CFB Bowls...12/19/06 - 1/8/07

quick summary of my plays

N. Illinois (+12) = loss (-2.10)
BYU (-4) = WIN (+2.00)
Troy (+4) = WIN (+1.00)
Troy/Rice over 54 = WIN (+2.00)
S Florida (-5.5) = WIN (+1.50)
SJST (+3) = WIN (+2.06)
Tulsa (+2) = loss (-2.00)
Hawaii (-7.5) = WIN (+1.50)
C Michigan (-7.5) = WIN (+2.00)
UCLA (-3) = loss (-1.65)
Florida St/UCLA over 39 = WIN (+1.50)
Bama (+1) = loss (-2.00)
Rutgers (-8) = WIN (+1.50)
KSt/Rutgers over 44.5 = WIN (+1.50)
TX A&M (+4) = loss (-2.00)
Kentucky (+10) = WIN (+1.00)
Mizzou/OregonSt over 52 = WIN (+2.00)
Oregon St (-4) = loss (-1.00)
S Carolina (-6) = WIN (+3.00)
TexasTech (-7) = loss (-3.30)
Maryland (-2) = WIN (2.02)
Texas (-10) = loss (-1.00)
VTech (-3) = loss (-2.00)
BC (-7) = loss (-2.00)
Miami (-3.5) = loss (-2.00)
Nebraska (+1.5) = loss (-1.50)
Penn St (+3.5) = WIN (+1.545)
Penn St/Tenn over 41 = loss (-1.605)
W Virginia (-10) = loss (-1.53)
Wisky (+1.5) = WIN (+2.06)
Okie (-8.5) = loss (-3.15)
UM (-2.5) = loss (-3.00)
UM ML = loss (-2.00)
Wake (+10) = loss (-2.08)
LSU (-10) = WIN (+2.02)
LSU/ND over 56 = loss (-2.04)

(ok, 17-19, down 7.75 units is the correct math. hard to keep track of all these spread out posts. i'll try to come back to this window, and keep a summary...if for nothing else, clarity's sake.)
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12 down, 20 to go...with 5 on tap for Friday

10-5, 6.81 units to the good so far. Thursday was another split day...2-2, but dropped a unit overall. Both Bama and A&M forgot to play defense today, unfortunately.

Anyways, here are my Friday additions. Numbers & plays are updated in the post above. And i already have Maryland from a couple weeks ago listed...though as a 2 pt favorite, when i made that play. Here are the rest for Friday...

Music City Bowl, December 29
Kentucky (+10) over Clemson (-104) for 1 unit

Their run defense keeps this a small play for me. But i don't think Clemson will totally show up...and i do think Kentucky will have enough success with their passing game to kee this w/in the number.

Sun Bowl, December 29
Missouri/Oregon St over 52 (-111) for 2 units
Oregon St (-4) over Missouri (+103) for 1 unit

Obviously not as confident in terms of who will win, as i am of both teams putting up their fair share of points in this one.

Liberty Bowl, December 29
S Carolina (-6) over Houston (+100) for 2 units

Some great threads around the forum on this game. Just think USC outclasses Houston too much. As long as Spurrier's team shows up to play, Kolb (at his best) won't be able to keep this very close.

Insight Bowl, December 29
Texas Tech (-7) over Minnesota (-110) for 2 units

Fading what i see as a horrible Minnesota team. TT has been up & down this year, but i can't see Minny keeping up with them at all.

So i got at least one play on all 5 bowl games for Friday...6 total, with the one over in the Sun.
Hope you're all doing well so far bowling. Enjoy the Friday games...all day long.
added another unit (same odds/line) to the South Carolina and Texas Tech plays both are 3 unit plays now, instead of 2.

both fondu's TxTech post and everythingthatsgreen's USC post convinced me to up those two plays a bit. great info in both threads.
Good luck today Yanks...Our cards are very similar. Today goes a long ways towards this bowl season being HUGE. Go Red Raiders and Cocks!
GL today Yanks, hope we get tech and south carolina. BOL with the others, they were a little confusing since I leaned one way but so many others on the other side.
midway point...17 down, 15 to go...3 on tap for Sat, and 1 for Sun

Ended up going 4-2 on Friday, and survived the TT debacle.
14-7 so far this bowl season, 10.53 units to the good. (All updated in the window a few posts up.)

