Books week 1


On Johnny's Shitlist
Been around for years. Lurked a lot, posted some. Taking it pretty light week 1, as I am behind. Took a TDY to Jolly Ole England and threw me back a bit. Sampled some outstanding beer and gazed upon some equally impressive woman. So, without further ado. ..

Mich St 1st H -10 1*

TN -20 (-115) 2*
ML par Uk/TN /Mississippi St/Ucla/Mich St/Bama/AU 1* = 1.475*

Sure to have more, but at the lake house. Will post if I can. As always, GL CTG.
Well, I can't remember a weekend in which I had two wagers cancel. One would have been a victory (ML PAR ILL), the other maybe (UGA). End results favorable. Practiced a little patience, as I usually play 20-25 games in a weekend. It payed off. Not much, but positive.

7-4 (+2.1) counting late posted loss to record.