Bum's 2016 CFL Regular Season

Argos - Peg over 47.5 -161 (3pt buy)

over 24 -143 (pt)

over 10 -120 1Q

Argos over 20.5 -115 TT

Argos over 10.5 -120 1H TT

Peg over 26.5 -110 TT

Peg over 13 -120 1H TT

5* 13pt tease -140

Argos +19
over 37
Stamps +5
over 40.5


Gurley over 4 receptions -125

Gurley over 64.5 receiving yds -115

Dressler over 5 receptions -140

Dressler over 74.5 receiving yds -120

winline, otobet, 1xbet, greek, pinny. bovada....2*
Stamps -6.5 -150 (2pt buy)

Stamps -4.5 -105 1H

Stamps -2 -106 1Q

RBs - Stamps over 50.5 -167 (3pt buy)

over 27 +102 1H

over 10.5 -106 1Q

RBs over 21.5 -120 TT

RBs over 10.5 -120 1H TT

Stamps over 30.5 -125 TT

Stamps over 16 -115 1H TT

5* 13pt tease -140

Stamps +5
over 40.5
Eskies +7.5
over 41.5

5* 7pt tease -120

Stamps -1
over 46.5


Williams over 5.5 receptions -140

Williams over 89.5 receiving yds -120

McDaniel over 4.5 receptions -125

McDaniel over 71.5 receiving yds -115

greek, winline, otobet, bovada, 18bet, pinny....2*
Eskies ML -169 1H

Eskies ML -128 1Q

Eskies - Riders over 52 -145 (2pt buy)

over 24.5 -1H -167 (2.5 buy)

over 10.5 -106 1Q

3* Eskies over 27.5 -115 TT

Eskies over 14 -125 1H TT

Riders over 23.5 -125 TT

Riders over 11.5 -120 1H TT

pinny, marathon, otobet, winline, bovada, greek....2*
thx Z, back at ya brother....\m/

week 13....17-17-3 -6.48*....teasers 6-4 +2*....props 6-5-1 -1.2*

cfl ytd 336-299-18 +22.57*....parlays + teasers 96-101-7 -49.52*....props 172-128-10 +45.25*

week 14

13pt tease -140

Argos over 40.5
Eskies over 41
Stamps over 40
Cats over 38.5

13pt tease -140

Argos +19
Leos +14.5
Stamps +3.5
Cats +8

13pt tease -140

Argos over 40.5
Eskies over 41
TCU over 53 (cfb)
Wyoming over 48 (cfb)

13pt tease -140

Argos +18.5
over 40.5
Eskies +12
over 41

13pt tease -140

RBs +7.5
over 40.5
Leos +14
over 41

Argos - RBs over 51 -145 (2pt buy)

over 26 -143 1H (pt)

over 10.5 -112 1Q

Argos over 22.5 -125 TT

Argos over 11.5 -115 1H TT

RBs over 27.5 -120 TT

RBs over 14 -115 1H TT


Williams over 5 receptions -130

Williams over 85.5 receiving yds -115

Gurley over 4 receptions -120

Gurley over 62.5 receiving yds -115

winline, otobet, 1xbet, greek, bovada....2*
Eskies ML -115

Leos - Eskies over 51.5 -154 (2.5 buy)

over 26 -143 1H (pt)

over 10.5 -122 1Q

Leos over 24.5 -125 TT

Leos over 12.5 -115 1H TT

Eskies over 26.5 -120 TT

Eskies over 13.5 -115 1H TT

5* 7pt tease -120

Eskies +6
over 46.5

tempobet, winline, otobet, greek, bovada....2*
thx T, you too brother

13pt tease -140

Stamps +4
over 40
Cats +8.5
over 39

13pt tease -140

Peg +22.5
over 40
Riders +18
over 39

10pt tease -130

Stamps +1
over 43
Cats over 42

winline. pinny....5*
Stamps -6.5 -160 (2.5 buy)

