Big play July 5th FIFA U-20


Scent of a Woman
Ok so i'm about to unload on a big play for this tournament, i've seen a lot of games and a lot of teams have not looked very impressive, however the 2 that have are in the same group.

Chile vs Congo
Over 2.5

Price is not out yet but whatever it is, i'll hammer it. Chile just destroyed Canada. Their natural ability and skill were far superior to that of Canada's boring, technical play. The speed and pace the Chileans had set the tone and they were consistantly closing down on the Canadians.

Today i saw a match where i though Congo out muscled and out hussled the Austrians. However, being this was their debut match, they gave up an early goal but from then on really wanted the match more. Extremely physical, extremely fast, they could of won it in the last 15mins of the match. However, Austria nearly hit an own goal, the goalie made some crazy stops and there was an incident where perhaps a goal should of been ruled but it was difficult to see.

I think the pace of this game will open up a lot of gaps and because of that, i think each team will take advantage of it, this could be the most exciting match of the tournament thus far base on the style of play. Arturo Vidal is making his case why he is worth 11 million bucks to Bayer Leverkusen, but i was most impressed with Mathias Vidangossy. This is a very very crafty player and reminded me of Leo Messi when he was in the youth championships. Extremely skillful around the ball and dazzled a lot of the Canadians. If he is able to wiz his way around the Congo midfield, i think his pace maybe a little too much.

Congo, where fantastic on the wings, just pacey and lots of whip on the crosses, Ibara was fun to watch and in all honesty i think Chile and Congo will progress.

I expect this match to end up with 4 goals at least. So i'll be back with the prices. However i'm going to put over $1500 on this total.
Good luck bro, but dont go too heavy on it.

These guys are just kids and its risky to put serious cash on these youngsters.
i think the risk is just as high playing adults. Congo has a lot of unknown players who are out here to make a statement, this is their chance to get out of Congo and play abroad. As for the Chilean's, they were deemed as the worse S.American's to qualify but proved the host nation how the game is played. I would not bet big in a first game, but after seeing how each team fair's now we got to see what they are capable ofo and i'm confident in this bet
You seem to be putting a lot of emphasis on the fact that Chile just destroyed Canada and therefore are very strong. Well how good are Canada? That's where you should be breaking this potential over total down. Simply because Chile had its' way with Canada does not necessarily mean they'll score two or three goals against upcoming Congo, let alone ustain enough overall pressure to even obtain enough chances to be able to score as many. How good is this Congo team in comparison to Canada? From reading your post, you seem to have studied most U-20 tournament teams and hopefully the two specific teams you'll will risking 15 C-notes in that they combine for a minimum of three goals in their head to head match on Thursday. Finally, I can only say I'll definitely be cheering for you, that I trust and hope you know what you're doing and finally wish you good luck on this hefty U-20 tournament wager. :shake:
You seem to be putting a lot of emphasis on the fact that Chile just destroyed Canada and therefore are very strong. Well how good are Canada? That's where you should be breaking this potential over total down. Simply because Chile had its' way with Canada does not necessarily mean they'll score two or three goals against upcoming Congo, let alone ustain enough overall pressure to even obtain enough chances to be able to score as many. How good is this Congo team in comparison to Canada? From reading your post, you seem to have studied most U-20 tournament teams and hopefully the two specific teams you'll will risking 15 C-notes in that they combine for a minimum of three goals in their head to head match on Thursday. Finally, I can only say I'll definitely be cheering for you, that I trust and hope you know what you're doing and finally wish you good luck on this hefty U-20 tournament wager. :shake:

