Bowl Season Write Ups and Hopefully Feedback

After almost 24 hours of reflection, I feel the need to express this about that effort by Michigan last night:

Granted, I was heavily leveraged in the Wolverines pretty much 10 ways to Sunday, but that might have been the most disappointing, pathetic performance I've seen among all of the semi finals blowout losers of the last several years, and that's saying something. In the past, teams like Michigan State, Washington, Cincinnati earlier yesterday and even Notre Dame just ran into a team much better than them and got outclassed. Last night, Michigan, who hadn't had a bad performance all year, laid a hideous egg, by far their worst performance of the year in the biggest moment of the last 25 years of their program's history. Literally EVERYTHING Georgia tried in the first half on offense worked perfectly. Every Michigan player failed miserably in virtually every scenario in which they were tested. It was a gutless, weak, infantile performance. I know Georgia is a fabulous team, and credit is due them for putting it on Michigan when they had the chance, but they had to laughing and thinking to themselves, "These guys are just handing this to us." Michigan showed us all year that they were on the level of the best teams in the country in my opinion. This result way more about Michigan pissing down their collective leg than Georgia doing it to them. Totally uncovered receivers. Blown assignments. Weak tackling. Dropped passes. Terrible throws. Fumbles as soon as they get a modicum of momentum offensively. Just a disgrace.

**Rant over***
We talked about it briefly in the in game thread, all the clips of michigan players showing up super cocky were acting like they won by being there. Never seen anything like it. Theres something to be said for “been here before” and i think it showed for both victors
Michigan not being able to score didn’t shock me, how awful the defense was namely the 1st 3 drives of game, prob all game I just didn’t watch much more!, was so unexpected and yes pathetic. I’ve never known Uga offense to be so good schematically that they just have guys so open you didn’t see a defender within 10 yards!! I’ll never know wtf happened on that side the ball, maybe it easier for me to move on and just chalk it up to fuck it since I didn’t have much on it but man what can ya do? Nobody can convince me there d is really that bad and that wasn’t a crazy outlier. It happens man, nothing to do but wad it up and store it deep down somewhere. Lol
We talked about it briefly in the in game thread, all the clips of michigan players showing up super cocky were acting like they won by being there. Never seen anything like it. Theres something to be said for “been here before” and i think it showed for both victors

That crazy
Loving your write ups! Thoughts on Ole Miss and Baylor?
Sorry dfresh...Don't have a play on it...gun to head I would have played Baylor. Think Baylor has a good chance to run the ball on Ole Miss and it's unlikely the Baylor defense gets abused by the Ole Miss offense. Two really good teams, should be a great game.
15. Alabama +3 v Georgia: Not much to handicap here in my opinion. Basically, here's my thinking: If I overthought this, spending hours on it to decipher some sort of technical advantage that Georgia has, or trying to come up with some in season trend indicating a revenge angle, resulting in putting my money on Georgia only to watch Alabama do what it always does and beat Georgia, I'd kick myself. If I keep it simple and take Alabama as a dog (and I won't rehash the logic behind that here) and then Georgia wins, I wouldn't be mad at myself at all. I'd merely tip my cap to Kirby and his team and move on with life. It's really as simple as that. I certainly don't feel as confident in a Bama play this time as I did a month ago, as that one was one of the biggest no brainers I can ever remember. This time we don't have a 7 point spread, we don't have an obvious almost infinite motivation edge for Bama, and we do have the revenge/embarrassment angle for Georgia this time. However, we still have arguably the most talented team in the county(Bama takes a backseat to nobody there) with the obvious coaching edge with the better quarterback. Alabama's injuries in the secondary are concerning, as is the loss of Menchie, but ultimately, Georgia is going to have to prove it to me, and even if they do, I still can still avoid a loss if they do it with a late field goal. Taking the points with the Tide here.
Even with those 4 in there, the way things have been going the semi finals would be blowouts.
We’ve had sixteen semifinals. Only two were decided by less than 14 points. Only five were decided by less than 21. There really is a big gap.
Great stuff. I know you dont do totals, but the best play in this game is the U52.5 (or 53.5 if you can find it). Winner gets to 24....maybe 27. No 55 and 67 yard td passes for Bama as they used that card in the 1st meeting. Jamo will be blanketed and Metchies replacements just are as good as he was. Bryce played a flawless game last time, and thats simply not something I think he will replicate....
Great stuff. I know you dont do totals, but the best play in this game is the U52.5 (or 53.5 if you can find it). Winner gets to 24....maybe 27. No 55 and 67 yard td passes for Bama as they used that card in the 1st meeting. Jamo will be blanketed and Metchies replacements just are as good as he was. Bryce played a flawless game last time, and thats simply not something I think he will replicate....

I do like the under because I don’t think UGA can score more than 20. It’s just a bad matchup for them on both sides of the ball
Great stuff. I know you dont do totals, but the best play in this game is the U52.5 (or 53.5 if you can find it). Winner gets to 24....maybe 27. No 55 and 67 yard td passes for Bama as they used that card in the 1st meeting. Jamo will be blanketed and Metchies replacements just are as good as he was. Bryce played a flawless game last time, and thats simply not something I think he will replicate....
I won't be playing it because if I do it'll lose. It's that simple. Dead Serious.
I do like the under because I don’t think UGA can score more than 20. It’s just a bad matchup for them on both sides of the ball
I’ll go on the record and say this won’t be like the last 4 meetings. The beating a team twice 6-0 stat comes in to play again tonight. Georgia finally removes the M O N K E Y off its back. Should be fun to watch.
I’ll go on the record and say this won’t be like the last 4 meetings. The beating a team twice 6-0 stat comes in to play again tonight. Georgia finally removes the M O N K E Y off its back. Should be fun to watch.