Bonds!!!! Record!!

good now they can indict his ass, be thrown in jail, and record removed.
Although I think he took some drugs. Hes still the best player ever and I respect that. Congrats
its amazing how homeruns are down this year. cant have nothing to do with no amphetimeanes (sp?) and no steriods ...
History is History and this is the biggest record of all time..

I'm stoked I saw it..

It gave me chills more than once.
Good stuff IMO. Sure Bonds was on roids but how many pitchers were on roids that he hit home runs off of? Who cares about Bud Selig? Is there a commish who's more irrelevant? And above all else that was very classy by the last "true" home run hitter, Hammering Hank.
Luckily he's obviously clean. :36_11_6:

It's funny that we (yes all of us) were naive to McGwrie and Sosa, and then the beginning of Bonds's run, and now we're navie to A-Rod. I've been fooled twice and it won't happen a third time. I'm just supposed to believe that in this whole mess of steroids that out of it came the greatest home run hitter ever who is clean? 500 home runs at 32? Please, I'm not falling for it. It'll mean no more than Bonds's record means.
Luckily he's obviously clean. :36_11_6:

It's funny that we (yes all of us) were naive to McGwrie and Sosa, and then the beginning of Bonds's run, and now we're navie to A-Rod. I've been fooled twice and it won't happen a third time. I'm just supposed to believe that in this whole mess of steroids that out of it came the greatest home run hitter ever who is clean? 500 home runs at 32? Please, I'm not falling for it. It'll mean no more than Bonds's record means.

Your crazy. There not even the slightest evidence of Arod using roids. Hes the same exact size as he was when he came into the league. Bonds head grew a couple sizes and he put on 40 pounds.
"You're" right. Him and Puroids are both completely clean. Just remember this conversation in 5 years.

First of all..innocent till proven shut your mouths fellas...LOL

Whatever he did..he did it off many guys with same bad deeds...

the whole era is tainted..last 10-15 years

not suppoting bonds...but even b4 this he was best position player I ever saw...

Glad it is done
A great achievement, indeed. Hopefully he'll hit some more. As many already said -steroids doesn't give you HR's and lifetime .300 batting average. It takes some skill in first place to be able to do that.

:cheers: for Barry Bonds!
at least there's some class in this thread. hell, even that douche Selig finally treated tonight with some dignity and class with his (overdue) statement.

not going to argue the whole issue, because tonight is not for Henry Aaron showed. tonight is just about 756! tomorrow, and the weeks to come, you guys can go back to bashing...and all the varying opinions.
say what the fuck u wont, if any of u took roids u couldnt hit one motherfucking homerun. Hell if they said roger clemens took roids how many of you would be saying "fuck clemens" u guys make me sick. Roids dont make u hit homeruns, u need hand eye coordination and power to hit a motherfucking homerun. He's the fucking greatest ever to play!
Somethings just dont change, they wanted to crucify hank when he did it and now they do it to bonds. And if he took roids show me one drug test he has failed? u cant, he's never failed one! so quit ur bitching an give him his fucking crown he's the king. Barry is a god, and the only thing i wish is that Ken griffey jr didnt stay hurt,, it wouldve been a hell of a chase with them 2
I'll Bash now, Barry Bonds is the biggest FRAUD in Baseball, why should we celebrate a cheater just beacuse there were other cheaters as well, true he was a great hitter, but he wasnt a power hitter unitl midway through his career. He doesnt deserve my respect, through hard work and consistency Hank set the record to have it broke by an Arrogant Meat Head is a real shame, its a bad day for baseball and sports in general when cheaters and frauds are worshipped.
i don't worship Bonds...but i respect him as a baseball player.

anyways, i almost completely disagree Trout...even though i too have read everything, and believe he cheated.

but it's for another day, at least for me. tonight, like Jump, i got goosebumps...tonight was 756, a new HR record. bottom line, for me personally.

the last thing i'd say/suggest is to not listen so much to all the people on their soapboxes, all w/ their own agenda, almost all of which have never played the game at any meaningful level.
for tonight, i'd suggest just listening to people that have played the they're not jsut talking outta their ass...and take some of what they're saying in for a change.

just for now...because this new record IS the record, despite everything. at least for now...
Sorry Boys.

