CCC Week 7 Roundtable Meeting


Week 7 is upon us already.

Lines dropped this morning and I jumped on Ottawa getting 4 points in the Hammer and the unders there and in Winnipeg.

As a point of discussion...does anyone else feel like 11 points is just too much to be giving the Argos? I made that line 8. I know they had basically no offense whatsoever last week but I think they at least have a chance of keeping this one close. Dylan Wynn being back will help get Harris under control and there may be other injured defensive players returning.
I dont understand how hamilton can lay that many when they couldnt protect last week and traded what was the starting LT i believe?

Agreed on too many with Toronto, as bad as they looked i do like franklin and Trestman is a good coach, i expect they figure it out and keep this close.

Cant really explain it yet, but at first glance like sasky pts at home

Calgary has been lights out 1st halfs but showing lazy tendencies in 2nds
LT is the most important on the line and not someone you replace overnight. The cats tried about 5 or 6 guys there before settling on Washington late last year. Now June Jones is suggesting Kay Okafor a 3rd rounder from last years draft or Avery Jordan from the practice roster could start there. I'm on Ottawa +4 pretty big.

Hamilton's defence also gets markedly better with Jamal Westermann who will step in right away and start most likely. Under is a play too.
Reports are Matt Shilz is taking 1st team reps at practice today. Manziel just doing a few drills on day 1.

I can't see Manziel playing in this game at all. Montreal on a short week Sat-Thurs. Just no way to get him ready on time. At most he comes in to execute a package here or there but even that is unlikely IMO
Ottawa can beat Hamilton bro.

Ottawa plays well against every team except Calgary. Although they beat them in the grey cup.

I don’t like masoli as a trusted q.b. Sure he had good numbers but too many times in crucial situation he throws the int.

He’s a decent starter but not in the upper echelon level.

Ottawa is solid all around. Not spectacular but good enough to win these type of +4 games.

I’m thinking they can win outright.

This line in my humble radiant opinion is a PICKEM
That’s what I made it too Sammy. Pickem or maybe cats -1.

I think 4points is a gift and now it’s 4.5 at some books.

I agree and June Jones is also bound to start losing

The combo of jones and Granville will certainly lose some games.
Its also hard not to take a look at the under in Regina.

Stamps haven't given up more than 14 all year and I don't see Bridge, Watford and co changing that. Stamps are 5-0 under and their games have averaged just over 38 points. Riders are 4-1 under and their games have averaged 45.2 points.

This could easily be a 18-13 kind of game with these defences.

On the other hand, 47.5 is a very low number.
On second thought, I am going to stay away and look for a 2H opp there. Bo’s comments about how the defence has been carrying the offence all year and they have to score more points make me feel like they are not going to be content scoring 24 this week and will keep the foot on the gas.
Shawn lemon headed to BC in exchange for a neg list player. Good rotational guy for BC who may even start over Willis.

But what are the Argos doing? They are beat up as fuck on defense already and now they trade away a starter? Are they playing for next year already?

Can’t take the Argos right now. I don’t understand this move.
Looks like Kenbrell Tompkins will be replacing Adarius Bowman in the lineup for the Bombers. Probably an improvement.

Riders LB Moncrief added to the 6-game. Meanwhile Carter is parcticing with the receivers again.

Tunde Adeleke back at practice for the stumps. Not sure if he will be starting this week
So Bernon Adams getting the start in Montreal but manziel is expected to play at some point. Where do we think the line opens?

I think a fair line would be Esks -6 but people could pound Montreal until it’s down to 4 or better on hype alone. Might be some value on the Inuit if that happens.
I'm expecting to see Esks / Inuit >7, but my man crush on Reilly might be too evident.

Stamps/Riders will be appointment TV on Saturday. I feel like they've pkayed a tight game lpaded with FGs in the past as mentioned above.

Any ideas on why the REDBLACKS aren't clicking yet? They have a caps lock name going for them. Sinopoli had a great game, but I feel like we have yet to see all WRs involved in a game. That's when they are dangerous.

