best bet from the best 11/25/12

  • Thread starter Thread starter dilaudid8
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well guy's the bet no write up HOUSTON -3 are you joking me ty oddsmakers:line:dilaudid I can see better now
D8 - good to be kinda back and running. Hope you are doing well.

I agree with the Bills and was leaning strongly that way...its now official and will be with you on Bills.

I hate to go against you, but Texans just played 5 Qtrs of ball and have to be exhausted, they have it locked up, are traveling on a holiday so I think its a tough spot. I bought the .5 and took Lions +3.5.

On you on OVER in Boys' game? If not why not?

Have a great thxgiving
ty guy's I no the play is detroit the wise guy's will be all over this team. but I just can't pull the trigger this team is so bad they really have nothing. plus there coach is so bad. and only giving 3 point's it's like saying that detroit will win the game. and they might win but if you can't baet a real bad team in green bay with the whole team not playing and you still cant win. that's what I mean about a bad team green bay is not bad just saying because there players where not playing detroit can't beat a high school team. not let alone the best team in football. my FAV bet is BUFFALO +3 I love this betgl my brother's
my man PLAY I love that toothless I agree how in the world can they make this line only 3 point's. I live here in mich and the talk is about how bad this team is and they really are it's a trash team. if detroit would win this game and they where to play again I would bet HOUSTON again the very same day -3. I don't no if anybody here know's this but detroit has not cover a thanksgiving day football game in 8 year's detroit 0-8 soon to be 0-9 that's a real big trend gl guy's
detroit since 2003 has not won a thanksgiving game 0-8:stretcher:after today 0-9
Dilla lock it up... i'm really pissed I cant bet all my funds are locked up till tonight.. My pick is Houston -3 / Dallas -3 Parlay, pays nearly +300.. GL brother
shark you are right the bet is detroit but I just can't pull the trigger. because this team is so bad and detroit has not had a W on thanksgiving day since 2003 detroit is 0-8 on this day but gl 1 of us will win
Conor mf you no what's going to happen it alway's does. any time you can't make your bet you would be a winner gl Conor on your night game's
yeah like 5-0 last Sunday you know I had it but I couldn't bet it..if this Texas / Dallas both win I am giving up because that would be my last 7 games 6-0-1 and Only 1 bet won and 1 bet pushed..
HUNT that is so funny toothless lion's:hang: happy thanksgiving/Conor that is such a bad feeling knowing that your going to win but there is nothing you can do about it you might win you night game's /Irish happy thanksgiving
mf guy's I might have to go back into detox mf I hate going there:bong::line:last time it was for 10 day's but it has to be after football season. that's what I told my DR Idid ask my DR if I can use the phone's in detox and he said no you get 1 hour a day fuck him DeFazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz where is our moose
to all of my friend's happy thanksgiving today I hope you have a good and safe day and winner's gl
bet 10 ty my brother well a push is a push my other add on game is NYJ +7 i'm going back to bed goodnight guy's gl i'm still real sick plus I really like TCU +7.5
keep an eye open for an outright win TCU/NYJ ML this would make your month
sorry guy's can't win them all but for today we did real good yes I lost both of my pro bet's the NYJ+7 and the ML. that's 0-2 but wait I hit TCU and the ML +280 so we did great today. I can't complain we have a great day that +280 was the killer goodnight my brother's gl I hope your thanksgiving was good and safe until tomorrow
guy's this site is getting nut's I keep trying to find my record but every time I try the screen goes nut's. now I have my record 9-8. now please some of my brother's if they find out that I made a mistake please post me. because that's what I came up with. now don't forget the ML game's if there is a ML game and it's +300 and I win it that's like winning 3 game's because I never ever post unit's like I said from the start bet every game the same amount. i'm not scared to give a bet out when I think that that team has a shot to win just like yesterday I gave out oregon state and the ML they lost they got killed that's 0-2 I use the ML game as a loss. but yeah if I make a mistake please let me no I won't get mad because i'm not god I do make mistake I post on 4 site's some yes I will make some mistake's. today at 1 pm my best bet goes today with BUFFALO +3 there might be an add on game later gl my brother's
Streakin that's a real hard to tell you about the O/ tell you the truth whatever I tell you go the other way i'm really bad on O/U. but BUFFALO +3 I really like a lot I think INDY is all done as far as winning they had there good year. gl my brother there is 1 game that for the 1 time I might bet more on this game it' later i;m still looking at it I will post it after 4pm
bones/win2 ty my brother's gl to you today add on game's OAKLAND +9,5/ KC +10 1 more add on game gl my brother's
bones that line shoot down that's a good sign +7.5 is still a good line my brother gl
well guy's I split today going 2-2 but for the week we did make money. not a lot but still after all said and done we made money. that's all that's count's that's another winning week that's 9-3-1 in my winning week's I did lose my best bet that's 4 in a row. but still i'm 8-4-1 in my best bet's. the start of the football season was unreal winning the first 2 month's not losing even 1 week. so I had to lose. but like I said when I did have a losing week it was 5-6 and 6-7 and last week was my worst 8-10 you most likely did not even have to meet your book until next week my brother goodnight I have an ass hole to go and tell him to fuck himself on covers mf hater's that mf picked the wrong guy to fuck with wait until I tell DeFazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz after I tell him to fuck himself then my man DeFazzzzzzzzzzzzzz will tell him to go fuck himself you try to help some gambler's and they don't listen then it's your fault when they lose mf ass hole's cover's and capping the game is not even close yes cover;'s is the biggest site but the most ass hole's come with it capping the game the best baby