Ben Simmons...

Name a bigger pussy in the league past or present...
Impossible.......he is the end all be all. He's selfish, stubborn, etc, etc. I remember when he was at LSU, and they had all this talent, but failed to make the NCAA Tourney. There was a clip of the coach asking the team if they wanted to play in the NIT, and Simmons was the loudest "NO" in the room. I remember my wife saying, "why would he play"? "He's going be the top pick in the draft". I said, "baby you're right, but that motherfucker right there doesn't love ball, and if you don't love what you do, it's hard to be successful, no matter what your profession." Of course the Sixers draft him. My ability to separate my heart from my bankroll, something I've worked on for 25 years in order to have the proper mindset for investing, did not transfer. I didn't start betting the Sixers because they had Simmons, but I got really good at focusing on all the good things Ben was doing on the court, and suppressing what I knew to be true: He was/is the Tinman.

After the 2018-2019 season, I started to turn. Mainly because it was apparent that he was/is AFRAID TO SHOOT THE BALL. The start of the 2019-2020 season saw the banning of any and all Simmons merchandise from my house. I made my 10 year old take down the Simmons poster in his room (which he did with pleasure, he hates Simmons more than me). My 7 year old was another story. My 10 yr old and I approached him regarding the burning of his Simmons jersey. He was upset, and didn't want to do it. I said, "Son when you play ball, what's the only thing I ask you to do?" He said, "play as hard as I can, and treat every game like it's my last." So I made a deal with him. If at the All-Star break, he believed Simmons played every game like it was his last, he could keep the jersey. If not, we were burning that joker. Well, as we all know 2020 was a COVID season, but before the pause, my boy took his stand on 12/28/19: Sixers @ Heat. We were in Florida on vacation, and went to the game. He's got his Simmons jersey on, despite the berating from my 10 year old. The game went to OT when Simmons made a layup as time expired. Sixers go on to lose in OT. I don't know if it was the trash talking by the Heat fans, the pure emotion of the game, but as we're leaving the stadium, my man takes his Simmons jersey off and slammed it in a trash can. I was shocked at the authority with which he threw that thing in the trash. My wife was shocked. I said, "what was that?" My man looked at me, his face all red, fists clenched and said, "We would have won the game when Ben got the rebound in the 4th quarter, if he had just shot it off the rebound, and wasn't such a pussy." My 10 year old was laughing his ass off, my wife's jaw hit the ground, and hugged that boy with everything I had. 7 year olds are fantastic at keeping it real.
Wish he never wore the purple and gold.

Lotta pointing the finger and not the thumb.
He doesn’t have any skin on the wall to act like this, and even if he DID it’s still no excuse. Guy sucks.
Impossible.......he is the end all be all. He's selfish, stubborn, etc, etc. I remember when he was at LSU, and they had all this talent, but failed to make the NCAA Tourney. There was a clip of the coach asking the team if they wanted to play in the NIT, and Simmons was the loudest "NO" in the room. I remember my wife saying, "why would he play"? "He's going be the top pick in the draft". I said, "baby you're right, but that motherfucker right there doesn't love ball, and if you don't love what you do, it's hard to be successful, no matter what your profession." Of course the Sixers draft him. My ability to separate my heart from my bankroll, something I've worked on for 25 years in order to have the proper mindset for investing, did not transfer. I didn't start betting the Sixers because they had Simmons, but I got really good at focusing on all the good things Ben was doing on the court, and suppressing what I knew to be true: He was/is the Tinman.

After the 2018-2019 season, I started to turn. Mainly because it was apparent that he was/is AFRAID TO SHOOT THE BALL. The start of the 2019-2020 season saw the banning of any and all Simmons merchandise from my house. I made my 10 year old take down the Simmons poster in his room (which he did with pleasure, he hates Simmons more than me). My 7 year old was another story. My 10 yr old and I approached him regarding the burning of his Simmons jersey. He was upset, and didn't want to do it. I said, "Son when you play ball, what's the only thing I ask you to do?" He said, "play as hard as I can, and treat every game like it's my last." So I made a deal with him. If at the All-Star break, he believed Simmons played every game like it was his last, he could keep the jersey. If not, we were burning that joker. Well, as we all know 2020 was a COVID season, but before the pause, my boy took his stand on 12/28/19: Sixers @ Heat. We were in Florida on vacation, and went to the game. He's got his Simmons jersey on, despite the berating from my 10 year old. The game went to OT when Simmons made a layup as time expired. Sixers go on to lose in OT. I don't know if it was the trash talking by the Heat fans, the pure emotion of the game, but as we're leaving the stadium, my man takes his Simmons jersey off and slammed it in a trash can. I was shocked at the authority with which he threw that thing in the trash. My wife was shocked. I said, "what was that?" My man looked at me, his face all red, fists clenched and said, "We would have won the game when Ben got the rebound in the 4th quarter, if he had just shot it off the rebound, and wasn't such a pussy." My 10 year old was laughing his ass off, my wife's jaw hit the ground, and hugged that boy with everything I had. 7 year olds are fantastic at keeping it real.
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This is an all time post right here.
Would love to watch him and Kyrgios play some Aussie match of cornhole or something like it, the bitching would be incredible and it could even be PPV

I doubt Simmons could land the bag anywhere close to the box! Or if he does maybe he should switch to shooting free throws underhand!

I got a phone call during game asking who was sitting on the giant chair on Nets sideline. At first I wasn't really sure, then I saw emkees post and it all added up. You really can't make up how ridiculous this dude is, especially saying in the interview the other day how high his IQ is.

