Blown call


Well-Known Member
Ball was batted out of the endzone by Seattle which is illegal. Ball should have gone back to Detroit with the ball placed on the half yard line. Just confirmed by Dean Blandino head of the NFL officials.
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And the drum can just continue to be beaten...NFL officiating is horrible and the NFL doesn't care one bit about it. If they did, they would, at the very least, hire full time officials and stop letting games be decided by moonlighting lawyers and power lifters.

The back judge was literally looking right at the play and was less than 10 feet away. The officials huddled after the play...was it even discussed? If it was, how did they not call it...did they just decide to ignore what happened?

I won a 7 pt tease with Sea and the under, so this has nothing to do with a lost bet or anything like that. The NFL officials are just, as a whole, horrible.
And Pete Carroll just said Detroit could have challenged they couldn't have, it's not a play that can be reviewed. Not to mention, the play happened with less than 2 minutes left so Detroit couldn't have challenged even if it were reviewable, that would have been a booth review. Apparently, we can add Pete Carroll to the list of coaches who need a common sense coach, because he doesn't seem to know the rules very well on what can and what cannot be challenged.
Seahawks coach Pete Carroll admitted the Seahawks got a break, saying it was a unique situation, but "we were fortunate."
And the drum can just continue to be beaten...NFL officiating is horrible and the NFL doesn't care one bit about it. If they did, they would, at the very least, hire full time officials and stop letting games be decided by moonlighting lawyers and power lifters.

The back judge was literally looking right at the play and was less than 10 feet away. The officials huddled after the play...was it even discussed? If it was, how did they not call it...did they just decide to ignore what happened?

I won a 7 pt tease with Sea and the under, so this has nothing to do with a lost bet or anything like that. The NFL officials are just, as a whole, horrible.

Same bet but played late so pushed on the 3...knowing we are not gonna be a playoff team I am happy with the mistake hehe.
BAR nice hit when in gambling nothing else matters is the W this will sound crazy but I never liked DETROIT Johnson I always see him drop passes and turnovers when the game is on the line loser but what else is new we are talking about DETROIT Lions losers
It was not a "bat" is clear KJ Wright went to "grab" the ball and then had second thoughts immediately after touching it and pulled back.....good no call.
It was not a "bat" is clear KJ Wright went to "grab" the ball and then had second thoughts immediately after touching it and pulled back.....good no call.
WTF:cursing:JIMMY your my man
I'm good with the no call. The call would have gifted Detroit the game. If Detroit wanted to win they should have scored a touchdown.
It was not a "bat" is clear KJ Wright went to "grab" the ball and then had second thoughts immediately after touching it and pulled back.....good no call.

i cant tell if this is sarcasm or not. If you are being serious you might be the only person on earth with that view of that play.
That being said, Detroit can't complain at all. You can't fumble the ball at the half yard line and expect an obscure rule to bail you out.
LOL Jimmy

I'm sure that dumbass rule exists for a reason that I can't think of but in that situation I'd like to see batting the ball out of the back of the EZ be the correct thing to do
That being said, Detroit can't complain at all. You can't fumble the ball at the half yard line and expect an obscure rule to bail you out.

this. DET should not be rewarded by some quirky rule. If you fumble into the end zone and it goes out of bounds, you lose the ball. period. The rule needs to be eliminated.
It was not a "bat" is clear KJ Wright went to "grab" the ball and then had second thoughts immediately after touching it and pulled back.....good no call.

Well, KJ Wright himself said that he was batting the ball out of bounds. He didn't know there was a rule saying you couldn't, and admitted after the game that he was batting it out of bounds...until Pete Carroll stepped in and made him stop the interview, that is.

I know you were most likely joking, I just found it funny that Petey cut Wright's interview off once they found out there was a rule against what he did.
It's not a bad rule. If that rule isn't there its a huge advantage for the defense.

In what way? And wouldn't it be the same advantage for an offense that is punting and the punter bats/kicks the ball out of the endzone to take a safety and avoid a possible TD?

This play happens so infrequently, it's tough to call it a huge advantage.
Giving the ball to a team that never possessed it inbounds in itself is a dumb rule, but it's a rule.

Team that last possessed it in play should have possession, don't care if you penalize them for fumbling it out of the endzone, but they should retain the ball.
The punter situation is different because its on the opposing team's endzone. In the punter's situation, he elects to kick it out of the endzone and award the other team two points. There is a reward to the other team for the action so to speak.

In this situation, if the rule did not exist, and there is a fumble in the endzone, there is no difference for the defense if they recover it in the endzone or they hit it out of bounds... so why would they even try to recover it and risk the offense getting the ball? Coaches would just teach the defenses to bat the ball out of bounds..... that is a huge advantage imo.
I am not upset with fanduel. I've been saying there is some shady stuff going on anyway.

I am just having fun. Won't make serious money. 50/50's is the only way to make money imo.
The punter situation is different because its on the opposing team's endzone. In the punter's situation, he elects to kick it out of the endzone and award the other team two points. There is a reward to the other team for the action so to speak.

