***Champ Week and NFL In-Game***

Just went max bet on FSU 2nd half on the ML......there is no fukkin way this game goes any other way than a DD FSU win.....
I'm not going to, but there is a part of me that feels like trying to dig up all the old threads where playoff vs bowls were debated. Most of them are probably gone in the crash. I want to laugh at everyone that said a playoff will kill the excitement and render the regular season a moot point. LMAO
I thought they had no chance before tonight, but a 40+ win if it ends up being is big

if FSU wins and TCU still gets in it wouldn't shock me, but I think its up in the air

Oregon and Bama are 1-2 in some order, if that is how it was before that is how it will be tomorrow.

If FSU wins, they get a spot. I personally don't see them as one of the 4 best teams, but I'm enough of a realist to know that an undefeated Power 5 team will make the cut.

Then it gets interesting. I would say that if TCU was in before today, they would be in after today, but it isn't necessarily so because you have to assume they are compared against Baylor rather than compared against everyone.

Ohio State after tonight's performance is making a good case, but I don't personally think they are one of the 4 best.
I'm not going to, but there is a part of me that feels like trying to dig up all the old threads where playoff vs bowls were debated. Most of them are probably gone in the crash. I want to laugh at everyone that said a playoff will kill the excitement and render the regular season a moot point. LMAO

Great post.
I'm not going to, but there is a part of me that feels like trying to dig up all the old threads where playoff vs bowls were debated. Most of them are probably gone in the crash. I want to laugh at everyone that said a playoff will kill the excitement and render the regular season a moot point. LMAO

And that would have been pro-SEC fans saying that. Nobody else.
Anyone a sicko and follow CFB to the point that they know about Tulane?

I really wonder if Lorenzo Doss will get drafted....pretty good CB