Trout, Mule, Renew :shake:
Everything was great, except for the 1st half of thr TT game. Unfortunately, the forum took a big hit on that one.

Anyways, i've had two of the three saturday games played for some time, VTech (-3) and BC (-7). No changes there...but i added the third Saturday game, as well as Sunday's single bowl game. (Looks like i'm all public over the weekend...yikes.)

Alamo Bowl, December 30
Texas (-10) over Iowa (+101) for 1 unit

My least favorite game of the hopefully RJ is right, and they take this thing by double digits.

Computer Bowl, December 31
Miami (-3.5) over Nevada (+100) for 2 units

As long as the Canes decide to (semi) show up...for Coker's final game, and the completion of a crap season...they jsut got too much talent, class, athleticism, etc for Nevada to handle.

Enjoy the weekend, and happy new year!!! :drink:

Yanks26Sox6 said:
N. Illinois (+12) = loss (-2.10)
BYU (-4) = WIN (+2.00)
Troy (+4) = WIN (+1.00)
Troy/Rice over 54 = WIN (+2.00)
S Florida (-5.5) = WIN (+1.50)
SJST (+3) = WIN (+2.06)
Tulsa (+2) = loss (-2.00)
Hawaii (-7.5) = WIN (+1.50)
C Michigan (-7.5) = WIN (+2.00)
UCLA (-3) = loss (-1.65)
Florida St/UCLA over 39 = WIN (+1.50)
Bama (+1) = loss (-2.00)
Rutgers (-8) = WIN (+1.50)
KSt/Rutgers over 44.5 = WIN (+1.50)
TX A&M (+4) = loss (-2.00)
Kentucky (+10) = WIN (+1.00)
Mizzou/OregonSt over 52 = WIN (+2.00)
Oregon St (-4) = loss (-1.00)
S Carolina (-6) = WIN (+3.00)
TexasTech (-7) = loss (-3.30)
Maryland (-2) = WIN (2.02)
Texas (-10) = loss (-1.00)
VTech (-3) = loss (-2.00)
BC (-7) = loss (-2.00)
Miami (-3.5) = loss (-2.00)

(ok, 14-11, plus 3.53 units is the correct math. hard to keep track of all these spread out posts. i'll try to come back to this window, and keep a summary...if for nothing else, clarity's sake.)

but due to all the various posts, here's a recap of the plays still pending...

Nebraska (+1.5) for 1.5
Penn St (+3.5) for 1.5
Penn St/Tenn over 41 for 1.5
W Virginia (-10) for 1.5
Wisky (+1.5) for 2
Okie (-8.5) for 3
UM (-2.5) for 3
UM ML for 2
LSU (-10) for 2

most of these still pending were made/posted long ago...and unfortunately, most of the lines have moved against me. not all, but most.
gonna play each & every bowl more to come.

Was doing great, then hit a little bump in the road the last two days. Lost my last four bowl plays. Unfortunately, it seems to have been a rough couple of days for the majority of the forum. Time to turn that shit around...

But the 6-pack of bowls on 1/1 will make or break the bowl season for me...and for many of us, i assume.
Played Michigan really big, long ago. Played Oklahoma fairly big, also long ago. And played Wisky normally, long ago as well.
Just added the other three 1/1 games. I'll post those next, but i've played each and every game so far...and i'm not gonna stop now.

GL today. Let's start the New Year off right! :drink:
and down the stretch they come...

We gotta nice 6-pack of bowls for 1/1. And it'll go a long way towards determining the overall bowl season's success.

The post above has my updated bowl #'s...past and future plays included.

These 4 plays, concerning three of the six 1/1 bowls, were previously made & posted...and are jsut being repeated yet again. But these are the bigguns for me.

Wisky (+1.5) for 2
Okie (-8.5) for 3
UM (-2.5) for 3
UM ML for 2

And here are 4 more plays, concerning the other three 1/1 bowls, that i jsut made tonight...all somewhat smaller than normal.

Outback Bowl, January 1
Penn St/Tennessee over 41 (-107) for 1.5 units
Penn St (+3.5) over Tennessee (+103) for 1.5 units

JoPa's gonna somehow lead these doggies to the promised land.

