best bet from the best baby 5 star bet

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I love you man
HUNT my man I love you to I have a big problem my computer is infected with a virus can you believe this shit. I just got back from the hospital turn on the computer its going crazy why can't this shit happen during baseball or b ball or hockey but no football season
i'm sorry guy's but my computer is giving out unreal MF unreal and its Friday late Friday nothing can be done. so i'm going to post all the games I like because I might not get another chance to post the bets bol:Smash:MF Piece of shit computer
MISS under 29.5 1 half
good morning guy's my computer is running like shit real slow but 1 more bets
MIZZ under 24.5 half
Guess who's back in the mutha fuckin' house, with fat dick for yo mutha fuckin' mouth, hoes recognize......

Welcome back bro!
Guess who's back in the mutha fuckin' house, with fat dick for yo mutha fuckin' mouth, hoes recognize......

Welcome back bro![/QUOTE
egg what's happening my man great post:rofl: yeah let's have a great year bol
hey dd8 love your posts man nor sure if this applies but my sister suffered from migraines (incapacitating) and she also had an auto immune condition, one of her friends in the medical community told her that there was some evidence that a gluten free diet would help her autoimmune condition, so she says what the heck may as well try, 2-3 months later she really couldn't say if the autoimmune was any better but the headaches had gone away,she is no longer medicated for the headaches
good morning guys I said I no more baseball but today I just looked at the line's and wow SF +130 is sick just sick. yes the cubs have Arrieta going but SF has bum going if you have a 20c line no way on Earth you can take the cubs-150 not a chance. who is the better pitcher 100 percent its bum if you get a chance go look at Kershaw stats holy shit stats like this you will never see again I new KERSHAW was great but after looking at his stats unreal most likely will go down as the best of the best pitchers of all time. only bad stats he sucks in the playoffs bad
SF+130 bol
hey dd8 love your posts man nor sure if this applies but my sister suffered from migraines (incapacitating) and she also had an auto immune condition, one of her friends in the medical community told her that there was some evidence that a gluten free diet would help her autoimmune condition, so she says what the heck may as well try, 2-3 months later she really couldn't say if the autoimmune was any better but the headaches had gone away,she is no longer medicated for the headaches
player ty my brother 100 percent your post applies because your right I have to watch what I eat which really sucks. so many things like I said I cant eat and yes the headaches are Debilitating some of these babies last for day's yeah they put me back on the pain killers which I didn't want. do the pain killers work yeah but after a while you have 2 problems the headaches are still there the other problems try getting off these pain killers is almost impossible. its like the Devil has your soul and doesn't want to give it back again ty for your post I will talk to my DR about Gluten free Diet:doink:oh Fuck he comes the headache
hey dd8 love your posts man nor sure if this applies but my sister suffered from migraines (incapacitating) and she also had an auto immune condition, one of her friends in the medical community told her that there was some evidence that a gluten free diet would help her autoimmune condition, so she says what the heck may as well try, 2-3 months later she really couldn't say if the autoimmune was any better but the headaches had gone away,she is no longer medicated for the headaches
player ty my brother 100 percent your post applies because your right I have to watch what I eat which really sucks. so many things like I said I cant eat and yes the headaches are Debilitating some of these babies last for day's yeah they put me back on the pain killers which I didn't want. do the pain killers work yeah but after a while you have 2 problems the headaches are still there the other problems try getting off these pain killers is almost impossible. its like the Devil has your soul and doesn't want to give it back again ty for your post I will talk to my DR about Gluten free Diet
D* thanks for the plays....was able to sprinkle a bit on S.ILL ML +240 GL!
sport yeah that's a good ML bet my book doesn't have a ML but +240 here you have 2 real bad teams and getting +8 is alot of points. sometimes the best wagers are the no name schools not much action is wagered in NEVADA alot of the times schools like that are over looked. bol we are starting out good with 1 winner but its early who knows I might lose the rest of them I hope not
I wish I could post 2 half wagers great money can be made but its doesn't give a lot of time for gamblers to wager on . like U of M O/U is only 20.5 wow I thought it would be more i'm not posting any kind of 2 half wager i'm just saying if I was going to wager the 2 half it would be over 20.5 U of M can score that my themselfs bol guys' just like I thought the baseball game SF line went down to +115 from +130 I new it would i'm not going to count baseball. but at +130 was a great wager wow I just looked HAW O/U is 3.5 wow just wow i'm not betting but wow yes HAW might not score anything but 3.5 there is only 1 wager it would be over 3.5 but no bet because like I said not alot of time for gamblers to wager on
guy's I have 3 more bets and that's all she wrote so far we are having a good day. like I said SF +130 you wont see that kind of line again with BUM pitching the bets
UNI +6 half I really like UNI to win this game outright this team really isnt that bad ISU is in trouble today 5 star
USC+7 half bol:moose:you guys know what this means to the MF bank mint gov mint
URI +18.5 half
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well guys with Auburn 1 half to go so far today not a bad day. if Auburn can hit we did good . but guys its getting late see you guys tomorrow goodnight
D8 thanks for your time &effort in putting out your winners! It was a crazy day play after play between ncaff and bases. In the end it was a positive day$$$ and this was only the first day of the season!

Have a good night until we break the bank again!
D8 thanks for your time &effort in putting out your winners! It was a crazy day play after play between ncaff and bases. In the end it was a positive day$$$ and this was only the first day of the season!

Have a good night until we break the bank again!
sport ty yeah as long as you don't lose money your gold I was on the right track with AUBURN. but I took AUBURN for the half and they cover the full game sometimes it goes that way . guy's does anybody know if there was a ML on TEXAS STATE vs OHIO i'm sure some books had some short of line. the reason i'm asking because on 1 sport site I took TS to win the game at +1059 like I said there wasnt a play on that game but I was just wondering if anybody had a ML
good morning guys boy I would really like to take Texas + the points but with swoopes at QB + strong as the coach my god no can't do the bet
TEXAS under 30 half i'm looking at a low scoring game in the 1 half then it will open up in the 2 half bol
well guys its turning out to be a good week with MIAMI +170/SAS+5.5 winning but if SF+120 can win we have a great week
see you guy's next week have a safe week guys mint gov mint to the bank baby where is Defaz
guy's make a small wager on TEXAS under 28 half I can't see TEXAS scoring much with this coach and this QB goodnight