best bet from the best baby

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Fwiw I do not keep a record, will not and will no longer post plays, tried it for a few weeks but if this is what thanks.

I'll 2nd Lareux and say that you've been doing a great job with the kickball record, and the foots you've posted too
Lareux yes i'm sorry its the truth I might no a few more players then 5 but not many more so no the gig is not up it doesnt matter if you dont believe it thats on you I tell you facts you dont no there facts but I do

I was being kind of facetious about that point. Funny you didn't address the actual important point...the fact that you claim to be betting as much as you are on a game yet don't have a tracking system, nor do you have any type of statistical analysis you can point to for making your plays? That makes little to no sense.
If you want to attack me personally for requesting honesty, then that is fine. You're right I am jealous of you not having to work. I think everyone here would congratulate you on not having to work. So yes in that sense congratulations I am glad you don't have to work.

KJ, despite what I've said here it almost isn't even about record keeping. It is about misleading people week in and week out. If you are asked a question, after stating you have won 3 weeks in a row now, I would think you can definitively point to your plays and say these were winners. It's not trolling, and it's not difficult.

Now d8, one thing I am not jealous of at all is your weekly record. I understand you are busy sipping coffee, betting millions, and posting on 8-9 sites but this took me merely 5 minutes of my time.

DENVER under 45.5



young when you post please post all the games not the losers like I said post all the weeks games because after you do you will look like a fool please post the winners you MF loser dont be lying you Jealous MF
Lareux all my bets are percentage bets win or lose it doesnt matter who is playing if I get the right number its a bet
young when you post please post all the games not the losers like I said post all the weeks games because after you do you will look like a fool please post the winners you MF loser dont be lying you Jealous MF

Please enlighten me on any NFL game I missed. This is the NFL forum used for betting NFL games. Please do post the NFL games I missed from this week. Anyone of your followers can please let me know if I missed any NFL games for the week. Kind of hard when you started 3 new threads after struggling through the week in NFL.
young all my bets are for the whole week I dont care if its dog racing check out college the whole week not just Sunday
Please enlighten me on any NFL game I missed. This is the NFL forum used for betting NFL games. Please do post the NFL games I missed from this week. Anyone of your followers can please let me know if I missed any NFL games for the week. Kind of hard when you started 3 new threads after struggling through the week in NFL.

young like I said dont pick and choose that was 1 or times I done that all year and yes go back and check I did that when I won also dont be staring shit unless you can back it up
I did back it up. You said you are 4-5 games over .500 this week in NFL.

CLE under 22.5 1 half
DENVER under 45.5



I will repeat this without using .'s or punctuation so you can understand me this is the NFL Forum for NFL bets this is not the forum for dog betting horses or fucking synchronized swimming if you post 3-6 in this forum and then say you are 4-5 games up and had "another great week" that's bullshit I could give 2 flying fucks about your record however when you say your winning and killing it and you aren't you sure as shit better back it up if I posted in the nhl thread this week that I made another killing and cleaned house despite going 0-3 I would expect someone to tell me I was on fucking crack that is why there is separate forums for separate sports not just one cluster fuck of bets and new thread after new thread with all your free time to post while you don't work I would think you could post some sort of record and maybe even post in the right forum cause it seems like you have so much free time on your hands as a workless millionaire and all
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Here is your college bets since you brought them up.

KS+10 /1 half
MIZZ under 21/ 1 half
SMU+13.5 wil go to +14
CINNY+9 ML+305 best bet
IN+230 ML

While counting your Arkansas +305 as 3 wins, you are still 8-9 in college. So as we break this down together at your request I have calculated your NFL and College football picks along with your 95% CFL winners and 8-9 in College and CFL and then 3-6 in NFL. I now have a record of 11-15. Is there anything else you would like me to go back and review? Although your actual record in college was 5-9 I did count your +305 as 3 wins to give you the benefit of the doubt. So now can we discuss about how you're misleading saying you are 4-5 games over .500 on the week and had another winning week.

11-15= not 4-5 games over .500:tiphat:
You missed this buried gem:

CLE under 22.5 1 half

3-6 in NFL for week.

Apparently I am not the only one taking notice, and who is MF crazy and a MF liar. I am not lying. I am literally taking your plays, and coloring them for your record. You are running out of dibble dabble here D8. I'm not sure how you are going to back up your bullshit and say you are 4-5 games over .500 when in reality is looks quite the opposite, despite you raving you had another winning week. This isn't trolling this is called facts. Try it
Ahh D8 dont waste your breath-
hows your health been bud?
Defaz my brother your right its unreal some people but hell that's what makes the world go around . Defaz my brother headaches are still there going to the DR tomorrow ty whats going on with you
not too much- Just got back from AZ and Florida for baseball- Won a championship out in AZ- Got to face DJ Carrasco formerly of the White sox, he struck my ass out- Took kids out to disney. Fucked my wife a few times and thats about it-
not too much- Just got back from AZ and Florida for baseball- Won a championship out in AZ- Got to face DJ Carrasco formerly of the White sox, he struck my ass out- Took kids out to disney. Fucked my wife a few times and thats about it-
my man Defaz how long where you in AZ and where in AZ I lived in scottsdale for a few years
I was in AZ for a week- Scottsdale- It was a blast- Went to a country concert with some chicks we met at the pool and her mom-
Gladly will never step foot in your thread again, if you post game by game how you got to 4-5 games over .500 this week. Right now we sitting at 11-15 with tallied plays, and I don't think I missed too many.

NFL: 3-6
CLE under 22.5 1 half
DENVER under 45.5



NCAAF: 8-9
KS+10 /1 half
MIZZ under 21/ 1 half
SMU+13.5 wil go to +14
CINNY+9 ML+305 best bet
IN +6.5

IN+230 ML

CFL: 0-1

NHL: 4-1
Ducks -130
Ducks PL +205

Grand Total 15-17
This counts +200's and +300's as 2-3 wins. Now please please please fucking tell me how you are 4-5 games over .500 for the week.

try giving me something factual like I have versus, saying you are MF stupid, and a loser, and no one views your threads.
young and I could by and sell you 1000 over i'm 99.99 percent sure of it never forget what I said the man with the most toys always wins life is a bitch go to work I will be thinking about you when i'm sleeping :cursing:this is young going to work god dam it its cold outside this is me:beer1:

this is me :craponface:
Without going too much into this...everyone relax...we don't require people to keep records and prolly 33-50% fudge records at time...just be here for information to help your own bets. Unless someone is trying to start a tout service there isn't much for us to do.
If you feel someone is trying to gain followers for your etc then absolutely contact one of the CTG staff.
Last posts from author or people commentating that are derogatory. Next I see I'm banning all.
D8 got a temp ban for a week , a few others got a red card for instigating shit. If anyone has any questions feel free to PM me

I understand members calling out members for people posting shit that may not look right, but lets not turn this shit into a witch hunt. Instead of a gang mentality to just go against a poster, PM a moderator and will will contact that member in question
the primary reason, for attacking people personally when they questioned his record keeping (which is fair) in a legitimate manner - but CTG will not condone these gang mentality witch hunts any further
the primary reason, for attacking people personally when they questioned his record keeping (which is fair) in a legitimate manner - but CTG will not condone these gang mentality witch hunts any further

But CTG condones Frauds Alex?
I got a cool infraction- WTF- I havent been here in awhile and I get infracted- WTF sally
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