Rae Carruth (who I still can't believe is out of jail) and Henry Ruggs have entered the chat.

Didn't feel like googling Aaron Hernandez

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Ruggs did a Asshole thing no doubt but I dunno if that makes him a huge piece of shit. I’d be a total hypocrite if I judged him when god knows when I was young and dumb more than 1x I was pretty wasted and flying around in my car. Mistake or poor judgement when wasted I don’t think instantly puts you in same category as a pos who repeatedly abuses woman.
Speaking of Ruggs I don't even want to post it but happened to see this when I pulled the pic

"A Las Vegas judge ruled Tuesday that blood alcohol tests are permitted as evidence in the case of former Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Henry Ruggs III, who has been accused of driving 156 mph while drunk, causing a crash that killed 23-year-old Tina Tintor and her dog last November."

Facing two felonies, good riddance
Speaking of Ruggs I don't even want to post it but happened to see this when I pulled the pic

"A Las Vegas judge ruled Tuesday that blood alcohol tests are permitted as evidence in the case of former Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Henry Ruggs III, who has been accused of driving 156 mph while drunk, causing a crash that killed 23-year-old Tina Tintor and her dog last November."

Facing two felonies, good riddance

It sucks what happened but unless you never been behind wheel after some drinks don’t think you should throw such stones.
Ruggs did a Asshole thing no doubt but I dunno if that makes him a huge piece of shit. I’d be a total hypocrite if I judged him when god knows when I was young and dumb more than 1x I was pretty wasted and flying around in my car. Mistake or poor judgement when wasted I don’t think instantly puts you in same category as a pos who repeatedly abuses woman.
Highly doubt you were driving close to 160 mph and killing a young girl and her dog and having your girlfriend not at least trying to save them and instead keep repeating "this is Henry Ruggs, this is Henry Ruggs - get him help!" as the other car was up in flames
Not saying Ruggs should get off or anything, having to pay for mistakes part of life but I feel for him facing a bunch of time and his career wasted over making a mistake I’m sure he regrets.
Highly doubt you were driving close to 160 mph and killing a young girl and her dog and having your girlfriend not at least trying to save them and instead keep repeating "this is Henry Ruggs, this is Henry Ruggs - get him help!" as the other car was up in flames

I got pulled over once after a off duty undercover followed me down hwy after I passed him going 120+ and he called in on duty cops, when I got off hwy I was surrounding by like 3 different jurisdictions. Im a excellent driver and wasn’t by any means out my mind but what if I acvudentally clipped another car swerving thru traffic? Coulda happened to me and obviously woulda sucked for everyone involved/. Wouldn’t ever catch me driving like that anymore, I go nuts when I see ppl driving exactly the kind of Asshole way I used to, I’m thankful I never hurt anyone but when you in your 20s having a good time you don’t think something like that gonna happen. Young and dumb doesn’t equal pos imo. I feel for him. I obviously feel for the girl he killed and her family also but you will never convince me that is anywhere close to someone repeatedly abusing another person far as what kind of person you are.
Not saying Ruggs should get off or anything, having to pay for mistakes part of life but I feel for him facing a bunch of time and his career wasted over making a mistake I’m sure he regrets.
He made close to 30 "mistakes" and used the "You know who I am?" card. That's deplorable. Any of us doing that should rightfully be in jumpsuits. Although Cleveland might be worse.
It sucks what happened but unless you never been behind wheel after some drinks don’t think you should throw such stones.

I won't lie like I didn't get behind the wheel after drinks when younger - but I lived in the smallest town in the smallest state. And never went far. It was dumb but ya we make those mistakes.

I did however ride a bike through town with me and my next door neighbors after discovering alcohol in the basement when around 15.

My one neighbor fell off, I almost got hit crossing the road on mine. DUI on a bicycle lol
He made close to 30 "mistakes" and used the "You know who I am?" card. That's deplorable. Any of us doing that should rightfully be in jumpsuits. Although Cleveland might be worse.

