best bet from the best baby

UTSUX i'm trying I had 1 yesterday that might get me back on the right track I think I have a few this week Ithink
UTSUX what a week I had my god I always get bad headaches but after this week I need my DILAUID8
i'm looking for my man the DR I have not seen him the VALIUM will put you in Alice in Wonderland
I just don't like seeing people lose money.........I won't post here again
that's 1 thing I agree with you the problem with that if you where here from the start you could quit your job thats how much money you would have more then you could even have in your lifetime. and i'm not joking thats the problem with gamblers. now the ones that been here no whats happening but the guys that just few in and see you had 1 or 2 bad weeks in 2 or 3 years i'm sure I had more but not much more CFL had 1 losing week out of 15 weeks and that was just last week .you have to start from the 1 post read the posts and you wont believe the money you would have made but in gambling you always have the very few that lose the 1 week or 2 and see WTF but what about the other 19 winning weeks bol guys check out TOR+1 in cfl
that's 1 thing I agree with you the problem with that if you where here from the start you could quit your job thats how much money you would have more then you could even have in your lifetime. and i'm not joking thats the problem with gamblers. now the ones that been here no whats happening but the guys that just few in and see you had 1 or 2 bad weeks in 2 or 3 years i'm sure I had more but not much more CFL had 1 losing week out of 15 weeks and that was just last week .you have to start from the 1 post read the posts and you wont believe the money you would have made but in gambling you always have the very few that lose the 1 week or 2 and see WTF but what about the other 19 winning weeks bol guys check out TOR+1 in cfl

If this is true, why are you still gambling now...shouldn't you have more money that you could ever imagine?

Lareux I will tell you why that's how I pay my bills house car bills you name it . but i'm here because my wife lives in a diff state it gives me something to do and I like helping other win. I love when others win am I rich no but I dont ever have to worry about money ever the only thing I have to worry about is HEALTH
like I said I never like talking about money that's only when somebody tells me when I give out a ML game +30 or+400 and tells people he never bet that ML game. but I can tell you for 100 percent almost ever play I give out I bet sometimes I forget and post here and forget to make my bet and thats when others win but I forget to bet the game bceause i'm helping others win or trying to win most of the time they win that wager but I forgot to bet it I never say a word about that
did I lose this week oh yes baby 6 digits I wish I was kidding but i'm not like I said nothing to brag about because when you lose there is nothing to brag about sorry the last 2 weeks but go back and check the 3 week I went like 12-3 something like that but a few gamblers forget about that fast i'm going to close this out bol
Dodged the afghans yet again. Can't catch me mother fuckers
STEED you better be good i'm real good Friends with Abu Bkar al-Baghdadi isis leader
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You always get him in long run, 1 week is not a season, stay positive brother
win ty my brother I agree with you it should not get me going but when someone calls me out and losing that kind of money and if there wrong I will put them in there place real fast if there right its all good bol I can take a loss but some people just keep on going and going I feel bad as is dont need to keep talking about the loss I get it I had a real bad week or 2 weeks its happens bol my man
D8. I literally drove by Miller's on the Ave twice this week looking after a friends pets while away. Made me laugh both times. I haven't been there in at least 5-6 years. Best of luck this week. Crush it all the way to the bank
D8. I literally drove by Miller's on the Ave twice this week looking after a friends pets while away. Made me laugh both times. I haven't been there in at least 5-6 years. Best of luck this week. Crush it all the way to the bank
farm you should join us how crazy that is when BAR lets everyone no you should have a burger and a beer