Stamps -4.5 -120 1H

Stamps ML -175 1Q

Peg - Stamps over 49.5 -161 (3pt buy)

over 24.5 -167 1H (2pt buy)

over 10.5 -105 1Q

Peg over 20.5 -120 TT

Peg over 10.5 -110 1H TT

Stamps over 29.5 -110 TT

Stamps over 15 -120 1H TT

5* 7pt tease -120

Stamps -2
over 46


Nichols over 259.5 yds passing -120

Dressler over 5 receptions -140

Dressler over 75.5 receiving yds -115

McDaniel over 4.5 receptions -130

McDaniel over 73.5 receiving yds -115

greek, otobet, pinny, winline, bovada....2*
Cats - Riders under 55.5 -167 (3pt buy)

under 27.5 -143 (pt)

under 10.5 -105 1Q


Cats under 340.5 passing yds -135

Riders under 280.5 passing yds -115

winline, otobet, greek....2*
week 14....19-13 +4.7*....teasers 4-3-3 +4*....props 3-6-2 -8.5*

cfl ytd 355-312-18 +27.27*....parlays + teasers 100-104-10 -45.52*....props 175-134-12 +36.75*

week 15

2* Peg ML -155

5* 13pt tease -140

Peg over 40
Stamps over 41.5
Leos over 40
Als over 36

5* 13pt tease -140

Peg +10
Stamps +10.5
Leos +7.5
Als +10

bm, pinny
Eskies - Peg over 51 -160 (2.5 buy)

over 27 +100 1H

over 10.5 -112 1Q

Eskies over 23.5 -115 TT

Eskies over 12.5 -115 1H TT

Peg over 27.5 -125 TT

Peg over 13.5 -125 1H TT

5* 7pt tease -120

Peg +4
over 46


Nichols over 265.5 passing yds -130

Nichols over 1.5 TDs +120

Reilly over 1.5 TDs -155

greek, pinny, winline, bovada....2*
13pt tease -150

Stamps +10.5
over 41
Leos +7.5
over 40

13pt tease -150

Stamps over 41
Leos +7.5
over 40
Ohio St over 45.5 (cfb)

13pt tease -150

Stamps over 41
Leos over 40
Ohio St over 45.5 (cfb)
Puke over 49 (cfb)

10pt tease -130

Stamps +7.5
over 44
Leos +4.5

10pt tease -130

Stamps over 44
Leos +4.5
over 43

10pt tease -130

Stamps over 44
Leos over 43
Als over 39

13pt tease -150

Stamps over 41
Leos +7.5
over 40
Als over 36

pinny, winline, greek....5*
Agree with Calgary...I'm on them every which way also. I don't see how Hamilton even competes today. Could easily be a blowout. Good luck
indeed Hulu, bol my brah....\m/

Stamps ML -135

Stamps ML -130 1H

Stamps pk -125 1Q

Stamps over 27.5 -130 TT

Stamps over 14.5 -115 1H TT

3* 7pt tease -120

Stamps +4.5
over 47.5

pinny, winline, bovada, greek....2*
Leos -3 -150 (2pt buy)

Leos ML -164 1H

Leos ML -141 1Q

Cats - Leos over 51 -160 (2.5 buy)

over 26.5 -105 1H

over 10.5 -106 1Q

RBs over 22.5 -115 TT

RBs over 11.5 -115 1H TT

Leos over 27.5 -120 TT

Leos over 14 -115 1H TT

3* 7pt tease -120

Leos +2.5
over 46

3* 12/14pt tease -150

Leos +7.5
over 41
Oregon over 60.5 (cfb)
Boise over 45.5 (cfb)

greek, pinny, bovada, marathon, winline....2*
week 15....20-7 +21.68*....teasers 10-3 +28.5*....props 3-0 +6.4*....better

cfl ytd 375-319-18 +48.95*....parlays + teasers 110-107-10 -17.02*....props 178-134-12 +43.15*
week 16

