas.

That changes immediately with Strong.
do you guys really think Texas won't instantly get better recruits, regardless of Strong, because Mack is gone? I do, and in a big way.

No, I don't. Texas has to take a big step forward first, and 2 or more of A&M, Baylor, Okie and Okie St need to take a backward step.
Winning is all that matters and its how he'll be judged. After-the-fact analysis is the only valid type in situations like this. People can literally say whatever they want right now about Strong or whoever it ends up being.

Pete Carroll was about USC's 5th choice and most fans/alums never wanted him. That is worth remembering.
Idk how Texas is a top 5 program. I can think of at least 15 teams I'd rather play for.

And what the hell are you talking about the only move that mattered is Mack being gone? The new hire doesn't matter? Okay.
Idk how Texas is a top 5 program. I can think of at least 15 teams I'd rather play for.

And what the hell are you talking about the only move that mattered is Mack being gone? The new hire doesn't matter? Okay.
Idk how Texas is a top 5 program. I can think of at least 15 teams I'd rather play for.

And what the hell are you talking about the only move that mattered is Mack being gone? The new hire doesn't matter? Okay.
Idk how Texas is a top 5 program. I can think of at least 15 teams I'd rather play for.

And what the hell are you talking about the only move that mattered is Mack being gone? The new hire doesn't matter? Okay.
U really meant that shit huh?

In other news, those that think Strong was a panic hire. Offshores had him as a fave 3wks ago

Charlie Strong 2/1

Art Briles 9/2

James Franklin 5/1

Mike Gundy 7/1

Bill O'Brien 15/2

Chip Kelly 10/1

David Shaw 10/1

Jim Mora 10/1

Jimbo Fisher 15/1

Jim Harbaugh 20/1

Mike Tomlin 20/1

Dude is a great hire and some of you will be eating your words.
Phone was too cold. Imagine thinking the incoming coach is irrelevant?
That's almost as bad as you thinking a guy with 40 starts at qb for Alabama should go to the sr bowl.
Put the drugs down, before you embarrass yourself on the internet again. I like you and don't wanna see you melt down again. Enjoy your day!
Funny you say that, I'm actually pretty good friends with Greg Linton. The agent for John Conner & about 6 other NFL players. We just spoke about this. Your move......
Guy plays with his teammates for 40 games against the best competition possible and you think he could be upgraded by having a good sr bowl and on top of that you've talked to your agent friends haha
I agree that Teddy B is a huge reason for Strong's success. One other name and I know I'll get ripped for it but I would have looked long and hard at Larry Fedora. He's got a long track record, took over a bit of a dumpster fire at UNC after Butch and really has that program trending in the right direction. I think he could have been a good fit for Texas.

We need to delete this copied post. The wrong people could see it.
We need to delete this copied post. The wrong people could see it.

Ha Ha! I don't think he's going anywhere but do you not agree that he could do some good things at one of the traditional powers? I think the guy is a fantastic coach.