Bonds is NOT the real deal. He has too many people who have been able to pre-convict him. Including his girlfriend that he was with for a while. What? Are they all lying?

Many players who were hitting HR's at the rediculous rate are not hitting many all of a sudden. What ? Are the pitchers throwing a dead ball now? I dont think so.

The last TRUE non-steroid player who hasnt been tarnished is Ken Griffey Jr.

He is the best ball player over everyone includng Bonds in this generation. The guy missed like 700 games from injuries and if he stays healthly for even 4 more years, he will break Ruth's record and maybe Aaron's. I cant say if A-Rod is on the juice, but my feeling is that he's clean also.

You guys also seem to forget that Aaron played 2 more years than Ruth. Ruth had 4 years as a pitcher in his 20 seasons? But Aaron batted 4000 more times! Plus - Ruth won 23 and 24 games as a pitcher with an era of 1.75 and 2.01 and pitched for those years, when he could have been hitting home runs. Ruth probably would have hit over 850 if he wasnt pitching. Just add half of the 4,000 more plate appearances Aaron had and do the math.

Ruth is still the greatest of all time and Lou Gehrig may be next. I wonder what these guys would have done to the juiced ball thats been played with since 1980's???
You just simply cannot compare era's of baseball and any attempt to is an assumption on what it would be like, you just don't know and it gets you nowhere.

Fact is you just can't, its a completely different game. Pitchers were routinely going CG's and who's to say they werent gased in the 7th and 8th. Today is an era of specialty pitchers with RP who come in for one out and thats their day's work, then a guy comes in for the next batter.

Most parks have moved their fences back in the same time frame to adjust for the new era of baseball. Who's to say the guys in the 50's and 60's would be hitting the same HR's off the specialty pitchers who are fresh in larger parks? Again, you just can't speculate that.

On the other side, who's to say the guys in the past wouldnt destroy a watered down pitching league? Again, you just can't

Bonds took steroids, there isn't much denying that, except that he hasn't been proven guilty as of yet beyond herese. But the one fact that does remain is it was well within the rules layed out by MLB at the time he grew incrementally.

Steroids do not make your eyes see a curveball / fastball / sinker / slider in the .4 of a second you have to decide the pitch, the location and whether to swing or not. They make you stronger and recover faster.

If you think pitchers arent on the juice at the same times when there was not a drug program in place to catch them, pass what you're smoking please.

I just think there is taking nothing away from Barry on this event, he still had to go out and hit the ball daily, play the OF daily, and still did it in less AB's, less seasons, etc etc The two eras and game are different down the line to almost every aspect of the game.
Why should I set aside my feelings for one day to honor this coward? Ok let me overlook that he cheated the integrity of the great game of baseball so we can honor an achievement (possibly the greatest record)that is fake. I will admit that Bonds is one of the best but when it comes to breaking a long standing record, I have a problem with that. I do realize that 80% of athletes in some way, shape or form do cheat. It's sad but true. And for Barry to say he didn't know what he was putting into his body (the "clear") is shameful and some of you actually believe him.

say what the fuck u wont, if any of u took roids u couldnt hit one motherfucking homerun. Hell if they said roger clemens took roids how many of you would be saying "fuck clemens" u guys make me sick. Roids dont make u hit homeruns, u need hand eye coordination and power to hit a motherfucking homerun. He's the fucking greatest ever to play!
This is probably the most uneducated paragraph I have ever seen in my life. Steroids doesn't help you hit homeruns???? Are you serious??? I agree about hand eye coordination and power but don't be a fool. I am not bashing people that back Bonds. That is their choice. The truth will come out shortly and every person hating on the Barry haters will kiss their ass. I normally don't post stuff like this but it makes me sick that people just overlook things for a day and congratulate a guy that OBVIOUSLY cheated the game. Truth will come out soon enough. Barry = :down2:

And this goes for Clemens and Gayrod :eyes:
Where I have a real problem with steroids is that those who abuse them to cheat at baseball have effectively stolen money from honest, hard working baseball players. There must be scores of players who never took steroids that never got their chance in the big leagues because it was too difficult to compete with the cheaters. Barry Bonds , McGwire, Sosa, Palmeiro all "stole" money from fellow players while lining their own pockets on juiced up stats. It's stone cold thievery. For me to celebrate this achievement would be akin to celebrating the 2008 World Series of Poker champion after it was learned that he had all the cards marked.