13pt tease -140

RedBlacks +6.5
Leos +14.5
Eskies +10
Stamps +4

13pt tease -140

RedBlacks over 40
Leos over 42
Eskies over 38.5
Stamps over 39.5

13pt tease -140

Eskies +10
over 38.5
Stamps +3.5
over 39.5

13pt tease -140

Eskies +10
over 38.5
Stamps +3.5
Pans +7.5 (nfl)

10pt tease -130

Eskies +7
Stamps +0.5
Pans +4.5 (nfl)

ML parlay +201

Eskies -154
Stamps -370
Pans -227 (nfl)

ML parlay +126

Eskies -154
Stamps -370

pinny, tempobet....3*
2* Eskies ML -154

Eskies ML -140 1H

Eskies ML -135 1Q

over 49 -156 (3pt buy)

over 26 -110 1H

over 10 -120 1Q

Eskies over 27.5 -110 TT

Eskies over 13.5 -120 1H TT

Als over 24 -120 TT

Als over 12 -120 1H TT

2* Stamps -7 -160 (2.5 buy)

2* Stamps -5.5 -110 1H

2* Stamps -3 -105 1Q

Stamps over 30 -115 TT

Stamps over 16 -115 1H TT

3* 7pt tease -120

Eskies +4
Stamps -2


2* 1st TD: Eskies -130

2* Carter over 63.5 receiving yds -115

tempobet, 5d, pinny, greek, winline, 1xbet....1* unless noted
Grey Cup winner

2* Calgary +500
1* BC Lions +800

1* Hamilton +650
1* Toronto +550

East Division winner

1* Hamilton +200
1* Toronto +200

West Division winner

2* Calgary +270
1* BC Lions +340

best record

1* Calgary +340

bill hill, playnow, winline

easy winners with Stamps winning the West and the best record....they'll end up with the best record in the history of the league, and they will certainly win the Grey Cup without a doubt....\m/
week 16....12-3 +12.5*....parlays + teasers 7-1 +22.78*....props 0-2 -4.9*

cfl ytd 387-322-18 +61.45*....parlays + teasers 117-108-10 +5.76*....props 178-136-12 +38.25*

week 17

3* Cats ML -130

sportbet....most important game of the weekend is in Hamilton....Kenny Austin will have his team ready after the bye....\m/
13pt tease -140

Cats +10.5
over 39.5
Leos +8
over 42

13pt tease -140

Cats +10.5
Leos +8
Mempiss +2.5 (cfb)
Miss St +20 (cfb)

13pt tease -140

Cats over 39.5
Leos over 42
Louisville over 57.5 (cfb)
San Diego St over 39 (cfb)

13pt tease -140

Cats +10.5
Leos +8
Riders +14
Stamps -2.5

ML parlay +151

Cats -145
Leos -205

ML parlay +251

Cats -145
Leos -205
Mempiss -430 (cfb)
San Diego St -750 (cfb)

10pt tease -130

Cats +7.5
Leos +5
Mempiss -1 (cfb)

10pt tease -130

Cats +7.5
Leos +5
Miss St +17.5 (cfb)

1xbet, winline....2*
thx P, you too man....\m/

13pt tease -140

Riders +14
over 38
Stamps -2
over 39

10pt tease -130

Riders +11
over 41
Stamps over 42

thx T. you too my man

week 17....0-1 -3.9*....parlays + teasers 5-5 -2.2*

cfl ytd 387-323-18 +57.55*....parlays + teasers 122-113-10 +3.56*....props 178-136-12 +38.25*

week 18

3* Cats +4 -105

1* Cats ML +163

3* 7pt tease -120

Cats +10.5
over 46

3* 13pt tease -140

Cats +16.5
over 40
Stamps -3.5
over 39

2* 13pt tease -140

Cats +16.5
Argos +30
Riders +6.5
Eskies +15

marathon, pinny, winline
Stamps -9.5 -110 1H

Stamps -4 -115 1Q

Stamps over 17.5 -120 1H TT

Argos over 17.5 -110 TT

Argos over 8.5 -115 1H TT

7pt tease -120

Stamps -9.5
over 46

greek, marathon, betus....2*
3* 13pt tease -140

Riders +6.5
over 36
Eskies +15.5
over 44.5

13pt tease -140

Riders +6.5
over 36
Leos +10.5
over 44.5

10pt tease -130

Riders +3.5
Eskies +12.5
over 47.5

10pt tease -130

Riders +3.5
over 39
Eskies over 47.5

10pt tease -130

Riders +3.5
Leos +7.5
over 47.5

7pt tease -120

Riders +0.5
Eskies +9.5

pinny, greek, winline....2*
Riders -5.5 132 (pt)

