Bum's 2014-15 Bowls

UCLA +3.5 -165 (2.5 buy)

UCLA - Kansas St over 56.5 -165 (3.5 buy)

over 28 -160 1H (2.5 buy)

over 13.5 -120 1Q

UCLA over 29.5 -115 TT

UCLA over 14.5 -125 1H TT

K St over 29.5 -115 TT

K St over 14.5 -130 1H TT

7.5pt tease -120

UCLA +8.5
over 52.5

7.5pt tease -130

Iowa +10.5
UCLA +8.5

pinny, sportbet, greek, betus....2*
2* Houston +1.5 -110 2H

2* over 23.5 -140 2H

2* Houston over 10.5 -130 2H TT

bovada, sportbet, betus
3* OSU - Oregon over 71 -142 (2.5 buy)


adding 2* at the same price....like I've stated a few times this season, OSU has been an absolute overs Gem for the past 2 years (12-1-1 this season, 14-0 when buying pts the way I do....10-4 in 2013, 12-2 buying pts)....Buckeyes have been an automatic over play for me every week this season and most of last season....no f'kin' chance I'll stop now....that 26-2 last 28 games would never allow it....\m/
thx P, you too my brah....\m/

2* over 24 -120 2H

2* Iowa over 10.5 -155 2H TT

2* Tenn over 10.5 -155 2H TT

5d, betus
2* over 28 -125 2H

2* UCLA over 14.5 -135 2H TT

2* Kansas St over 14.5 -140 2H TT

5d, betus
2* Oklahoma St +8.5 -150 (1.5 buy)

OSU ML +228

OSU - Washington over 52.5 -170 (4.5 buy)

over 26.5 -173 1H (2.5 buy)

over 13.5 -108 1Q

2* OSU over 24.5 -108 TT

2* OSU over 10.5 -145 1H TT

Wash over 31 -115 TT

Wash over 16 -125 1H TT

2* 7.5pt tease -120

OSU +14.5
over 49

5d, sportbet, pinny, betus, greek....1* unless noted
32-12 +32.78*....teasers 6-3 +4.8*....back to back decent days

bowls ytd 170-101-4 +93.54*....parlays + teasers 26-32 -19.56*

2* ECU +9.5 -145 (2.5 buy)

2* 7.5pt tease -120

ECU +14.5
under 64.5

2* Arky St over 17.5 -125 2H TT

betus....to the wise ass that likes to rate my threads with shit, I'll put my bottom line in all sports up against yours anytime...bring it....\m/
2-0 +4*....tease 1-0 +2*

bowls ytd 172-101-4 +97.54*....parlays + teasers 27-32 -17.56*


3* Illinois St +7.5 -133 (hook)

1* Illinois St ML +215

3* Illinois St - North Dakota St over 51 -147 (2.5 buy)

3* 7.5pt tease -120

Illinois St +14.5
over 46

titanbet, sportbet
2* Illinois St - ND St over 27.5 -110 1H

3* Illinois St over 23.5 -115 TT

2* ND St over 30 -115 TT

SI, greek
3* 14pt tease -150

Illinois St +21
over 40
Ohio St +20
over 61

3* 14pt tease -150

North Dakota St +7.5
over 40
Oregon +8
over 61

3* 7.5pt tease -130

Illinois St +14
Ohio St +13.5

titanbet, greek, pinny
3-3 +3.5*....tease 1-0 +3* for the I-AA Championship

bowls ytd 175-104-4 +101.04*....parlays + teasers 28-32 -14.56*

just one game left....almost a shame to see this Golden season end....\m/
adding 2* at the same price....like I've stated a few times this season, OSU has been an absolute overs Gem for the past 2 years (12-1-1 this season, 14-0 when buying pts the way I do....10-4 in 2013, 12-2 buying pts)....Buckeyes have been an automatic over play for me every week this season and most of last season....no f'kin' chance I'll stop now....that 26-2 last 28 games would never allow it....\m/

5* Ohio St +7.5 -162 (1.5 buy)

5* OSU - Dux over 71 -142

2* over 37 -110 1H

posted these last week....more comin'....\m/
Last edited:
over 15.5 -125 1Q

3* OSU over 33.5 -116 TT

3* OSU over 17 -115 1H TT

Oregon over 39.5 -115 TT

Oregon over 20 -115 1H TT

3* 7.5pt tease -120

OSU +13.5
over 65

betus, pinny, greek....2* unless noted....should have waited on the game total, can get 70 for the same fucking price as that 71....if it keeps droppin' I'll bang the MF for more
thx fellas, bol tonight my brahs

3* OSU - Dux over 69.5 -133 (2.5 buy)

3* over 36.5 -110 1H

pinny, heritage....like I said, if the punk ass Man wants to drop it I'll hit it again....let's end this Epic season on a good note....\m/
4-9 -17.43*....tease 0-1 -3.6* for the championship game....dux are f'kin' Pathetic....Free Shoes and Bama would have put up more than 20pts

bowls ytd 179-113-4 +83.61*....parlays + teasers 28-33 -18.16*

a Golden year from start to finish....\m/
2014 ctg cfb reg season ytd 1168-1102-87 +103.54*....parlays + teasers 106-132-2 +32.24*

2014-15 ctg bowls ytd 179-113-4 +83.61*....parlays + teasers 28-33 -18.16*

overall bottom line +201.23*

and to the punk MF or MFs that likes to rate my thread with shit....don't be upset at me just because 5 months of my CFB thread made more than the yearly salary at that 9 to 5 of yours....>m< (-.-) >m<....grab that stack with both hands....\m/
Fondy and Hunt thx my brahs....let's crack the Man's head wide f'kin' open on some college hoops....\m/
can't let this Golden season end without tryin' to get some more can we?....\m/

Shrine Game

West ML -113

West - East over 39.5 -152 (2.5 buy)

over 21 -110 1H

West over 21.5 -110 TT

West over 10.5 -120 1H TT

East over 20 -120 TT

East over 10 -120 1H TT

Collegiate Bowl

American +3 -159 (3pt buy)

American - National over 39 -144 (2.5 buy)

over 20.5 -110 1H

American over 20.5 -120 TT

American over 10 -120 1H TT

National over 20.5 -120 TT

National over 10 -120 1H TT

7.5pt tease -120

West +6.5
over 34.5

7.5pt tease -120

American +7.5
over 34

3* 7.5pt tease -130

West-East over 34.5
American-National over 34

7pt tease +200

West +6
over 35
American +7
over 34.5

3* 14pt tease -150

West +13
over 28
American +14
over 27.5

pinny, titanbet, greek, betus....2* unless noted
0-13-1 -32.76*....teasers 0-5 -15.2*....that takes talent....gave away a nice chunk of today's kickball profit and I don't give an Aerial Fornication as I'm in a fairly decent mood today....\m/

2014 ctg cfb reg season ytd 1168-1102-87 +103.54*....parlays + teasers 106-132-2 +32.24*

2014-15 ctg bowls ytd 179-126-5 +50.85*....parlays + teasers 28-38 -33.36*

overall bottom line +153.27*
Good old Mike Singletary praised his team at halftime for shortening the game by running the football. Does this tart know it's a showcase for young players to reveal their talents. This absolute moron of a coach was only worried about winning the game for himself. Their offense took zero chances. They also had a couple opportunities to go for it on 4th and short and choose to punt. They don't get much more ignorant than Singletary when it comes to understanding a situation.