Ben Simmons...

I think nash is the only person he didn’t bring up while talking bout the work he and the front office have cut out for them, lol
Nash got a cush paycheck while still being in NYC where he has a residence and share custody of a kid I believe, not too shabby

Can't imagine anyone thought he be a good head coach
Nash got a cush paycheck while still being in NYC where he has a residence and share custody of a kid I believe, not too shabby

Can't imagine anyone thought he be a good head coach
The kid that came out black?
This dude is such a fucking headcase. I don’t know if he’ll ever play at the same still lame ass level as he was a couple years ago.
Kyrie the only one with balls on that team. Say what you want about him but he isn't a pussy like the rest of them,
Actually it's impressive to me how Seth Curry carries himself considering the pressure of the last name, I do like him quite a bit
Kyrie the only one with balls on that team. Say what you want about him but he isn't a pussy like the rest of them,

He didn’t exactly step up in the series, after gm1 he was basically a no show. Not sure what he did that deserves any credit? He should have had multiple games like gm1 but couldn’t be bothered. Personally I think not getting the shot and screwing his team all year was quite the bitch move. Let’s be real, it redic they were the 7 seed and that was mostly on kyrie refusing to do what it took to play.