Best Swings and Hitters

guy most similar to sheff now is prob javy baez. when they load, they both point the barrel at the pitcher. not something you can teach, b/c there are prob 100 guys on the planet that have the bat speed to hit that way. even baez toned it down some last year. sheff was really something.
this is gold:

reading comprehension, how does it work?

listen little leaguer,
you think you would be better off teaching a kid to try n hit bombs than teaching a kid to be able to hit to all fields?

Cubsker you are wrong. Teaching your 12 year old self to throw gas and try and pull it 400 feet is about as much of a joke as saying you were rated the best swing by all the coaches in the league, where your dad was the allstar coach.

Do you think Joe Mauer's dad (8 yr 184 Million contract) was wrong to teach him a level swing, push oppo, and battle in the box was wrong?
Tell me how u would teach your son cubby.. Mr little league fundamental
Cubsker you are wrong. Teaching your 12 year old self to throw gas and try and pull it 400 feet is about as much of a joke as saying you were rated the best swing by all the coaches in the league, where your dad was the allstar coach.

Do you think Joe Mauer's dad (8 yr 184 Million contract) was wrong to teach him a level swing, push oppo, and battle in the box was wrong?

you can believe whatever you want, young gun. why would i lie about such a silly thing? i only bring it up to make a point about what kids are generally taught and how it is detrimental to their long term prospects if they want to play after high school. the avg high school player can't slap singles to RF and expect to go anywhere. is the 6 foot 5, LH hitting catcher really the guy you want to hold up as the model for what high school kids should be trying to do? and anyway, mauer hit home runs in 7 straight games, tying the all time high school record. the dude mashed, c'mon.
Tell me how u would teach your son cubby.. Mr little league fundamental

if my son wants to play and is serious about it when he's 9 or 10, i'll try to teach him to hit like MLB players do. that donaldson video is a great example. there are thousands others that show major league hitters and they show similar actions.
you can believe whatever you want, young gun. why would i lie about such a silly thing? i only bring it up to make a point about what kids are generally taught and how it is detrimental to their long term prospects if they want to play after high school. the avg high school player can't slap singles to RF and expect to go anywhere. is the 6 foot 5, LH hitting catcher really the guy you want to hold up as the model for what high school kids should be trying to do? and anyway, mauer hit home runs in 7 straight games, tying the all time high school record. the dude mashed, c'mon.

No cub what was detrimental to you is u are 5 foot nothing and are bitching about being fat and weigh 183 as an adult. Simply put u didn't have the size of a mlb prospect and I don't care if u taught to swing like josh Donaldson From birth.
Not being a dick either
yeah, you just don't have any idea of what you're talking about. stick to hot sauce policing, maybe.

first though, ask yourself how jose altuve, who is 5 foot 6 and weighs 165 lbs hits bombs.

baseball is the only sport i know of where we don't teach kids to do it like the best in the world. "level swing", "hit line drives", "keep that back foot planted". dumb.
Sure bud...
Enjoy teaching ur midget weak ass kid to hit bombs.
I truly believe in teaching the fundaments in all sports at an early age. So yeah I would to teach a kid to take a ball on the outer part of the plate to the opp field.
Altuve has 39 homers last 2 yrs.
The 3 yrs prior he hit 19 total
he's changed his swing. just a coincidence that he went 7 HR, 15 HR, 24 HR the last 3 years, I'm sure. you're not very bright.
Lets teach that to 9 yr olds.

Teaching 9 year olds to swing like 30 year old grown men do is the most retarded thing I have heard ever. Do we even need to continue this conversation at this point? Let's let Cub teach his 4'1" 100LB little guy to swing like the pros, and maybe he can be voted onto the Local Youth All Star team as long as Cub is the coach, just like his dad was.
Teaching 9 year olds to swing like 30 year old grown men do is the most retarded thing I have heard ever. Do we even need to continue this conversation at this point? Let's let Cub teach his 4'1" 100LB little guy to swing like the pros, and maybe he can be voted onto the Local Youth All Star team as long as Cub is the coach, just like his dad was.
I am pretty sure thats why its crickets in here, if people thought I was wrong the posters would be full on attack mode with me. Since its nice guy cub and they disagree with him they stay silent.
I am pretty sure thats why its crickets in here, if people thought I was wrong the posters would be full on attack mode with me. Since its nice guy cub and they disagree with him they stay silent.