As far as the correlation between hitting homeruns and steroids, to suggest there isn't one is laughable at best. I am sure all of these fellows were using steroids because it helped their hand/eye coordination ???? please. Also, to say that Bonds hit homeruns off of roided up pitchers doesnt really fly either. Look at the homerun totals league wide over the steroid era ... they flew threw the roof. If pitchers and batters were both using roids it was still a major advantage for the hitter. I refuse to celebrate a jackass like Barry Bonds.

And for those who say "Don't be a player hater" , I only respond ................ "Don't hate the game"
Also, to say that Bonds hit homeruns off of roided up pitchers doesnt really fly either. Look at the homerun totals league wide over the steroid era ... they flew threw the roof. If pitchers and batters were both using roids it was still a major advantage for the hitter. I refuse to celebrate a jackass like Barry Bonds.

And for those who say "Don't be a player hater" , I only respond ................ "Don't hate the game"

I suppose you are right. I guess the ten pitchers that have been busted for Steroid use were only doing it because they thought it would be fun. I'm sure they didn't think it would give them any advantage in be able to pitch in three straight games or give them a few MPH on their fastball. Kind of sounds as silly as saying hitters weren't taking them to help them hit home runs, huh?

I will agree that I think it's shitty that players that have stayed clean have been robbed. The problem is their are only a handful of players that I can say 100% are clean. The commish and the players union screwed up the whole sport in regards to all past records. But what's to be done now? You want an asterick by Bonds's record? Fine. I want an asterick by anthing the Padres and Astros did when they had Caminiti on thier team. Might as well throw an asterick by the entire Phillies team during the 90's. Also I tend to beileve everything Jose Canseco says (sarcasim included) and I'd prefer if we threw an asterick by ARod's numbers as well. Bit of a slipperly slope that I'm not sure you want to go down.
I personally fail to see the 'cheating' aspect of it... Fay Vincent and MLB set forth the rules of a drug policy in the early 90's and steroids were not illegal until 2004, when this whole thing came out.

Who did they cheat? MLB set it up themselves and they knew there was a problem yet did nothing on it, and instead chose to sell the game as McGwire and Sosa hit bomb after bomb.

I know people feel 'slighted' if you will over players considered to me men amongst boys at times in their playing careers but they have still exhibited exceptional skills and played the game within the limits of the rules.

Even if you still consider it cheating, Does Gaylord Perry admittedly cheating a set rule in baseball make him any less worthy of a place in Cooperstown? Because he certainly cheated the game to the letter of the law, but it doesnt make his accomplishments any less incredible to me.
if roids dont make u hit homeruns then explain to me why hitters take em?
I personally fail to see the 'cheating' aspect of it... Fay Vincent and MLB set forth the rules of a drug policy in the early 90's and steroids were not illegal until 2004, when this whole thing came out.

Who did they cheat? MLB set it up themselves and they knew there was a problem yet did nothing on it, and instead chose to sell the game as McGwire and Sosa hit bomb after bomb.

I know people feel 'slighted' if you will over players considered to me men amongst boys at times in their playing careers but they have still exhibited exceptional skills and played the game within the limits of the rules.

Even if you still consider it cheating, Does Gaylord Perry admittedly cheating a set rule in baseball make him any less worthy of a place in Cooperstown? Because he certainly cheated the game to the letter of the law, but it doesnt make his accomplishments any less incredible to me.

Gaylord Perry didnt break the most respected record in baseball!
Where would Bond's HR total sit right now without steroids? 625-645 maybe he would still neeed 3 or 4 solid seasons and I dont think he has it in him.
What I am saying in regards to pitchers on steroids is not that it doesnt help them .... it does... that is why they take them..... what I am saying is that it has obviously helped batters more , since the home run numbers during the steroid era are ridiculous. therefore the statement applies as written.... If pitchers and batters were both using roids it was still a major advantage for the hitter.

Also , Gaylord perry on occasion spit on a ball to get an advantage for one pitch. He likely did this on several occasions a game , in key situations. bonds cheated every second he was on the field. In my mind it is cheating and has changed the debate over who is the better player to the debate of who has the better pharmacist.

Oh, before I forget . He is a jackass