Ellingson and Spencer too busy getting nice haircuts and clowning on instagram?
Wow did I ever get the Ottawa Hamilton game wrong.

Line up to 6.5 now and total up to 55.5 at some places. I really don’t get those moves at all. I feel like adding to my plays there because these line moves make no sense to me.
Is it the trade that’s doing this? I mean Hamilton got 2 guys that will start right away but their OL is in trouble and now they will be starting a LT who has never taken a snap at the position.

I may end up going real big this week.
Great minds scarf...

This is a number I bet on principle alone, Hulu. Ottawa's issue is in the red zone. But did you see how they moved the ball going in that 2 minute drive last week? Be surprised not to see more of that this week. If Masoli can take advantage of the secondary issues that Redblacks had last week then maybe I can understand this more, but I'm starting to see the holes in the American coaches going Canadian in this league....Sherman, Jones, Glanville...still haven't picked up the intricacies of the 3-down league yet.

Me thinks the edge is definitely on grabbing the 6 here.
And I'll go one further...that Calgary -6.5 stinks out loud to me. Seeing the total down to 47, but I can see Sask winning this game outright. Calgary impressed me not at all vs. Montreal. Bo Levi looked off all game and they just played to run that clock out. If I grow a sack, (and hopefully if it hits 7), I may back SlingBlade at home...their game plan really impressed me last week...and I'm shocked that I would be saying that about that team at any point this season after watching the first 3 weeks of the year...
Argos are in trouble. Both Wilder Jr and McCluster leave practice with lower body injuries.
This is a number I bet on principle alone, Hulu. Ottawa's issue is in the red zone. But did you see how they moved the ball going in that 2 minute drive last week? Be surprised not to see more of that this week. If Masoli can take advantage of the secondary issues that Redblacks had last week then maybe I can understand this more, but I'm starting to see the holes in the American coaches going Canadian in this league....Sherman, Jones, Glanville...still haven't picked up the intricacies of the 3-down league yet.

Me thinks the edge is definitely on grabbing the 6 here.

Scarf I read that Trevor Harris had a rest day yesterday and Dom Davis took first team reps. Maybe that’s why the line moved toward the cats.

But Rick Campbell said Harris is fine and will start.

I’m grasping at straws here to explain this line move.
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And I'll go one further...that Calgary -6.5 stinks out loud to me. Seeing the total down to 47, but I can see Sask winning this game outright. Calgary impressed me not at all vs. Montreal. Bo Levi looked off all game and they just played to run that clock out. If I grow a sack, (and hopefully if it hits 7), I may back SlingBlade at home...their game plan really impressed me last week...and I'm shocked that I would be saying that about that team at any point this season after watching the first 3 weeks of the year...

I agree scarf. Sask has a strong home advantage and always gives Calgary fits in Regina. The place will be packed and loud and Calgary is bound to turn in a clunker at some point. They aren’t going 18-0. Looks like carter is back on offence this week by all accounts. Calgary without Cordero Law again. There’s a lot of little things here that suggest an upset possibility.

Only think holding me back is that both Bo and Dikenson made comments this week about how the defense has been carrying the offence and how they can’t get into the habit of taking their foot off the gas down the stretch.

If it hits 7 I’ll be on the riders.
I agree with the question marks surrounding Hamilton, but what do you guys like so much about Otttawa? Maybe they're due for a good game, but they're not looking nearly as dangerous offensively.
I think they picked apart BCs secondary last week pretty good. But more importantly I think their defense is good enough to really shut down the cats offense.

Also one thing I like about this matchup is these teams both have a negative home advantage recently. RBs are 5-8 ats at home vs 9-2 away since last year. Cats are 5-6 ats at home vs 7-5 away. The SU numbers mirror the same. These teams have just done better on the road.

I wouldn’t expect this trend to hold long term but I think it may have something to do with the QBs Harris and Masoli both really do t like the media spotlight and may just be more comfortable away from the spotlight.
I suspected the Argos would get some defensive help back this week.

