Browns Players Reactions to Quinn


Power Boat Enthusiast
My friend does a lot of flooring and carpentry stuff like that. Anyways, saturday afternoon he was working on some families house and wasn't really sure who's it was at first. Turns out it was D'Quell Jackson's (inside linebacker, drafted in 2nd round last year) and they were all watching the draft. Well my friend got to sit down and watch some of it with him (specifically browns picks). Anyways here are some of the things D'Quell had to say.

-"Man we better not draft that pretty lil white boy at #3 or i'll be pissed"

Browns draft Joe Thomas
-"Hell Yeah! Heeeeelll Yeaaahhhh, that is one monster white dude.

Browns trade up to get Brady Quinn
-"Maaaan fuck that pretty lil white boy. Look at him with that stupid ass smile wearing that hat on stage, I'll knock that hat right off his head. I can't wait until training camp i am gonna knock him on his ass"

Just something my friend told me that i found some humor in.
Brady Quinn is possibly faster and stronger then Dequell's black ass

He's also smarter, better looking and will make more money than his black ass.
I am with you C-Gold, if D'quell plays like he did last season the only chance he will have in talking to quinn is when quinn needs water comming back to the sideline.

D'Quell looked especially weak last season.

Funny post....I'll add to it (since I have follwed Brady since his senior year)....

I am sure a bunch of D'quells teammates said the same thing about him when they drafted D'quell too....

....and what kind of name is D'quell...and what is it short for?
lol, i agreee

hopefully they don't hand dallas a top 5 pick

i am a cleveland browns fan hardcore

go browns
I actually agree with D'Quell (which I'm pretty sure isn't short for anything) and think that guy has a ton of potential.

By the time the season ended last year he was basically starting, if he continues to grow this year I think he has the chance to be another Andra Davis kind of player.

I also think he was probably reacting to what a lot of people, including me, were reacting to with Brady Quinn and that was his merciless selling of himself throughout the run-up to the draft. He was totally whoring himself out in the hopes he could steal the number one pick--obviously that was off-putting not just to some of us fans (and potentially some teams), but players as well.
Brady is bigger and stronger the D-Quell, I've love to see him knock his hat off of pretty white boys head when he see's him in the weight room.
Brady is bigger and stronger the D-Quell, I've love to see him knock his hat off of pretty white boys head when he see's him in the weight room.

Agreed. No need to hate him cause he's white and better than you.
if he really said those things shouldnt he get kicked out of the league for his racist remarks. well maybe not but if a white guy said something like that he would never here the end of it
if he really said those things shouldnt he get kicked out of the league for his racist remarks. well maybe not but if a white guy said something like that he would never here the end of it

yeah, but he did say it in his own home.
I also like how it's all relative. Isn't Brady something like 6'4" 230?

Only an NFL linebacker could see somebody who's benching 225 something like 26 times as skinny.
HMMMMMMMM.... :pillow:

My friend does a lot of flooring and carpentry stuff like that. Anyways, saturday afternoon he was working on some families house and wasn't really sure who's it was at first. Turns out it was D'Quell Jackson's (inside linebacker, drafted in 2nd round last year) and they were all watching the draft. Well my friend got to sit down and watch some of it with him (specifically browns picks). Anyways here are some of the things D'Quell had to say.

-"Man we better not draft that pretty lil white boy at #3 or i'll be pissed"

Browns draft Joe Thomas
-"Hell Yeah! Heeeeelll Yeaaahhhh, that is one monster white dude.

Browns trade up to get Brady Quinn
-"Maaaan fuck that pretty lil white boy. Look at him with that stupid ass smile wearing that hat on stage, I'll knock that hat right off his head. I can't wait until training camp i am gonna knock him on his ass"

Just something my friend told me that i found some humor in.


Brady will probably kick his ass in the locker room just to make sure that black ASSHOLE, doesnt take a cheap shot on the field! That will end all the shit before they ever get on the field...

Personally, if the guy said those remarks, he's already intimidated by WhiteBoy and will be a chicken shit when they get face-to-face...
i would like to see brady take ahold of that team and be the leader but i do not forsee that happening.

d'quell needs to shut his mouth before something bad happens to him.
Ive never heard of D'Quell. Im sure the Browns or Brady care what that special teamer thinks.
D'Quell Jackson was their second round draft pick from last year from Maryland. He worked his way into being a starting LB by the end of the season last year.
Since people want to hate on Quinn, I think he'll do better than most think.

