Books week 5


On Johnny's Shitlist
1-4 week 1 (-1.9)
8-4 week 2 (+4.6)
6-6 week 3 (+.35)
6-1-1 week 4 (+3.96)
21-15-1 total (+7.01)

On a phone. Will try to do some writing on a couple of these.

Texas -5.5
UK -14
Iowa +3.5
FSU -7
Vandy +10
Miss St +10
UGA -7
Clemson -7 (-120)
OKSt -9
Col St -7
Last edited:
Apparently, I played UT 2H large last night. Not good. Gonna have to make up some ground. Too many beers and don't remember. Not the 1st time. Woke up early and caught the replay. WTF was I thinking.

"U"/Duke over 55.5 1*
BYU/USt under 49 .5*

4-tm 7-other Tease (may be stale numbers) .5*/1.5*
Duke +13
Neb +1
BYU/USt under 56
WSt +10.5
Early morning adds:

Houston -13 1*
NMSt +17 .5*
Cen Mich +10 .5*
Houston -7 (-115) 1H .5*
MN -7 (-120) 1H .5*
NW +9 1H (-115) 1*
Vandy/UF under 20.5 1H .25*
NW/Wis under 49 (-120) .5*

Tease 7-pt (-120) .5*
NCSt -6.5/under 69

Will be back with TTs when I get a release. As always, GL CTG.
13-21-1 (-2.6875) I really felt good about my picks coming into the weekend and felt I had value on the additions. Once again, mommas wrong. (in my best Waterboy Col Sanders' voice). On to the next one. My lines come out today around 10, so will try to get in and start a thread then. Lurking around, I see some of you guys on what I intend to take, so don't expect much of a difference from what is already out there.