I didn’t know anything about the “you know who I am”, that is awful., I assumed he felt terrible about it: and either way I didn’t say he shouldn’t be punished, doesn’t matter if you regret a mistake if you being reckless and kill Someone. Im just saying most ppl would probably bang the drum for me being a good person and I can honestly say I could have killed someone with way I drove in my 20s sober or not, obviously at the time I didn’t think bout that even being a possibility but looking back I can admit it was fucking stupid. Just glad I never did hurt anyone. Back then I’d have said it cause I’m a awesome fucking driver but that don’t make it ok. Had I killed someone I don’t think I could have gotten a punishment worse than how bad I woulda beat myself up internally, little prison certainly wouldn’t change that.
I won't lie like I didn't get behind the wheel after drinks when younger - but I lived in the smallest town in the smallest state. And never went far. It was dumb but ya we make those mistakes.

I did however ride a bike through town with me and my next door neighbors after discovering alcohol in the basement when around 15.

My one neighbor fell off, I almost got hit crossing the road on mine. DUI on a bicycle lol

I had a friend get one on a riding lawnmower,, lol
Lol yeah I can't believe they can actually do that, but, I know they can. Very weird to me. Everyone drinks beer when cutting the grass out here

He wasn’t cutting grass bro, he lived out in sticks and has already lost his license im pretty sure (he was one these fuxks that racked up dui’s like nothing back before laws clamped down). Lived mile or 2 from bar so he took his lawnmower there often im sure,, one night prob swerving all over the backroad he lived off at 2 in morning hammered he got himself one.
Laws are fucked up. Friends used to ride bicycles to Old Town Scottsdale all the time to avoid DUI. One dude was taking a leak on the side of a building and got popped. Took a good attorney and lots of money so he didn't have to register as a sex offender. Proximity to a church was the charge. It was 1am.
He wasn’t cutting grass bro, he lived out in sticks and has already lost his license im pretty sure (he was one these fuxks that racked up dui’s like nothing back before laws clamped down). Lived mile or 2 from bar so he took his lawnmower there often im sure,, one night prob swerving all over the backroad he lived off at 2 in morning hammered he got himself one.

Laws are fucked up. Friends used to ride bicycles to Old Town Scottsdale all the time to avoid DUI. One dude was taking a leak on the side of a building and got popped. Took a good attorney and lots of money so he didn't have to register as a sex offender. Proximity to a church was the charge. It was 1am.

My little brother had the same deal taking a piss at a playground at a park or something in middle the night. Shit so redic the way these assholes use laws to try and jam up good ppl with some bull shit!!
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My little brother had the same deal taking a piss at a playground at a park or something in middle the night. Shit so redic the way these assholes use laws to try and jam up good ppl with some bull shit!!
Private prisons. At least I have something at this age that pins the ears back. How they're allowed is nothing but lobbying.
Private prisons. At least I have something at this age that pins the ears back. How they're allowed is nothing but lobbying.

It’s one the most awful things in our country that most law abiding citizens don’t know or care about while just assuming anyone who gets thrown away is a criminal when that hardly the truth!
It’s one the most awful things in our country that most law abiding citizens don’t know or care about while just assuming anyone who gets thrown away is a criminal when that hardly the truth!
Be incredible if those who run private prisons end up incarcerated!
And the contractors who make money off a human's lack of freedom. Food, janitorial...fuck all of them.
Be incredible if those who run private prisons end up incarcerated!

Amen. I think they all friends of the Bush’s, that around the time I recall prisons turning into a for profit business, them and regan I’m sure, those def the kind of assholes that be all about it!!

I don’t pay much attention to politics, have no interest in turning this into a political debate cause I don’t care! But sure sounds like trump close to getting jammed up by laws he created harsher punishments for! Serves him right! Lol
Amen. I think they all friends of the Bush’s, that around the time I recall prisons turning into a for profit business, them and regan I’m sure, those def the kind of assholes that be all about it!!

I don’t pay much attention to politics, have no interest in turning this into a political debate cause I don’t care! But sure sounds like trump close to getting jammed up by laws he created harsher punishments for! Serves him right! Lol
What's sad is prison for profit is considered political but agree. We've towed the line.

