best bet from the best baby

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good morning well yesterday was just unreal I hit only 1 game . a loss is a loss no matter how you look at it I understand that but and yes there is a but . I can't pick these games any better I can't every game I took was winning going into the 4 Q or tied .a late int for a TD fumble for a TD with little time just unreal bad beats . my team out gains the other by 300 yards and I lose. like I said yes there is bad beats but wow 1 after another . anyways I will make this fast I have been following half time lines for 4 or 5 years . i'm not going to use best bet 5 star or anything like that for now i'm not going to promise any winners I never did . but sit back and watch what happens with these halftime lines I think you will be 100 percent surprised the half time scores . it's even better in college football . very rare will I give out the full game wager only half time bol
MINN-1 HALF :cheers3::prayer
Do you think Minni will get the jump in 1st half. Appreciate your insight.
318 i'm sorry man I was outside doing some yard work it's late I understand but yeah I like the 1 half a lot. i'm changing my wagers from full game to half:cheers3::prayer
like I said if the 1 half doesn't work I will Quit I have been watching the 1 half like I said for a few years. its real hard betting the 1 half only not many gambler's can do that
Thank you. Whether you win or lose, always respect your work.
Aaron ty I Appreciate it we will find out if I found gold in these halftime games I think I have . I have been keeping a real close eye on these halftime lines
you will never ever have to worry about bad beats say by by bad beats. sure once in a while you might get some but all in all no . it took me 40+ years but we will see bol