Belmont pick 5, and a soccer pick I guess


Pretty much a regular
Well yesterday was rough, damn near had 1100 on Belmont, but got screwed. How the 2 horse didn't get booted for almost causing serious injury and a spill by the 3 horse almost, I don't know. Then had the 8-1 winner in the 1st leg of the late Mountaineer pick 4, beat the 1-5 favorite, and the races get cancelled, got my money back ha. Well enough crying about yesterday, it's over now. Could have had maybe 2 k not sure oh well. Gonna get em today anyway. Really throwing down at Belmont I am gonna be a bit nervous. For some reason I don't get nervous about 1 k on a baseball game, but I get super nervous about 400 bucks on horses. Checked the scratches and the weather and everything looks like we're good to go. The races should stay on the turf. Fuck I hope so, if they come off in the middle of the sequence, then we have serious problems. New York I don't think they would pull a bitch move like Delaware did, they are above that shit. Anyway here it is.

Belmont race 1

.50 pick 5, 2,3,5,7/1,2,4,6,7/5/1,3,4,5,9/6,7,8,9 so 200 bucks

.50 pick 5, 5/1,2,4,6,7/1,5,6,7/1,3,4,5,9/6,7,8,9 200 bucks again, so yeah we're throwing down 400 bucks

Soccer pick I'm not betting put this in just cuz it's the World Cup forum ha Uruguay +.5 vs England

I think Belmont is gonna be a pretty big one today like 1500 or so or more. Figured it was worth rolling the dice, putting down 400, we'll see how it goes. If the 5 rolls to the win in the 1st then bang, we're in there, if not, uh oh, then we got problems.
Late change on the tickets now they look like this

Belmont race 1
.50 pick 5, 2,3,5,7/1,2,4,6,7/5/1,3,4,5,9,12/6,7,8,9 so added the 12 in the 4th, both Beer and Serling picked the 12

.50 pick 5, 5/1,2,4,6,7/1,5,6,7/1,3,4,5,9,12/6,7,8,9 added 12 again, so now have 480 bucks on it, whoa!!!! Better win.
Boooooom bitches!!!!!! Hit the pick 5 at Belmont for 1878.25, so yeah it is on now. Gonna get em tomorrow as well, got some Friday Belmont on the schedule, no work, that's for sure ha. Belmont is the work, my new job, Belmont horses.

Gonna do an Evangeline late pick 4 I think. Gonna take a look now. Damn my soccer bet would have won, should have done it.
So with my 1878 in winnings from Belmont gonna try a pick 4 at Evangeline

Ha had to bold that. Anyway here is my late pick 4 ticket at Evangeline, who knows how this will go. I don't ever bet this strip.

Evangeline race 6

.50 pick 4, 3,4,6,7,8/1,2,4,9/3/2,3,4,6,8 so 50 bucks

That 3 in the 8th looks good to me, well he sucks in the long races, but he is money in the short ones like this race, fuck 3 for 4 on winners there. He should get the lead and roll with it, doubt anybody can challenge his speed, we'll see I guess.
Heading out to the track, they better get the stacks out, gimme my 100's baby, ha, fuck I laid it down today. