CFP: Clemson vs Ohio State Discussion

19.5 at my shop

I know Ohio St is not as loaded as they were last year especially on D but I can’t seem to forget last year where the Buckeyes outplayed them for a big chunk of the game. Not sure if they have that in them or not right now....
They lost their defensive stars -- the two corners and Chase Young. Also lost their DC.
I'm playing Clemson and under, with a bit more on the side. Also OSU team under 30. Clemson's DL is much better this year thanks to the addition of Bresee.
It'll be interesting to see how the difference in rest (compared to prior seasons) will affect the defensive game plan for Clemson.

Clemson has gone under in all five of its first-round playoff games (by 9.5 vs. OU, by 25.5 vs. OSU, by 16.5 vs. Alabama, vs. by 22.5 Notre Dame, by 11.5 vs. OSU). Th extra prep time may have something to with it. The fact that Bama with the shorter prep this year is about to go under for the fifth straight time in the first round makes a feel a bit better about the under.

Heads up: 2H under may be an idea, as Clemson in the 1st round has the following scoring by quarter (for=against):

1Q 16-30
2Q 57-16
3Q 38-14
4Q 22-7
They shutout Ohio State and held ND to 3 points...those were first round games? Good for Unders to hold your opponents to 3 or less!
Losing Teague is a huge blow to osu. I know sermon just ran for 300+ Teague is the much better back. More speed and power. They alternated series all 6 games til Teague got hurt at nw.

and before more people tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about check the stats and subtract those 300+ in his last and you will se sermon is really not all that. And even those 300 were against nw for gods sake. Four carried by sermon and after Clemson hits him he will be the most tentative back you ever saw.

Teague out makes it damn impossible for osu to hang with Clemson. Like they ever had a chance. GL
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Losing Teague is a huge blow to osu. I know sermon just ran for 300+ Teague is the much better back. More speed and power. They alternated series all 6 games til Teague got hurt at nw.

and before more people tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about check the stats and subtract those 300+ in his last and you will se sermon is really not all that. And even those 300 were against nw for gods sake. Four carried by sermon and after Clemson hits him he will be the most tentative back you ever saw.

Teague our makes it damn impossible for osu to hang with Clemson. Like they ever had a chance. GL

Who is #2? I'm told they have a 5' 8" 230 lb bulldozer kid
Venables is the best DC in the game
Best since Mickey Andrews
Mickey Andrews -- wow. Blast from the past. He was in Clemson when I was a kid. His son Ronnie was a year younger. Couldn't stand the kid, but I was sorry to learn later that he died so early.
Losing Teague is a huge blow to osu. I know sermon just ran for 300+ Teague is the much better back. More speed and power. They alternated series all 6 games til Teague got hurt at nw.

and before more people tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about check the stats and subtract those 300+ in his last and you will se sermon is really not all that. And even those 300 were against nw for gods sake. Four carried by sermon and after Clemson hits him he will be the most tentative back you ever saw.

Teague out makes it damn impossible for osu to hang with Clemson. Like they ever had a chance. GL
If you really believe that, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
I see this game kinda like I saw the 2012 Nat'l Championship game Bama vs N.D. In my mind there was no doubt who was going to win but seemed to be a lot of debate on how N.D. might beat Bama. I think line was around Bama -10. Score was 42-14
I could not have been wronger (it's not a word, but wronger is appropriate)
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Thanks RMR I appreciate the feedback. I guess it didn’t matter that Teague had over 100 yards more rushing and almost twice as many carries as sermon but you go ahead and take your shots. I was wrong about this game but please enjoy yourself. GL
Thanks RMR I appreciate the feedback. I guess it didn’t matter that Teague had over 100 yards more rushing and almost twice as many carries as sermon but you go ahead and take your shots. I was wrong about this game but please enjoy yourself. GL
I've spoken with people that were at practice all year and Sermon always stood out. Keep in mind it takes a while to gain confidence after major surgery. He's making great cut backs and his numbers are much better game by game.
Try not to be so arrogant with your picks.

Another TD...Fields to Wilson
I report what I see. Or what i thought I saw as I was obviously wrong. There was no arrogance intended but if you would like to have further discussion please post in the new thread I started titled I was wrong. Thanks