Biggest Coaching Pet Peeves

See bold: Franklin did this (not inside 10 but around 20 yd line with 3 timeouts) for Kentucky today at the end of the half when he was on offense with 64 seconds left......bahahaha

Franklin has no clue about anything.
Shocked penny state hired him.

He is a Mac level coach at best.

You aren’t winning with a guy who is risk adverse tone deaf and scared to make a ballsy call
Franklin has no clue about anything.
Shocked penny state hired him.

He is a Mac level coach at best.

You aren’t winning with a guy who is risk adverse tone deaf and scared to make a ballsy call
Don't think they had many options at time of his hiring. Guy can recruit, which scared me at first. I didn't realize how totally incompetent he is in game. It's a comedy actually. I would pay big $ to sit at a table with him and go over X and O's. I can't imagine what that would be like.
Don't think they had many options at time of his hiring. Guy can recruit, which scared me at first. I didn't realize how totally incompetent he is in game. It's a comedy actually. I would pay big $ to sit at a table with him and go over X and O's. I can't imagine what that would be like.

Yeah he might be able to recruit but his thinking and philosophy is out to lunch.

He really acts like he is coaching in the 80’s. He coaches out of fear, not courage.

Coaches that coach out of fear rarely win anything.
Don't think they had many options at time of his hiring. Guy can recruit, which scared me at first. I didn't realize how totally incompetent he is in game. It's a comedy actually. I would pay big $ to sit at a table with him and go over X and O's. I can't imagine what that would be like.
I read the bold and expected the next words to be "and play poker".
The top mistake college coaches make is to coach with a risk adverse attitude.

Ex- penn state down 6 late 4 mins left. Pen state 4 th and 7 from the 13 yard line of Kentucky.

Janes Franklin decision? Ok let’s not risk it here and kick the sure fgoal and try to get the ball back again to tie.

This is a baby boomer risk adverse attitude. Penn state athletic director should be fired ASAP. Franklin isn’t a winner. He coaches with a losing attitude.

Let’s not risk it. Let’s play safe and lose.

Boy did I think Franklin made a bad decision.
The choice he made left his team behind.
Going fortheTD, they could have scored. They could have drawn penalty and got set of downs. They could have turned over on downs.
Which leaves UK on 13 yd line rather than the25.
No matter what could have happened, his defense needed a stop. Rather to be ahead one point than behind.
I hadU K
Boy did I think Franklin made a bad decision.
The choice he made left his team behind.
Going fortheTD, they could have scored. They could have drawn penalty and got set of downs. They could have turned over on downs.
Which leaves UK on 13 yd line rather than the25.
No matter what could have happened, his defense needed a stop. Rather to be ahead one point than behind.
I hadU K

I agree 100%-- He is completely wrong which the Penn state athletic director should answer for..

You hired a guy and paid him millions of dollars and he is incompetent with decision making

As you pointed out above, the correct decision was to go for it,, the fgoal was a loser move and the incorrect move-- Franklin not knowing that puts his whole coaching credibility in question imo.
Franklin‘s stupidity absolutely has to be accounted for in expected close games. Its literally a 3-4 point bonus for the opponent

Best Franklin call was taking 2 timeouts in a row on 4th and 5 vs Ohio state with the game on the line and then running a draw up the middle that was stuffed!
Franklin is the coach that for ex trailing 27-20 with 3 minutes left and his team has a 4th and 14 from their own 15 yard line would PUNT the ball..

He would run the punter on the field thinking if we miss this they will score-- Not realizing he is throwing the game away--

He will swear by his theory and say OH NO you cant go for it there, thats crazy---

How idiots like this man are coaching and getting paid millions makes me believe that there are thousands of guys sitting in the states that would be better head coaches than guys like him.
@scarf31 loved your rant but for years I was with u on the "if a runner is heading out of bounds behind the LOS just throw the ball" wagon, but someone correctly pointed out to me that there is almost definitely an illegal blocker down field if the ball is thrown

most of the time, I would love a team to accept a 5 yd penalty and give me the down back.
turning into a giant pussy when you get a bigger job, cough, chris peterson, cough.

Agree, its like he went to Washington and runs the most boring conservative offense around. The same team for 3 years there. Its awful to watch. At least Boise would do fun stuff when he was around. Does he think now he has the talent where he does not need to do it? I don't get it, especially in the Rose Bowl as a decent dog, have some fun with it and see where it goes. No reason it can't work at UW if it worked with less at Boise. Boise must still have his balls.
Agree, its like he went to Washington and runs the most boring conservative offense around. The same team for 3 years there. Its awful to watch. At least Boise would do fun stuff when he was around. Does he think now he has the talent where he does not need to do it? I don't get it, especially in the Rose Bowl as a decent dog, have some fun with it and see where it goes. No reason it can't work at UW if it worked with less at Boise. Boise must still have his balls.

he called time out to punt with 4.5 mins left down 11.
