Brennan getting leveled....

I don't think it was head-to-head. I think it was forearm/shoulder to head, but the Fresno defender came in like a missile and Colt looked he did not have enough time to react and duck underneath the hit. I think it was a legal hit, but a wicked one at that.
I just watched it a few times again, and froze it at the point of impact. Colt slightly ducks his head at the last split-second and the Fresno defender came in with his right shoulder and just creamed him...........
I just watched it a few times again, and froze it at the point of impact. Colt slightly ducks his head at the last split-second and the Fresno defender came in with his right shoulder and just creamed him...........

I agree, Legal hit all the way, colt was ducking....

Most fans in Hawaii think it was legal too....

The WAC says it is legal too:

Posted on: Monday, November 12, 2007 E-mail this story Printable version

<!-- HEADING, BEDOOGIES AND BYLINE -->[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]<!--headline-->Hit on UH's Colt 'legal,' WAC says<!--endheadline-->[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana][SIZE=-2][FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana][SIZE=-2]By Ferd Lewis[/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=-2][FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana]Advertiser Staff Writer[/FONT][/SIZE]

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[SIZE=-1][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]The blow that knocked Hawai'i quarterback Colt Brennan out of Saturday's Fresno State game was a legal hit, according to a review by the Western Athletic Conference yesterday.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]Although Bulldog linebacker Marcus Riley's helmet made contact with Brennan, commissioner Karl Benson said, "the Fresno player did make contact with his shoulder pads prior to the helmet hit, thus it was not an illegal hit. It was a legal hit."[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]Brennan, who lay motionless on the turf after being leveled, left the game with 10 minutes, 34 seconds remaining and was taken to the locker room, where he remained until after the 37-30 UH victory. Brennan suffered what a UH spokesman said was a "mild" concussion. He is listed as "day-to-day" and will be examined further, UH said.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]"I'm feeling better today," Brennan said last night. "I kinda feel like I left my body exposed and he was coming full speed. I think in the NFL a case may be made (about the hit) but this isn't the NFL. This is college football. Honestly, I think I'm the only one that I have to blame."[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]Benson said both he and the game's referee, Bill Athan, reviewed video of the play and based upon it, "it appears that the no call (of a flagrant foul) was the correct call." Had the officiating crew determined the hit to be flagrant, Riley could have been ejected.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]Benson said it was also a "close call" whether Riley led with a forearm but he said he believed the "player led with shoulder pad first."[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]Benson said officials correctly flagged FSU earlier when a player's hand went under the back of Brennan's helmet, knocking it off, though it was a helmet infraction, not a face mask call. Of a disputed pass interference penalty on UH, Benson said, "it was a judgment call" and declined to say whether the review showed it to be the correct one.[/SIZE][/FONT]

<!-- SHIRTTAIL --><!-- Check for "contributed" --><!-- Check for Mike Hughes --><!-- TAGLINE -->[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]Reach Ferd Lewis at[/SIZE][/FONT]
The fact that Colt was able to get up and walk off the field (albeit woozy) after that hit is a testament to how tough a competitor he is.

I hope he plays on Friday at Nevada. I would like to see Hawaii at full strength in what should be a very entertaining game.

Hawaii QB Brennan back at practice, cleared to play at Nevada

HONOLULU -- After sitting out two days of practice following a concussion, Colt Brennan returned to the field Wednesday to take a few snaps, with Hawaii coach June Jones saying the quarterback has been cleared to play Friday at Nevada.

Doctors and trainers have determined Brennan is fine following the injury Saturday in a 37-30 victory over Fresno State, Jones said.
"If the game was today, I would say he would play," Jones said following practice.

Brennan took five snaps against the scout team.

He needs just one more touchdown pass to reach 122 and break the NCAA career record set by Brigham Young's Ty Detmer in 1991.

No. 13 Hawaii, 9-0 for the first time since 1925, will try to hold on to its perfect record when it faces unranked Nevada (5-4).