BPL 4 man group 1

ya I think its won or lost in the final 3 picks for everyone

I think its up in the air after the top 9, definitely favorites to finish higher but there will be a surprise relegation IMO
[TABLE="class: grid, width: 146"]
[TD]West Ham[/TD]
[TD]Aston Villa[/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
[TD]Man City[/TD]
[TD]West Brom[/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
[TD]Crystal Palace[/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
[TD]Man United[/TD]
Teed ends up w/ Burnley to finish it out.

Hated having one of the last 2 picks as I think they will be easily the worst 2 teams in the league.
Wanted to take WH and hope that Dwight didn't grab QPR, but didn't think the odds were good
Gotta fix the draft...somehow seems unfair that the guy picking 4th gets the worst of the top picks as well as he worst of the bottom feeders. If we were picking from a 25 team league or had 5 teams drafting I think it would work out better.

Would it be more fair if for a 4 man only 20 teams that for the last round instead of staying with the snake order it reverses and the team picking 4th makes the 17th pick, 3rd guy picks 18th....
pretty even after 2

[TABLE="width: 210"]
[TD="align: right"]15[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]11[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]14[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]13[/TD]
[TABLE="class: grid, width: 146"]
[TD]Dwight - 99 points[/TD]
[TD]West Ham[/TD]
[TD]Aston Villa[/TD]
[TD]Monger - 71 points[/TD]
[TD]Man City[/TD]
[TD]West Brom[/TD]
[TD]AK - 66 points[/TD]
[TD]Crystal Palace[/TD]
[TD]Guaranteeed - 60 points[/TD]
[TD]Man United[/TD]

Standings updated. Having 3 of the top 4 so far helps
[TABLE="class: cms_table_grid, width: 146"]
[TD]Dwight - 135 points[/TD]
[TD]West Ham[/TD]
[TD]Aston Villa[/TD]
[TD]Monger - 107 points[/TD]
[TD]Man City[/TD]
[TD]West Brom[/TD]
[TD]AK - 94 points[/TD]
[TD]Crystal Palace[/TD]
[TD]Guaranteeed - 99 points[/TD]
[TD]Man United[/TD]

half way point

[TABLE="width: 210"]
[TD="align: right"]157[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]124[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]115[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]119[/TD]

[TD="align: right"][/TD]
[TABLE="class: cms_table_grid, width: 146"]
[TD]Dwight - 183 points[/TD]
[TD]West Ham[/TD]
[TD]Aston Villa[/TD]
[TD]Monger - 147 points[/TD]
[TD]Man City[/TD]
[TD]West Brom[/TD]
[TD]AK - 153 points[/TD]
[TD]Crystal Palace[/TD]
[TD]Guaranteeed - 145 points[/TD]
[TD]Man United[/TD]
[TABLE="class: cms_table_grid, width: 146"]
[TD]Dwight - 211 points[/TD]
[TD]West Ham[/TD]
[TD]Aston Villa[/TD]
[TD]Monger - 180 points[/TD]
[TD]Man City[/TD]
[TD]West Brom[/TD]
[TD]AK - 193 points[/TD]
[TD]Crystal Palace[/TD]
[TD]Guaranteeed - 175 points[/TD]
[TD]Man United[/TD]
Would have a suggestion for next season and that is that for the last round we don't snake and instead the team picking last in the first round picks first in both the 4th and 5th round.

EPL is very top and bottom heavy and whoever gets the first pick should get stuck with one of the newly promoted clubs likely to be a bottom dweller.
I think I am up 7 on you Dwight if my math is correct and have an extra game with Arsenal playing tomorrow.

Going to be near impossible for you to catch me with the lineup of games on Sunday.

Pardew switching from Newcastle to Crystal Palace is what won it for me, Newcastle has 9 points since he left while CP has 28.
Fuckin pardew

Just PM me your paypal

LOL wasn't going to jinx myself and send it out until it was final.


What is good to know is that Dwight or Monger could have won if they had drafted perfected by the final results. Teed no matter what could not therefore I do think we need to tweak it so that the last 2 rounds don't snake and the team picking first overall picks last as well.

have sent PM's with paypal email....Thanks guys this was fun hope you guys are interested in it again next August :cheers3:
congrats on the win

maybe instead of a draft an auction type instead? just a thought dont even know how it would work