Black Out Thursday, Put Your Pix Here


Active Member
Well, it is finally here. The reason I have season tix. The reason I am a die hard card fan. I have touted UL all year... And it has cost me, dearly at times. Although, I have cashed in at times too. Most over estimation was against MTSU when I bet 6 units. Lost my anus, but have cashed in on MTSU since watching them play the cards.

Here is how I see it. WVU is good. Real good. Cards aren't anywhere near their potential. But then again, their potential was upseting OSU in Nat'l Championship, though I don't think they could pull that off against Michigan. However, injuries have mounted. Bush, gone. Brohm, 50% for most of half of his games this year. Council, out over half season. Etc, etc with all the others that have been hurt.

Well, now we are just minus Bush. Everyone should be back in full force that makes a difference.

WVU is healthy and hitting their stride. They have done everything they can all year long for their rankings (very deserved) including leaving their stars in for late points.

Truth in this game lies in UL vs. UK and WV vs. Miss St. Take it for what it is worth, but WVU schedule is running cleared that UL's. Throw out the Miami win for the cards for obvious reasons. Throw out the Syracuse scores for both teams because of Brohm and Petrino... Petrino you ask? Well, he has been holding out, believe it or not. Trust me. He would have taken 1 point wins all year if it didn't mean showing his weapons just for this game. And it about cost us big vs. Cincy and Syracuse.

Keys to the game... WVU defense which we all agree is lacking. Also, UL's special teams on returns which has cost big money all year long. UL has changed their returners to someone that can catch the damn ball and not fumble. WVU hasn't played anyone that can analyze D's like Petrino.

I was thinking lay off, lay off, lay off. But how can you? UL's defense is too strong and WV's D is mediocre. See Maryland game first half if you have questions. Running QB you say... Well, here is how you stop that. You shut down Slaton and protect/hold the corners. Force QB up middle. He is going to have to throw it sooner or later. And UL is going to have to stop it.

My play... Get drunk at game and celebrate biggest win in school history. Oh, and Cards for 2 units. Waiting to see under line, because I agree with Troy. Too much contolling the clock in this game. Expect 24-17 score.

Expect to learn the name Brock Bolin and Kolby Smith for a 3 yd gain and another "First Down Cards". Super Mario does something he hasn't done in 10 quarters... Run routes deeper than 12 yards. Can a QB getting 75-100 yds and total rushing being around 200 win the game for Mountaineers?

However, I have been known to be too optimistic about my home team. Goodluck to all... If things work out well, I am going to Glensdale via a pizzabox. If not, I will see you in sunny South Beach!
I am sitting this one out on the sidelines with beer but I will be rooting for WVU to win (going up there on Fri to visit sum friends) however,

If I had a gun to my head I would pick Louisville on the ML...

Last yr's Triple OT win has been on these kids minds all week, they never forgot that game and I just feel they get their revenge at home in their stadium with their fans. Lets face it, we can throw stats all day from both sides about how neither team has looked dominant lately and how both teams have been pushed by weak competition but tomorrow there are no excuses. Both of these teams had 12 days to prepare for the game.

Louisville knows WVU will try to run the ball with Slaton/White and Louisville is going to try and test the WVU secondary..

Its the first Superbowl of the season for each team...Its going to be a hell of a battle. To win, it will take some balls. Both teams will throw everything in the playbook out, this is the season on the line..Remember when Rich Rodrigues called that fake punt vs UGA last yr??

Anyways, goodluck to all playing this game!!

Heres a :cheers: to watching another thriller!
Am I the only person who likes the over and thinking the offenses for both teams are so much ahead of the defenses? Both teams are big play type teams.
Fondy, I can't see either team scoring 30 IMO. But that is just me. I have screwed the pooch 4 times this year on UL totals.
Louisville will be able to somewhat contain WVU on the ground.
WVU won't be able to do a thing with Louisville's air attack.

37-31 Louisville
Louisville for me, and leaning to the under on this one. Have to disagree on one thing though, dont think Petrino has been "holding back", they damn near lost the Cincy game It will be a little colder than games they have played so far, should be a around 40 degrees at kickoff. Not saying that is horrible conditions, but it does make a difference. I really and truly feel this will be a ball control game, with field position being a premium. Neither team will want to make that 1st mistake and give ole moe to the other team.

prediction: Lville 27

WVU 17

Not a Card fan, as you can tell by the Avatar, but the beer will be flowing at the local bars with WKU students cheering on the Cards.

Thirsty Thursday doesnt get any better than this. Will make sure though that the server will have the UK vs the Bionic Woman exhibition game on the local station.
Hardball: Where are those chicks from, somewhere in Louisville? Got a link or website where there are more of them? Trying to figure out if that was a party back home or not lol...
CKR, that looks an awful lot like the Olsen twins, but doubt they'd ever be in something that looks like that. Photoshop, maybe?