In this situation, if the rule did not exist, and there is a fumble in the endzone, there is no difference for the defense if they recover it in the endzone or they hit it out of bounds... so why would they even try to recover it and risk the offense getting the ball? Coaches would just teach the defenses to bat the ball out of bounds..... that is a huge advantage imo.

Well it's not that huge of an advantage because it doesn't happen very often. It's an advantage for both the offense and defense...sure it may be more for the defense, but you can still save your team points while on offense. Everything doesn't have to be so dramatic....huge, best ever, worst ever, etc.
why can't intent be reviewed? The NBA does it for flagrants and it seems to work just fine. NFL could've done it with this play, or any of Suh's malicious plays, which it does after the fact anyway.

also, let's just get rid of challenges already. College has it right, every play is reviewed. Why bring challenges into the mix. So much technology to get these calls right going to waste.
Well it's not that huge of an advantage because it doesn't happen very often. It's an advantage for both the offense and defense...sure it may be more for the defense, but you can still save your team points while on offense. Everything doesn't have to be so dramatic....huge, best ever, worst ever, etc.

And you also don't always have to criticize every post on the website. Just because something doesn't happen every game does not mean it's not a huge advantage. When the rules are created the committee doesn't care how often a play happens, it has to create fair guidelines for all potential occurrences. If the defense can just wack the ball out of bounds and get the same outcome they would get for recovering the ball, the defense has no reason to fight for it while the offense has to put forth effort. It's completely unfair.
why can't intent be reviewed? The NBA does it for flagrants and it seems to work just fine. NFL could've done it with this play, or any of Suh's malicious plays, which it does after the fact anyway.

also, let's just get rid of challenges already. College has it right, every play is reviewed. Why bring challenges into the mix. So much technology to get these calls right going to waste.

Your first point is very true. But the reason the play couldn't be reviewed is because it's a judgement call on the part of the referee. The lions coaching staff should have went ballistic (like Carroll would have done) to force the refs to huddle up. But the lions coaching staff might not have known the rule themselves so there's blame to be put on multiple parties.

Pretty sure the reason they have challenges is for the length of games.
I would change the rules to allow batting the ball at any time. But if the ball goes out of your defensive end zone it counts as a safety for the other team on all occasions, regardless of possession.

This corrects the discrepancy in having an unrecovered fumble given over to the defense. It takes one less thing away from the refs to decide upon, and it mitigates any potential loss of scoring on the 2-3 times each year that the play occurs.
And you also don't always have to criticize every post on the website. Just because something doesn't happen every game does not mean it's not a huge advantage. When the rules are created the committee doesn't care how often a play happens, it has to create fair guidelines for all potential occurrences. If the defense can just wack the ball out of bounds and get the same outcome they would get for recovering the ball, the defense has no reason to fight for it while the offense has to put forth effort. It's completely unfair.

It's a discussion, not criticism, grow up. Not only does it not happen every game, it happens very, very rarely. Something that happens that rarely can't possibly be seen as a huge advantage.

There's nothing unfair about it because it is against the rules, and they can't do what you just said. The offense also cannot whack the ball out of bounds either...which they may try to do when fumbling and that fumble isn't in the end zone. You're making it sound like the defense would be the only ones to benefit if there wasn't a rule in place, and they wouldn't. They did, and would, on a play like last night.
Your first point is very true. But the reason the play couldn't be reviewed is because it's a judgement call on the part of the referee. The lions coaching staff should have went ballistic (like Carroll would have done) to force the refs to huddle up. But the lions coaching staff might not have known the rule themselves so there's blame to be put on multiple parties.

Pretty sure the reason they have challenges is for the length of games.

The officials did huddle up. They did discuss it. They decided that the knock out of bounds did not change what was going to happen to the ball (that it was on its way OOB already).
Wow did Calvin Johnson get bailed out by this referee fiasco.

Hold onto the ball you injury prone bum. Terrible play by him.
It's a discussion, not criticism, grow up. Not only does it not happen every game, it happens very, very rarely. Something that happens that rarely can't possibly be seen as a huge advantage.

There's nothing unfair about it because it is against the rules, and they can't do what you just said. The offense also cannot whack the ball out of bounds either...which they may try to do when fumbling and that fumble isn't in the end zone. You're making it sound like the defense would be the only ones to benefit if there wasn't a rule in place, and they wouldn't. They did, and would, on a play like last night.

I don't think you understand what I am trying to say or I am not understanding this post. I said that IF the rule was not there, it would be an advantage to the defense. Moving on.
CJ should have protected the ball.

That being said, I agree with nbafan. It's still a rule and it should have been called - whether or not it happens often doesn't matter. Wether it is an advantage or not is irrelevant. If they think it doesn't happen often enough or is irrelevant, then remove it from the rule book.

Since the ball is oblong with points and not round, the officials had absolutely NO idea what the ball would have done if it were to have bounced, so saying the KNEW is absurd.
^^^ I agree with this by Starks. People are debating a bad rule & missed call that it never should've come to. Johnson coughed it up on a great play by Chancellor, Wright should've either grabbed it or let it go. It's not as if a Det player & a Sea player were fighting for the ball then Wright knocked it out. Detroit nor their fans have anything to complain about IMO. They lost the game when the fumble happened, not when the call was missed.
Wow did Calvin Johnson get bailed out by this referee fiasco.