Cotton Bowl, January 1
Nebraska (+1.5) over Auburn (+100) for 1.5 units

Very even game. Just think Auburn doesn't completely show up. They're better than this, imo...but that's been the story of their year.

Gator Bowl, January 1
W Virginia (-10) over Georgia Tech (-102) for 1.5 units

Some big names missing from this one. Jsut think West Virginia outclasses Georgia Tech, and will have a field day...once they get things going.

Well, that should do it for the first day of the New Year. 6 beautiful bowl games...and hopefully 8 beautiful winners.
Hey...what's the new year for, if not a little optimism?

Anyways...enjoy the day. Football all day long is never a bad thing.
BOL, and Happy New Year! :drink:
wow...two things are getting significantly played, by looking at line movements in the past hour...while most of the world sleeps, lol.

the pennst/tennessee over, and michigan. i saw michigan was back to being the favorite, but it's going up.
a month ago, i took UM -2.5 at +110. then they became the dog...and i took them on the ML for a couple more units.

if you want that same -2.5 this early have to pay -101. guess i haven't been payign attention, but it was only a couple days ago you could get UM at plus odds on the ML. jsut seems like all the late $ is coming in on UM...
Wonder what you see in the over on TN/PSU; every time I look at it, I'm coming up with something around 34-35; good luck today, hope it's a good one.
had a long response to you about line movement but it got deleted...anyways good luck bro!
only a few left to go...

and damn, the last 3 days have been tough. ever since 12/30, my bowl season has gone south. (btw...all my #'s are up to date above in post #51, i think. but went from 14-7 & up a fair amount, to 16-17 and down 5.65 units in the last 3 days. fucking horrible...though i didn't mind the OU loss all that much. what an ending!!!)

Anyways, got LSU played from a while ago for Wednesday. But here's my Tuesday play...

Orange Bowl, January 2
Wake Forest (+10) over Louisville (-104) for 2 units

Let's hope for some of that Boise St magic to come Wake's way tonight.

Hopefully, your New Year is off to a better start. :drink:
the birthday jinx, or something...

Yanks26Sox6 said:
N. Illinois (+12) = loss (-2.10)
BYU (-4) = WIN (+2.00)
Troy (+4) = WIN (+1.00)
Troy/Rice over 54 = WIN (+2.00)
S Florida (-5.5) = WIN (+1.50)
SJST (+3) = WIN (+2.06)
Tulsa (+2) = loss (-2.00)
Hawaii (-7.5) = WIN (+1.50)
C Michigan (-7.5) = WIN (+2.00)
UCLA (-3) = loss (-1.65)
Florida St/UCLA over 39 = WIN (+1.50)
Bama (+1) = loss (-2.00)
Rutgers (-8) = WIN (+1.50)
KSt/Rutgers over 44.5 = WIN (+1.50)
TX A&M (+4) = loss (-2.00)
Kentucky (+10) = WIN (+1.00)
Mizzou/OregonSt over 52 = WIN (+2.00)
Oregon St (-4) = loss (-1.00)
S Carolina (-6) = WIN (+3.00)
TexasTech (-7) = loss (-3.30)
Maryland (-2) = WIN (2.02)
Texas (-10) = loss (-1.00)
VTech (-3) = loss (-2.00)
BC (-7) = loss (-2.00)
Miami (-3.5) = loss (-2.00)
Nebraska (+1.5) = loss (-1.50)
Penn St (+3.5) = WIN (+1.545)
Penn St/Tenn over 41 = loss (-1.605)
W Virginia (-10) = loss (-1.53)
Wisky (+1.5) = WIN (+2.06)
Okie (-8.5) = loss (-3.15)
UM (-2.5) = loss (-3.00)
UM ML = loss (-2.00)

(ok, 16-17, down 5.65 units is the correct math. but since my b-day on 12/30...went from 14-7 to 16-17...fucking 2-10 bowl stretch, the L3 days. unreal.)

here's a recap of the plays still pending...

Wake (+10) for 2
LSU (-10) for 2

jsut wanted to share my pain, over the L3 days. it's a brutal little run...but fuck it, it's over and done with.
last second addition

Notre Dame/LSU over 56 (-102) for 2 units

to go along with that LSU (-10) play for tonight. BOL:drink: