best bet from the best baby

  • Thread starter Thread starter dilaudid8
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good morning guy's I think I have 1 more game i'm waiting for a line change I hope
guy's we are taking the oddsmakers/bookmaker to the MF cleaners I had only 1 losing bet since football started and that game was a burn. I should have won that game whoever rode me made a mint gov mint to the bank baby:Godfather::party: a few more winners in a row the year will be a winning season and the season never even started goodnight
well guy's the bookmaker is in real big trouble this year he can run but he can't hide I will find him and his brother the oddsmaker. the game is not over but I wish I would have gave out Denver but I was buss all day but it's only 1 game . today wrong team is the chalk the oddsmakers must have fallen out of a tree when making this line the bets
toronto+3 your giving me the much better QB and your giving me point's ty oddsmakers :Godfather: