Boston Bruins Game 6 Implosion

ah...reds media is spastic about this...esp weeknight games people doin the woo and its loud as hell on tv....u see alot of ban the woo shirts around the park.

thought u were goin how i met your mother or some shit on me
will mention this though - Patrice Bergeron is a tough dude...played with a separated shoulder yesterday
Okie dokie. I just turned on the tv and saw the news on the local Detroit affiliate, so I just assumed it was on NBCSN.

Local affiliate covered the moved to some ancient channel the hell out of me.
This dude is pretty tough:

Was shocked when Shaw came out to start the 2nd period with a smile on his face. He looked out cold on the ice, smart move baiting the ref into blowing the play dead. Did cbc show how he got off the ice? NBC cut to commercial and never returned to it.
Who takes Mackinnon at 1? The Avs org talking openly in the media has me really thinking they want to trade down.

avs have said if the draft was today, they'd take MacKinnon at 1, they already closed the door on Jones...Don't see Drouin going 1 before those two.
The quiet room doesn't apply come playoff time. Toews didn't go to the locker room so he wouldn't be examined and forced to sit out.
i always thought that they did go to the locker room, but just came back and we're on the bench and just weren't shifted...could see a law suit if the league didn't do their due diligence and the NHLPA turning around and suing? my assumption was yea they went if they weren't cleared they came back and still sat on the bench for the purpose of throwing off the other team.
yes we did spit the bit the last 2 mins to lose it and I WAS there!!!:wacky:

but the utter collapse of the leafs in game 7 is still the all time ;)

dont' worry Ret, he isn't a leafs fan either, he was actually cheering for the B's during game 7 because of the obnoxious leafs the end it's all the same
Bruins up 2-1 and they just killed off Kelly's PP thought we were going to game 7 and then the wheels came off cheating all the hockey fans out of what would of been a SC of the ages. Chicago in game7 good chance they win In the end no surprise this year the best team from the start of the season won the cup and teams like Toronto and Detroit sit and feel like how The bruins feel today
I don't see how any bruins or hockey fan could be confident in the Bruins winning gm 7 in chicago. That team was banged up and tired by the end of game 6.
Who takes Mackinnon at 1? The Avs org talking openly in the media has me really thinking they want to trade down.

The Avs also said they wouldn't trade down past #3, so there options are severely limited in trading down.
Avs will be taking MacKinnon

a french Franchise center for a guy who coached in the Q MacKinnon's whole career, and another Franchise Center in Sakic running operations

They will trade Stastny in the off season and maybe ROR as well if the issues aren't fixed for d help