Going to enjoy the ponies for a few.
What's sad is prison for profit is considered political but agree. We've towed the line.

Going to enjoy the ponies for a few.

My bday coming up this weekend. Thinking bout going to the racetrack, havnt did that since before covid, always a good time!
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Plus I havnt checked out FanDuel Sportsbook cause it way further away but it inside the racetrack so be cool to see it.
True. It is likely more than 80% of them are. He is a different level piece of shit than most of them, though. If not, then none of us should be supporting this league.
Man i want guys who will entertain me, not guys who will be my role model. The real problem with the NFL has been the guys who think they virtuous — the LeBron types!
True. It is likely more than 80% of them are. He is a different level piece of shit than most of them, though. If not, then none of us should be supporting this league.
Remember somehow OJ somehow saved the queen from Mr October. It's possible the Juice is indeed superhuman.
precedent was set. Ozzy got popped for peeing on the Alamo.
But we're rednecks.
Dead serious have a buddy that's eating box hard in an apartment parking lot. For some reason her headlights are on (hehe) and blaring into an apartment. Cops come and bust him giving a beaver treat. He had to spend $10k for an attorney to keep him off the list. Probably the least harmful person I've met in life...just hungry!
Dead serious have a buddy that's eating box hard in an apartment parking lot. For some reason her headlights are on (hehe) and blaring into an apartment. Cops come and bust him giving a beaver treat. He had to spend $10k for an attorney to keep him off the list. Probably the least harmful person I've met in life...just hungry!
there should be grammy's for eating beaver.
I haven't followed this closely but would love to know what truly went down behind the closed doors. Was he looking for a HJ or something? I mean I have a couple buddies who are always telling me about massage parlors they visit where they get a HJ, at a minimum! If those bozos can find them, how the fuck could Watson not?
I haven't followed this closely but would love to know what truly went down behind the closed doors. Was he looking for a HJ or something? I mean I have a couple buddies who are always telling me about massage parlors they visit where they get a HJ, at a minimum! If those bozos can find them, how the fuck could Watson not?
We don’t know, I asked this earlier.
I haven't followed this closely but would love to know what truly went down behind the closed doors. Was he looking for a HJ or something? I mean I have a couple buddies who are always telling me about massage parlors they visit where they get a HJ, at a minimum! If those bozos can find them, how the fuck could Watson not?

It has never made any damn sense to me, call me crazy but I’d think spending the money to fly these broads in it was Implied there was gonna be a happy ending! I’m not condoning shit if he really assaulted them, it just don’t make any damn sense as you said there ample places you can pay for Ass!! Not to mention he a nfl qb worth several hundred Mil, ain’t there a line of broads that would give it up to him for free trying to get knocked up? It all very confusing to me.
It has never made any damn sense to me, call me crazy but I’d think spending the money to fly these broads in it was Implied there was gonna be a happy ending! I’m not condoning shit if he really assaulted them, it just don’t make any damn sense as you said there ample places you can pay for Ass!! Not to mention he a nfl qb worth several hundred Mil, ain’t there a line of broads that would give it up to him for free trying to get knocked up? It all very confusing to me.
He's clearly not a sharp businessman. Would love to hear Dabo's thoughts. He was paid to build the man.
He's clearly not a sharp businessman. Would love to hear Dabo's thoughts. He was paid to build the man.

I guess there no sense In trying to make sense of it as clearly some ppl are just not right so trying to figure out wtf they were thinking a exercise in futility. I mean seriously I don’t have anything going he does and I don’t have any problems getting laid without assaulting women who say no, plenty dumb enough to say yes!
I guess there no sense In trying to make sense of it as clearly some ppl are just not right so trying to figure out wtf they were thinking a exercise in futility. I mean seriously I don’t have anything going he does and I don’t have any problems getting laid without assaulting women who say no, plenty dumb enough to say yes!
Yep I wish it would somehow change humanity but know your role. Half of his Bitches were likely trafficked. Blame the Mexicans.