Hold onto the ball you injury prone bum. Terrible play by him.

He hasn't looked like the same player to me. Doesn't look like he's trying as hard as he used to or it could just be he's frustrated with Stafford....
Since the ball is oblong with points and not round, the officials had absolutely NO idea what the ball would have done if it were to have bounced, so saying the KNEW is absurd.


There are stupid decisions made by players all the time and they are called no matter what the officials think "would have happened"

this was a stupid decision by a player and should have been called... and the seahawks agreed after the fact
^^^ I agree with this by Starks. People are debating a bad rule & missed call that it never should've come to. Johnson coughed it up on a great play by Chancellor, Wright should've either grabbed it or let it go. It's not as if a Det player & a Sea player were fighting for the ball then Wright knocked it out. Detroit nor their fans have anything to complain about IMO. They lost the game when the fumble happened, not when the call was missed.

Well yes - CJ should not have fumbled, but he did. But fumbles are not always lost - sometimes the team that fumbles recovers the ball (crazy, I know). Should the rule be made that if a team fumbles they automatically lose possession since the other team made a great play?

And yes, Wright should have either grabbed it or let it go because what he did was a penalty.
He hasn't looked like the same player to me. Doesn't look like he's trying as hard as he used to or it could just be he's frustrated with Stafford....

I had no money on the game, so I'd like to think I'm objective regarding this...but Calvin Johnson was disgraceful last night.

First of all, he is completely overrated. 2nd of all, if you are an injury prone pussy like CJ is, maybe try to fight a little harder or play a little smarter. Make up for all of the games he has missed over the past couple of seasons. The fumble was terrible in my opinion, I don't care if Seattle's D made a nice play..hold onto the football in that situation.

But did anyone see Calvin Johnson after he lost his team the game? The guy didn't even look mad. He looked like he could care less. He plays with absolutely NO fire. He has the heart of a cheerleader. And then when the final whistle blows, he is smiling at midfield, hanging out with Richard Sherman. I think those two goofballs even exchanged shoulder pads from what I saw.

This Lions team is awful. Clean house. They aren't going anywhere with Stafford and Johnson.
Well yes - CJ should not have fumbled, but he did. But fumbles are not always lost - sometimes the team that fumbles recovers the ball (crazy, I know). Should the rule be made that if a team fumbles they automatically lose possession since the other team made a great play?

And yes, Wright should have either grabbed it or let it go because what he did was a penalty.

Are you Calvin Johnson's relative? They don't deserve to get that penalty. Hold onto the rock...there was a minute left in the could he fuck that up so badly.
Are you Calvin Johnson's relative? They don't deserve to get that penalty. Hold onto the rock...there was a minute left in the could he fuck that up so badly.

Haha no. I have him in fantasy and he sucks. I also had Seattle as my top pick in my confidence pool.

What makes a team DESERVE to get a penalty? Do we need a common sense ref that will decide whether a team deserves a penalty? If so, why are there rules? We can have a nice guy ref - that was a bad play - no penalty for you. You do a lot of charity work - no penalty for you.

I had no money on the game, so I'd like to think I'm objective regarding this...but Calvin Johnson was disgraceful last night.

First of all, he is completely overrated. 2nd of all, if you are an injury prone pussy like CJ is, maybe try to fight a little harder or play a little smarter. Make up for all of the games he has missed over the past couple of seasons. The fumble was terrible in my opinion, I don't care if Seattle's D made a nice play..hold onto the football in that situation.

But did anyone see Calvin Johnson after he lost his team the game? The guy didn't even look mad. He looked like he could care less. He plays with absolutely NO fire. He has the heart of a cheerleader. And then when the final whistle blows, he is smiling at midfield, hanging out with Richard Sherman. I think those two goofballs even exchanged shoulder pads from what I saw.

This Lions team is awful. Clean house. They aren't going anywhere with Stafford and Johnson.

I don't think anyone disagrees with this
guys I was this close tAKING DETROIT ml+400 my god I feel unreal bad for the gamblers that did sorry guys what a real bad beat that was hat's like hitting 4 games
I just remember one play yesterday where Stafford threw a bomb and it looked like Calvin was dogging it on the route. and just didn't give a damn. Stafford was pissed about the play but don't think he was to blame.
Are you Calvin Johnson's relative? They don't deserve to get that penalty. Hold onto the rock...there was a minute left in the could he fuck that up so badly.

Chancellor gets much more credit than Calvin gets blame. I do blame Calvin slightly for trying to get in the endzone even though that's being a MMQB. There was plenty of time left to punch it in but it's football instinct and I don't think he knew chancellor was there.
Chancellor gets much more credit than Calvin gets blame. I do blame Calvin slightly for trying to get in the endzone even though that's being a MMQB. There was plenty of time left to punch it in but it's football instinct and I don't think he knew chancellor was there.
oh my... u wanted a professional football player to curl up knowing we got time to score lol
come on man
no shit he didnt know chancellor was there