Riders -3.5 -110 1H

Riders ML -145 1Q

Riders over 27 -125 TT

Riders over 13.5 -130 1H TT

7pt tease -120

Riders +0.5
over 42

5d, winline, greek....2*

Als Q's over 0.5 INTs -175

Riders over 275.5 passing yds -120

Rider Q's over 1.5 TD passes -140

Bagg over 3.5 receptions -125

Bagg over 50.5 receiving yds -115

winline, bovada....2*
week 18....3-9 -15.4*....teasers 4-6 -4.8*....props 2-3 -3.5*

cfl ytd 390-332-18 +42.15*....parlays + teasers 126-119-10 -1.24*....props 180-139-12 +34.75*

week 19

3* Cats ML -135

2* Leos ML -150

3* 13pt tease -140

Cats +10.5
Peg +8
Leos +10.5
Stamps +3.5

2* 13pt tease -140

Cats +10.5
Peg +8
Leos +10.5
Als +23

3* 10pt tease -130

Cats +7.5
Peg +5
Leos +7.5

2* ML parlay +322

Cats -135
Peg -220
Leos -150

bet365, pinny, winline
Cats ML -130 1H

Cats ML -130 1Q

greek....2*....huge game for the Tabbies with the East title still up for grabs and most likely a preview of an upcoming playoff game with the Eskies holding the crossover spot....Eskies come into this game banged up like a MF and the Cats get Collaros back under center....look for Hamilton to come out on fire and send a message to Ottawa, who will have their hands full in the Peg Saturday afternoon....\m/
Cats came out on fire but settling for 2 FGs after that quick TD fuct 'em up

RedBlacks +7.5 -160 (2.5 buy)

RBs over 25 -115 TT

RBs over 12.5 -115 1H TT

over 27 -122 1H

over 10.5 -115 1Q

13pt tease -140

RBs +18.5
over 42
Leos +9
over 40

greek, marathon, pinny....2*
thx Hugh, gl tonight my brah

Peg -4.5 -115 2H

over 27.5 -110 2H

Peg over 16.5 -120 2H TT

greek, winline....2*
Riders over 24 -115 TT

Riders over 12.5 -115 1H TT

greek....2*....still on the board, prolly be a delayed kickoff due to last game ever at Mosaic after 662 home games
week 19....4-10 -17.19*....parlays + teasers 0-5 -15.7*....leakin' profit the last two weeks....say it every year that the last 3 weeks of the season are the toughest in this league, and I'm proving it again this year

cfl ytd 394-342-18 +24.96*....parlays + teasers 126-124-10 -16.94*....props 180-139-12 +34.75*

last two weeks I've given the Punk Ass Man back over 56* of profit leaving me with +42.77* on the season....Unacceptable
week 20

was gonna pass on the last week of season considering I've given back 55% of my profit over the last two weeks, but then I figured whereas I've still pulled a decent profit in the three down league for the 4th straight regular season here at CTG, and 7th straight overall, Fuck It....\m/

3* Peg ML -172

unibet....meaningless game for Ottawa who'll be resting everyone important....Peg wants to host a playoff game next week (although being 6-2 on the road, lol)....they need to win tonight and get help from the worthless Riders tomorrow night, which they prolly won't....their best bet may be to lose and try to snatch that crossover from Edmonton....if it were me, I'd seriously rather play at Hamilton next week than have to face BC or the Eskies with the way they both have been playing as of late....if I catch any rumor of coaches thinking that way. I'll buy back and hope for a middle