It's literally like we're living in that Netflix show Black Mirror sometimes. Even I act a little Kyrieish sometimes and wonder if I died or went into a coma in the hospital and this is all a dream
Even in high school when I was injured I still dressed with the team. This fucking idiot is clueless.

Ok. I need to stop.
Also just to change the subject how the hell did you get injured in high school? I rolled my ankle multiple times but would tape it up, had a pulled hammy and a concussion during football, but in high school you get thru that in like a day and chug along when your girlfriend takes care of you
Also just to change the subject how the hell did you get injured in high school? I rolled my ankle multiple times but would tape it up, had a pulled hammy and a concussion during football, but in high school you get thru that in like a day and chug along when your girlfriend takes care of you

I guess I was lucky too, I never got hurt. My ankles were always super flexible I could roll them and walk it off. I was too dumb to tell difference between concussion and normal. (Until I got hammered and dove into short end a swimming pool head 1st! That was early 20s tho, I felt that one for weeks! Only time ever had one that lingered, was kinda scary but prob lucky i lived considering how hard I hit bottom that pool/how much I weighed doing that dumb shit!). I even fell off top a moving car once and bounced my head off concrete around 17 and shook that one right off!

I got a phone call during game asking who was sitting on the giant chair on Nets sideline. At first I wasn't really sure, then I saw emkees post and it all added up. You really can't make up how ridiculous this dude is, especially saying in the interview the other day how high his IQ is.

It's literally like we're living in that Netflix show Black Mirror sometimes. Even I act a little Kyrieish sometimes and wonder if I died or went into a coma in the hospital and this is all a dream

I had to rewind the day I heard him say how high is IQ was to make sure I heard that right. For such a supremely intelligent person his self awareness is shit!!
Street smarts v book smarts

Street always wins

I’m pretty sure he said his basketball IQ so don’t think he meant actual iq, it just cracked me up. Even if it was basketball iq once again the lack of self awareness is almost unbelievable! I dunno where being too scared to take a layup in last years playoffs falls on his basketball iq chart? I guess high up if he knew he was gonna miss anyways and was terrified of being fouled! Lol
I’m pretty sure he said his basketball IQ so don’t think he meant actual iq, it just cracked me up. Even if it was basketball iq once again the lack of self awareness is almost unbelievable! I dunno where being too scared to take a layup in last years playoffs falls on his basketball iq chart? I guess high up if he knew he was gonna miss anyways and was terrified of being fouled! Lol
Pretty bad when I trust basketball IQs on a gambling board more than a #1 draft pick but that's where we're at
Even so, with that high basketball iq he has to know it bad for his team when your opponent knows you scared to shoot!!
Also just to change the subject how the hell did you get injured in high school? I rolled my ankle multiple times but would tape it up, had a pulled hammy and a concussion during football, but in high school you get thru that in like a day and chug along when your girlfriend takes care of you
Pulled groin. Can’t really tape that
Rolled ankle was an annual occurrence in HS and it was always a week out. Got X-rayed once and they found a hole in my right ankle bone and then the boot...finally x-rayed the left one and same thing, defective ankles since birth and been told I just have to deal with it. Pretty sure the tendons and ligaments in my right one are so stretched out I don't feel shit anymore
My uncle played running back in high school and had a full rotation of his ankle. A opponent stepped on his leg, and another kid hit him, it did a full 360. He said he didn't feel shit but when we looked down and it started unraveling he screamed in agony. He never played football again, and to this day walks with a limp. They actually freaking unwound the rest of the ankle ON THE FIELD. This was the 70s though.

I can't even imagine
My uncle played running back in high school and had a full rotation of his ankle. A opponent stepped on his leg, and another kid hit him, it did a full 360. He said he didn't feel shit but when we looked down and it started unraveling he screamed in agony. He never played football again, and to this day walks with a limp. They actually freaking unwound the rest of the ankle ON THE FIELD. This was the 70s though.

I can't even imagine

Back then if I recall correctly it was called a "world rotation" which is kind of funny

I’d call it a lifetime of prescribed opiates! Anytime they didn’t want to give them to me I be like “Mfer you know what my ankle did!”
Ben out for game 4. Would love to hear the convo on that. “We suck and fuck this” -kyrie&kd

Max bet Boston
Ben out for game 4. Would love to hear the convo on that. “We suck and fuck this” -kyrie&kd

Max bet Boston
Throw in "mate" and spot on

Nets are trash, just a matter of when Boston feels like shutting them off for good.
Also just to change the subject how the hell did you get injured in high school? I rolled my ankle multiple times but would tape it up, had a pulled hammy and a concussion during football, but in high school you get thru that in like a day and chug along when your girlfriend takes care of you
I actually wonder if there is ANYONE who has played any significant amount of basketball who has NEVER rolled there ankle. I’d put the o/u at maybe .001% of the population?
How much is this fucking pussy ass idiot getting paid to sit there looking like a mismatched crackhead?

Way too much. How stupid did nets have to be tho? They really think this mental midget was gonna throw himself in middle of a playoff series his team was getting punked? Did they not see him check out for Philly last year? He never had any intention of playing no matter how much nets begged and pleaded. They had more chance of Nash making a adjustment than him suiting up!!
Way too much. How stupid did nets have to be tho? They really think this mental midget was gonna throw himself in middle of a playoff series his team was getting punked? Did they not see him check out for Philly last year? He never had any intention of playing no matter how much nets begged and pleaded. They had more chance of Nash making a adjustment than him suiting up!!
Nash +.5 pts v Simmons cashed