Best ways to make power rankings ?


Pretty much a regular
what is the consensus on how people here do power rankings for foots ?

I am thinking of just adding up the statistical categories for each team .

Looking forward to a profitable season

I assign a value to each unit...QB, RB, WR, OL, DL, LB, DBs, STs, Coaching. The max score for each unit would add up to 100 and then I make rankings for each unit...obviously no team is 100. Sometimes I make plays according to PRs but doing it this way is also quite helpful to break it down with match ups as I can look at a DL score vs an OL score
I've never done such a thing. Seems very time consuming but to each it's own. My question is this - because of all the time one has to put into giving every school a PR, what are your minimum wagers? I feel like you need to wager more so you can possibly win more to make it worth it. Surely no one is betting quarters after making PR's?
I thought we all just flipped a coin before kickoff? Damn, I have been going about this the wrong way!
I assign a value to each unit...QB, RB, WR, OL, DL, LB, DBs, STs, Coaching. The max score for each unit would add up to 100 and then I make rankings for each unit...obviously no team is 100. Sometimes I make plays according to PRs but doing it this way is also quite helpful to break it down with match ups as I can look at a DL score vs an OL score

I know people that do something similar. Each unit gets a rating and then a weighting (QB weighted higher then ST, etc). Add it all up and note the difference between the 2 teams.. Do this for a season and keep track of the difference and the closing line. At the end of the season run a regression to determine what the difference equates to for the line (easy to do in excel).

For example, one teams rates 78 anf the other 72. The difference is 6, but a difference of 6 equals 3.5 points. A difference of 10 might mean 7 points, and it goes on

Valueing each unit makes it easier week to week to adjust for injures