Big bet.

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I think people are just too sensitive. Not surprising in today's day and age, but true nonetheless.

I agree with this 100%. But this guy is always negative and starting flare ups with other posters for absolutely no reason. His interjection into Emkee's thread is a classic example of what he does all the time.
I agree with this 100%. But this guy is always negative and starting flare ups with other posters for absolutely no reason. His interjection into Emkee's thread is a classic example of what he does all the time.

Don't disagree at all.

But, to be fair, most of it started when Emkee counted plays in his record that he didn't post and changed the units he bet after a game was already decided (can't remember if it was a loser or a winner). Duds definitely escalated it from there, but that kind of shit shouldn't be tolerated in the first place.
He will be back one day but let's learn from this and be more supportive this is a tough business and operation to run , some people take it as a hobby or a job or life.. easy to fuck with people just typing letters to a someone but CTG is not here for the drama man just great insight....
I think people are just too sensitive. Not surprising in today's day and age, but true nonetheless.

lol, Larry calling dudes too sensitive when he gets irked by a misplaced apostrophe.

You ever heard the saying 'people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'.

As for Wade, couldn't care less if he was here or not but there are other posters that truly despise the guy.

I can deal with his shit but the turning of every thread in which I lose into his own personal troll-fest lets down CTG.

Dude should be over at 'Blankets' with the other 'keyboard warriors'.

What's this, his 2nd or 3rd 'banning' ? Guy obviously doesn't wanna play in the pros.
Don't disagree at all.

But, to be fair, most of it started when Emkee counted plays in his record that he didn't post and changed the units he bet after a game was already decided (can't remember if it was a loser or a winner). Duds definitely escalated it from there, but that kind of shit shouldn't be tolerated in the first place.

lol, now Wade is a campaigner for record integrity and it's all my fault. Come on man.

And Larry for a dude that calls out others for misinformation, your above post is exactly that.

Go check the locked thread from the 3rd of December. A play, not plays and it was pointed out by me in the very first post.

It escalated because Duds has been circling my threads for awhile now looking for a reason to troll and figured he found his opportunity.

Honestly, you guys that would rather troll about pointless shit than proactively share info, cap games, have a laugh and partake in meaningful discussions are just a waste of forum data.
Yes, I get irked. Lol. Good grief.

Yes, irked. Jokes on you, Larry.

əːk/<input src="" height="14" type="image" width="14" style="font-size: small; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">
[COLOR=#878787 !important]past tense: irked; past participle: irked[/COLOR]

  • irritate; annoy.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"it irks her to think of the runaround she received"[/COLOR]
    [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]synonyms:[/TD]
    [TD]irritate, annoy, vex, gall, rattle, pique, rub up the wrong way, exasperate, try someone's patience, put out, displease; More


    [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]antonyms:[/TD]

He's a fuckin loser troll that was on already on his second chance. fuck him, good riddance.
But, to be fair, most of it started when Emkee counted plays in his record that he didn't post and changed the units he bet after a game was already decided (can't remember if it was a loser or a winner). Duds definitely escalated it from there, but that kind of shit shouldn't be tolerated in the first place.

And Larry for a dude that calls out others for misinformation, your above post is exactly that.

Go check the locked thread from the 3rd of December. A play, not plays and it was pointed out by me in the very first post.