Beltre, Plummer, Cassius Vaughn all back and Bear Woods at practice for the first time although he may not be ready for game action just yet.

I will post 1 Buddha story of the day to add some depth and substance to our CCC.

Here it comes.

There was an old farmer who had worked his crops for years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news the neighbours came to visit and said such bad luck and offered sympathies.

Maybe the farmer replied.

The next morning the horse returned bringing with it 3 other wild horses. How wonderfully the neighbors exclaimed.

Maybe the farmer replied.

The next day the farmer’s son rode one of the untamed horses and was thrown off the horse and broke his leg . The neighbors came to offer their sympathy on the sons misfortune.

Maybe the farmer replied.
The next day the military showed up to draft young men into the army. They passed over the son because of his broken leg. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things turned out.

Maybe the farmer replied.

Lesson:: The farmer is practicing non judgment. He understands the true nature of life. You cannot judge an event as an end in a way. Whether the day was good or bad there are a million effects which can arise from 1 event.
Buddha Story #2.


Buddha invited a university professor over for tea who wanted to learn about ZEN.

Buddha started pouring tea into the professors cup and kept pouring the tea. The professor watched the Buddha as he kept pouring and finally shouted IT IS OVERFILL NO MORE WILL GO IN.

Like this cup, Buddha said YOU ARE FULL OF YOUR OWN OPINIONS AND JUDGMENTS. How can I show you ZEN unless you first EMPTY your CUP.

LESSON. clear the mind of all opinions judgements and speculations.
Tomorrow could this game be a game in which Montreal plays inspired with Vernon and Johnny or

do the Eskimo’s defensively stymie Vernon and Johnny en route to an Eskimo’s rout?
Tomorrow could this game be a game in which Montreal plays inspired with Vernon and Johnny or

do the Eskimo’s defensively stymie Vernon and Johnny en route to an Eskimo’s rout?

I could see the entire team getting a lift from the trade and playing better overall. At least they see the organization taking steps to improve instead of just languishing.
I could see the entire team getting a lift from the trade and playing better overall. At least they see the organization taking steps to improve instead of just languishing.

Yes it could be the case.

Perhaps a ZEN story about 2 acrobats will be a prefatory to tonight’s game!!!

Stay tuned for the 2 acrobats!
Buddha story #3.

Watch yourself:

There was a pair of acrobats. The teacher was a poor widower and the student was a young boy by the name of Meda. These acrobats performed each day on the streets in order to earn enough to eat.

Their act consisted of the teacher balancing a tall bamboo pole on his head while the little boy climbed slowly to the top. Once to the top, he remained there while the teacher walked along the ground.

Both performers had to maintain complete focus and balance in order to prevent any injury from occurring and to complete the performance, one day the teacher said to the pupil

Listen Meda I will watch you and you watch me, so that we can help each other maintain concentration and balance to prevent an accident. Then surely we’ll earn enough to eat .

But the little boy was wise, he answered, dear master I think it would be better for each of us to watch ourself. TO LOOK AFTER ONESELF MEANS TO LOOK AFTER BOTH OF US. That way i am sure we will avoid any accidents and earn enough money to eat.

Lesson- Taking care of yourself is the most important thing you can do to take care of others.

2 acrobats? Manziel and Adams?

Could it be ? The Montreal acrobats?

I’m thinking I could be smelling a moneyline underdog.
+9 and +280 both look good.

I see the ACROBATS possibly winning outright.

Between Vernon and Johnny the 2 acrobats are very good athletes. I think they could both make a couple of splash plays breaking containment.

Edmonton lost at Toronto so they could definitely lose at Montreal.

Manziel gets in and starts dominating and then fires up the team and crowd? He did at Texas A and M when he first started abd also in his limited time with Cleveland he immediately started off hot.
The 2 acrobats vs the warrior Reilly!

Reilly looks like an ancient warrior. Beard and all and his playing style. He could totally be in one of those lord rings movies or gladiator movies

The acrobats vs the warrior!!