Funny story, and yes, so typical, but I hope no one gives a damn what "DeQuell" Jackson thinks about anything. Just another closed-minded character who fits a lot of stereo-types.
I think Quinn will make a good NFL QB someday, better than Russell. I wonder if DeQuall has a knocked him on his ass yet?
man looks freakin ripped in that picture, i knew he had a impressive combine bench press but he looks like he is a gym rat.
he must love getting stupid pictures taken of him & putting them all over the Internet.... what a douhce bag....

Quarterback Brady Quinn, the 22nd overall selection in the NFL draft, reached agreement Tuesday with the Cleveland Browns on a five-year contract with a base value of $20.2 million ($7.75 million guaranteed) and a maximum of $30 million.

Representatives for the 22-year-old out of Notre Dame say the base value and the maximum are higher than everyone taken before him except for the top eight players.

Quinn's deal leaves two first-round picks — Raiders quarterback JaMarcus Russell, the top overall pick, and Jets cornerback Darrelle Revis, the No. 14 choice — without contracts.
so basically he is getting paid as the number 9 pick..where he thought he would go...lmao
Well . . . what I've read says these numbers are being grossly overstated by Quinn's agent.

His base salary is almost assuredly less than $2 million a year (based on what the Browns had left under the cap with regard to rookie space). So unless he got a $10 million signing bonus, roughly doubling his contract, the only way this is a $20 million deal is through incentives.

Frankly, I only care about two things with regard to Brady Quinn right now. One, that his contract doesn't f**k things up for anybody else on the team going forward. If it doesn't do that, I don't care what he gets paid.

But two, and this is the more important thing, that Brady Quinn gets his head out of his *ss immediately. No more autograph sessions where he charges people for signing s**t. No more f**ked up pictures of him homo-ing out at weddings. I don't care how much he likes the Village People.

There are a lot of people in this world who are more than willing to tell this f**ker that he's earned jack s**t in this league, and I'm one of them. There are also a lot of people in this world that think he can't make it at the next level. He's also earned less love from the fans than Charlie Frye to this point, so the bottom is, Quinn needs to get into camp an play football. Like yesterday.

If he can do that, and his contract isn't a weight dragging down the franchise, that's about all I can hope for from this franchise right now.
I was impressed with his workout regime with Larry Johnson.

Do you think Mike Vick, Daunte Culpecker or Byron Leftwhich work out like that? Daunte just plays Madden 07 and practices his silly gigs for when he throws a TD pass.
u know how much pussy brady quinn has probably gotten...#1 cause hes from ohio, #2-well,cause hes not from michigan,and #3 he was a stud qb....ill take stupid ass pics all day to nail some of the chicks he has,and/or his sister
That girl he was with at the draft was nothing special at all. A skinny blonde with an average face. she was pencil thing and I'd be suprised if he didn't break her by now.

Yag or not, he's a beast.
his contract only looks absurd to people who think he is going to be a bust. If he leads the browns to a super bowl in a few years the front office will look like royalty but if not they will look like crap. It is all a matter of perspective.

I haven't made a judgement yet on him, i want to hear reports on how he does through camp and hopefully at some point catch the replay of the browns preseason game this weekend.

The QB is largely a judgement position where you have to use a little bit of athletisicm and a lot of intelligence. Comming from notre dame (a school i hate by the way) and getting a degree in business management he should be ok in the intelligence department. Also, from what i hear he is a offseason worker, so he should come along nicely, with that being said he has the nessecary tools to be successful in the NFL. The question is, will the browns make him carry the load or will they bring hiim along slowly like hte steelers did with roethlisburger?
Frank- Check out ESPN and look at him working out this offseason in Kansas City with Larry Johnson. Brady Quinn is a hard worker and a beast.

He is a very intelligent guy. Don't believe the propoganda coming out of camp. Those fat ass reporters will spin that however they want.

Listen to some of the talk from Charlie Weiss. I know he has to stick up for his QB, but I believe what he's saying about Quinn being smart, hard worker etc. They didn't run some dumb offense at ND. Weiss refutes the criticim of his accuracey too, he said that is how we run our routes at ND. We throw the ball to our receivers BEFORE they break, and we underthrow them a little bit so they come back to the ball ( and it is less likely to get intercepted).

Charlie Weiss gets pissed when people question his accuracey, he said when he throws the ball and it misses and goes out of bounds, it is usually because the receiver didn't come back to the ball, or took to long to get out of his break.