CFB Week 6

now that's a game that makes me happy. :thumbsup2:
10 pts over my total at the end of the 3rd quarter. easy win, no sweating it out.

and RAS, i know you tailed that one, so you're welcome. j/k ;)
I've been good bro. Just swamped with work. I've got my full time (40-45 hours per week) day job, and I started my own business four months ago with two friends. So, most of my free time is spent at the business during the evenings.

I hope you got some good $$$ when you sold your business bro. I'm living in Santa Ana now...just so much cheaper than MV. The downside, of course, is that it's ghetto here, but oh well.

Thanks for the kind words bro! Let's get that money this week!

good to hear. and good luck with the new venture.
i ran it, didn't own when the owner's health deteriorated, we had to sell. he was good to me though, so been living ok. will need to find a new gig soon though.
but for so many reasons, including mine, that's why it's best to find a way to be your own boss and own something if at all wish you luck, buddy.
(btw, if it's a microbrew, i want in lol. so many in OC now, especially anahiem, and 2 more coming before end of the year.)
The Bruins did enough in a hostile environment & weird spot of a bye. :shake: I think this squad has enormous upside potential, because you're going to see Utah kick alotta ass & so will Nebby. Mora has just assembled some all world talent, great coaches & created a winning environment. Mora reminds me of Carroll in that aspect, mediocre at best in the NFL in their 1st stints & program changing in CFB.

Yanks bol my man nice hit

^^ double :shake: :shake:
so far, so good...a nice 2-0 start heading into saturday. happy, happy, happy.

last 3 additions for the week...

Buffalo(-4) to Florida(-3.5) to ECU(+1.5) for 1 to win 1
Iowa (-1) for 1/2
ASU TT over 34.5 for 1/2

one more teaser, and this one is strictly driven by my PR #s. bottom line, all 3 of these had some solid line value per my #s...didn't want to play each one straight/by teased the fuckers instead.

Iowa's a straight tail, but only for a half play.

And lastly the ASU/ND game. I mentioned it earlier when responding to a question, and I've fucked with this game all week. Almost laid off, tbh. My eyes tell me ASU rolls PR #s say this is basically a coin flip...and another part of me says ND will power run on ASU all day. Liked the over, but thought I'd get it at around 56 or so. But being in the mid 60s, the value was taken away. So I settled (or ended up with) the ASU team total going over 34.5 points.
Here's my reasoning. What I feel most certain about is that ASU's speed, Kelly being such a duel threat QB, and ND's weaknesses on defense set up for the Sun Devils to surpass this number fairly comfortably.
ND's front 7 is solid, but I don't think their defense is all that great to be honest. It's good, just not great. And obviously I believe Kelly and the ASU passing game will be able to exploit the Domer's defense for enough points.
The reason it's just a half play is twofold...possible letdown spot for them, as this is their 4th straight "big" game...and with ASU, it's always possible they revert to shooting themselves in the foot, like against Wisky. and i'm not talking about special teams as much as i'm talking about receivers dropping way too many beautifully thrown passes that hit them in stride, directly in the hands. didn't happen against usc, but sure did vs wisky...and historically, albeit under different coaching, this tends to rear it's ugly head too often.

anyhow, that should be it for the week. good luck, guys. :cheers:
btw...Week #7 in the Pac-12 is sexy as hell. :goal:

Oregon @ Washington
Stanford @ Utah
Oregon St @ Washington St
Cal @ UCLA
Arizona @ USC
Colorado @ Arizona St

will give thoughts later, prolly after i make plays. but gotdamned, it's gonna be an exciting October/November out west.

btw, found it interesting that the trojans avoid both oregon and washington this year. not happy about that, cuz there goes two potential big plays/wins from my season. :)