best bet from the best baby

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johnny that's me looking for a winner to the day I die bol
:shocked:my god who in the world is that I have to admit you get the best pictures . chimp my brother would you hit that
I dunno man back in my younger days Id tap the dogshit out of that after about 15 shots- I once made out with a 70 yr old lady for shits n giggles- My buddies bet me I wouldnt so I walked up to grandma, picked her ass up---she was heavy---- carried her on the dancefloor and proceeded to dance with her and no music as the lights turned on and bar closing- MAN SHE WAS A HOT one-

Id probably fuck her just so she can get off-
that was just some lady sitting across from me before my surgery last week
that was just some lady sitting across from me before my surgery last week
you always come up with crazy pictures funny shit:shake:is everything alright with your surgery I hope today will be a good day i'm not even asking for a great day 3-2 I would be happy keep that money train rolling:badass:
there he is my man chimp I wish that I would have posted yesterday. my god what a crazy day everything I looked at won I mean everything not 1 loser. and today both winners the problem is that yesterday I bet nothing goose egg 0 but at least I had both winners today .I was sick yesterday every hour I looked at the final results winner winner winner winner I wanted to lose but that's gambling. when you don't bet all your teams win but thats alright I feel a real big day today real big let's get the bookmaker my brother. can't wait for football in 2 weeks CFL starts last year my god I must have lost on 1 or 2 game's in CFL I had an unreal year betting that sport bol
like I said I wish I posted today but it does nobody any good today THE BETS please bet at your own risk
ATLANTA -130 I love this bet best bet of the week
CINNY-122 yeah cinny is real bad team but the beast is pitching
MIAMI +215