Only crickets I hear is after his 9 year old takes a Griffey swing in little league. If cub coaches all sports and assuming he is an allstar coach like his father was, I wonder if: Lil 9 yr old Cub throws 40 yard fly routes like Brady, takes slap shots like Chara, and shoots 3's all game like Curry. Why work on the fundamentals when you need to possess the big league stuff in little league.
Only crickets I hear is after his 9 year old takes a Griffey swing in little league. If cub coaches all sports and assuming he is an allstar coach like his father was, I wonder if: Lil 9 yr old Cub throws 40 yard fly routes like Brady, takes slap shots like Chara, and shoots 3's all game like Curry. Why work on the fundamentals when you need to possess the big league stuff in little league.
No no
he will teach his kid to sling it like A Rodgers, back foot, side arm, across body.
Never step inside the 3 point line, just launch.
in dudley world, the fundamentals somehow involve some different way of hitting than how pros hit. what is the fundamental way a 10 year old should hit and at what age do those fundamentals change to the way pros hit? which action that a professional hitter does could a kid not do? at what age should a kid start hitting like pros do?
in dudley world, the fundamentals somehow involve some different way of hitting than how pros hit. what is the fundamental way a 10 year old should hit and at what age do those fundamentals change to the way pros hit? which action that a professional hitter does could a kid not do? at what age should a kid start hitting like pros do?

lol here kid, watch this clip of how josh Donaldson bats, now go do it.
yes or no
shouid u teach a 9 yr old to take an outside strike the other way?
That Donaldson video was fucking great. I've already watched it twice. Some awesome stuff in there.
yes or no
shouid u teach a 9 yr old to take an outside strike the other way?

I'd go with yes. They can still learn what Donaldson was talking about. He's not incapable of going the other way, especially with an outside pitch.

to use in the local slow pitch league this spring?

Well first, I don't play softball. Second, I'm just a fan of the game and love watching stuff like that. Probably the most honest and comprehensive breakdown of someone's swing by themselves I've ever seen. Found a whole bunch of other videos about his swing, and his approach at the plate...wasn't really a fan of him before, but certainly am now. Seems like a great dude.

Third, it will certainly help anyone that coaches kids, that's a no-brainer. Obviously, every kid isn't going to be able to understand it and swing that way, but if you have gifted kids it can be a huge help. Doesn't have to be 9/10 yr olds we're talking about either. Getting into the mechanics/approach THAT much may not be useful until a kid is 12, or 14, or whatever. That doesn't mean there aren't kids who would be able to "get it" and start using that approach at a young age.
check out bobby Tewksbury. tons of swing breakdowns. he's a private hitting coach. Donaldson had him throw at the home run derby as a thanks for helping him with his swing.
<iframe width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
It may be time for me to give u ur medicine like I used to...
How does any of this relate to Cub's initial argument that the way to teach kids is to throw 100 MPH and swing for the fences every time?

I still haven't heard one argument on how teaching Timmy to throw off his back foot, or with both feet in the air is going to make him a successful player? Haven't heard how teaching a 9 year old techniques they can't physically do at this point is a key to their adult success. You can't teach a kid a proper tag technique, unless he knows how to catch. Can't teach a kid to stop in hockey if he doesn't know how to skate. It all starts with fundamentals and until those are perfected the rest is worthless.
How does any of this relate to Cub's initial argument that the way to teach kids is to throw 100 MPH and swing for the fences every time?

I still haven't heard one argument on how teaching Timmy to throw off his back foot, or with both feet in the air is going to make him a successful player? Haven't heard how teaching a 9 year old techniques they can't physically do at this point is a key to their adult success. You can't teach a kid a proper tag technique, unless he knows how to catch. Can't teach a kid to stop in hockey if he doesn't know how to skate. It all starts with fundamentals and until those are perfected the rest is worthless.

If youre referring to me, I pretty clearly stated that many 9 year olds may not grasp the concept and it may be more suited for a little bit of an older age. However, 9 year olds certainly can physically perform the techniques. Did you watch the video? There is nothing he was talking about that can't be done by a 9 year old. It was about the shoulders as opposed to the hands, prettt much a dumbed down version of what he was saying. Of course there was more, but it was all technique and approach...there is no age limit on any of that.
If youre referring to me, I pretty clearly stated that many 9 year olds may not grasp the concept and it may be more suited for a little bit of an older age. However, 9 year olds certainly can physically perform the techniques. Did you watch the video? There is nothing he was talking about that can't be done by a 9 year old. It was about the shoulders as opposed to the hands, prettt much a dumbed down version of what he was saying. Of course there was more, but it was all technique and approach...there is no age limit on any of that.

Did u watch it again Lar? I hope so
Lar, I am not even talking about the video but the original dumb ass comment that in today's day and age we need to teach kids to only throw in the 100's and only swing for the fences. That is what it comes down to, and instead of backing that comment down it's been made worse by trying to defend it saying that I should be teaching my kids big league stuff at little league age.
Lar, I am not even talking about the video but the original dumb ass comment that in today's day and age we need to teach kids to only throw in the 100's and only swing for the fences. That is what it comes down to, and instead of backing that comment down it's been made worse by trying to defend it saying that I should be teaching my kids big league stuff at little league age.

yes I don't know why Larry is now chiming in on this. It goes back the moronic post by Cub. Post all the videos you want of 28 year old big leaguers