I don't even think Chile will beat Congo, i think these Congolese kids have more nack to them then the Chileans. First off the Chileans will have to travel to Edmonton and traveling for these young folks can be a little bit much. Also, in every single major footballing event there is always one team that people tend to have their hearts set on and in my opinion, that team is Congo. In the 2002 WC we had Senegal, in 2006 there was Ghana and now in a smaller tournament you have a group of face pace and exciting kids who are enjoying their time here. Their captain Cecil Filanckembo mentioned how crucial that game with Austria was, and that it was the setting stone for this team to prove to the viewers, they are no joke...well they aren't no joke. Chile looked fantastic all around, however, there were spans of time when they looked extremely tired and fatigured, the only reason why the Canadians didn't convert was that their wings were just guarded far too well, Jaime Peters did absolutely nothing and he was clearly frustrated. African teams can RUN. Hours and hours, they will run. The pace of play will benefit Chile for the first 15mins, plus Chile play with 3 backs, either they will change it, or will be hounded consistently. The Chileans looked good against Canada, because Canada just looked bad. The Canadian players first touch was just terrible and can't do jack on it and that's where they got burnt as well.

Key decision for this play is fatigue, you can only run so much with a team like Congo before you tire out and you make crucial mistakes, that's what happened to Austria as well and i expect the same with Chile, Congo's defense is fair stiff, but they do tend to leave open gaps for long range shots and well what did we see with Canada? Numerous of long range attempts, sooner or later, these kids think they'll make one.
I think I'll tail you, but with low stakes.

Liked your explanation and I see you are very cofident about this game.

Let's cash in, mate :cheers:
thanks danzer, good luck to u as well, in my opinion i think both teams will at least score one goal this game will be too open not to see some scoring.
Thank you for the winner.:shake:

Mike, how did you become interest in soccer, is it a big sport in Canada or did you live in Europe?
Thank you for the winner.:shake:

Mike, how did you become interest in soccer, is it a big sport in Canada or did you live in Europe?

I grew up in Singapore, my coaches were former Liverpool Reserves and also played for the Chicago Fire in the MLS. I grew up around a lot of international players from Japan, South Korea, England, Australia, Germany, etc list goes on. Lots of passion for football, how the Americans enjoy the NFL on Sunday we would enjoy the EPL on the weekends. Plus, Singapore is one of the primary betting cities in Asia and there are a couple of respectable online companies based in Singapore, so i really started to gamble at 12 just asked older folks to put bets for me, lol. It was great, Canada is terrible for football. Greencastle is one of the few guys that actually knows stuff outside of the EPL and other big leagues. A lot of the fans here are only following what they see on the tele rather than outside of the big picture. All i see are Arsenal, Man Utd, Liverpool and Chelsea fans, that's fine to be a fan of those 4 but they are your typical jocks who just have no clue about the rest of the league. They go around wearing one jersey one moment then switch it when there are new champs. Im probably one of the few guys in Toronto to be an Aston Villa supporter and obviously you get a lot of, "They Suck"....too bad those idiots dont' realize Aston Villa are one of 4 English teams to ever have won the European Cup. After watching Canada U-20s vs Austria U-20s i can tell you now, this team won't hit the World Cup unless its by some dramatic fluke. A lot of these youth are hitting Europe and have the opportunity to play aboard where there is more passion, unlike Canada, passion is for hockey. You know you aren't as good of a player when you call the game "Soccer" lol that's just the way i see it.
Very interesting personal experience Mike. Nothing like childhood experiences. My own football interest harks back to my boyhood in the 80's, where I lived close to a football stadium, and sometimes snug in through the fence on Sundays.

I am not a fan though, I feel the fans are getting low respect these days, everything is about crowd control, and I resent that. And how can I be loyal to a club, when the players aren't, and when nearly all clubs exist for economic gain/survival solely. The only games I truly engage myself in as a fan these days is when my national team (Denmark) plays meaningful matches. Occationally I have also been fascinated by other national teams, when there is a WC or EC.

Yes, the term soccer is terrible, of course there's another word that sounds the same, which fits quite well with the level of regard it has in North America. It is an evil scheme to call the NFL rugby hybrid for "football". I could easily make up ten good names which would fit the gameplay far better.