Best MMA odds on the net!!!!!!

Nice ass site. Thanks for sharing!

Some nubers that jumped out at me:

Bisping @ -220 is a steal. This is going to be a mangling.

Fitch as the favorite!?!? I hate Sanchez, right there with Liddell and all of them from Iowa at Militech's camp, but I dont know about that? I like Fitch, but I thin kthe wrong side might be favored.

Jackson -135 is tasty

I think Ortiz being -130 shows us who Vegas thought won the fight. You would think that a draw would have come out a little closer than it already is.
Nice ass site. Thanks for sharing!

Some nubers that jumped out at me:

Bisping @ -220 is a steal. This is going to be a mangling.

Fitch as the favorite!?!? I hate Sanchez, right there with Liddell and all of them from Iowa at Militech's camp, but I dont know about that? I like Fitch, but I thin kthe wrong side might be favored.

Jackson -135 is tasty

I think Ortiz being -130 shows us who Vegas thought won the fight. You would think that a draw would have come out a little closer than it already is.

i have to disagree with you about bisping, i think he's been ok when facing some shitty competition. hamill is a big step up from the cans hes been fighting. bisping has allowed himself to get into some difficult situations, but has been strong enough to escape. that wont happen against hamill, who will have a big advantage in physical strength. bisping is a very good gnp'er, but i dont think he gets hamill in that position. this is a good fight to determine which guys moves up the ladder. i just dont think playing bisping at -220 is the way to go.

diego will be the favorite by fight night. if you like fitch, you can get a better number.
laffit, glad you stopped by the mma threads. There are only about 4-5 of us that talk about it.

I agree with one point of yours on Bisping. He does put himself in precarious situations by being overly aggressive. Instead of letting the fight, action take its course, he tries to force everything for the highlight reel. It will catch up to him in the upper echelon of fighters. But this is where I have to disagree with you. Though you didnt say Hamill was "upper echelon", Hamill doesnt have the skills to take advantage of those mistakes.

Stand-up - Bisping, huge advantage
Takedowns - Hamill, how big, I dont know
GnP - Bisping, Hamill hasnt shown me that he is adept at bettering his position to get a good GnP going
Submissions - Bisping
Fighter spirit, if you will - Bisping

Hamill has only one way to win and that is to out point Bisping. He cant KO him standing. He has a small chance of ref stoppage on the while GnP'ing. His submissions are lacking.

Bisping can KO you standing, ref stoppage from strikes, submission.

I really see a beatdown taking place. Hamill is known to wine about strikes. I wouldnt be surprised to see a tapout/verbal declaration due to strikes.
There are only about 4-5 of us that talk about it.
everyone else is a bunch of women.

always good to find someone with a different opinion, the way it looks we are neither one going to change the each others mind on this one. maybe on others we can rule the betting world. :cheers:

first things first, i think bisping has topped out, hes as good as he will ever be. hamill is still improving and there are lots of tip-top MMA fighters who were similar to hamill at this stage of his career. most important factor in my eyes.

stand up is a draw, neither is great. bisping is sloppy with his punching, hamill has power but technique is crazy bad.

i think hamill has a big edge in td's. hamill can hold bisping down, but i dont think bisping will keep hamill down.

gnp- youre right bisping has a great gnp, his competition has been weak, but that does not discount it to much imo

submissions- they both suck and no way in hell this fight is ended by a sub

spirit- i dont know about that, hamill has been successfull at all levels of competition, i would not discount it. both have spirit from what i have seen.

nickname- the count wins worst nickname

i can see hamill bum rushing bisping and pummell-bludgeoning his way to victory
how many UFC/MMA fights has Matt Hammill even had for you guys to see enough of him??? i only became familiar with him from TUF. he performed well for those i suppose, but after the TUF fights i can't even think of 1 other fight i've seen him in....
Hamill's most recent win was a 1st rd tko over Rex Holman, who is by far the best opponent either Hamill or Bisping have faced. Hamill was efficiently effective, but not spectacular.

He beat Seth Petruzelli before his Holman win, it was a less impressive lnp, but he was never in any danger of losing
nickname- the count wins worst nickname

There we have it. Common ground has been laid down. :cheers:

Mogo - He has had 2 UFC fights. The one I saw was his first. It was against Seth Petruzelli @ Ortiz v Shamrock III. I didnt find it too impressive. He fought after that at UFC 68: The Uprising. I didnt see this fight.
Laffit, I have to agree the count is the worst nickname out there in mma. Everytime I hear that fucking nickname I want to puke. Anyway I'm really excited about watching this fight and you both made great points. My gut feeling though is telling me that Hamill is a little on the green side yet and Bisping is going to unleash some gnp on his ass. I know they both haven't fought that great of oppenents yet but it just seemed (especially in TUF) that Hamill has a little more to learn that Bisping. I hate to say it because Hamill could wip my ass in about 5 seconds flat but it seems like he is a little more of a pussy than bisping. I agree though that I don't see this fight ending in a submission. anyway my 2 cents and we can all agree that this fight should be good.
ifl is tonight.

i like Rothwell, he should be favored more and i think its some decent value.

bartimus always fights down to the competition, but i cant see him losing this one. i dont like laying a big number on him though.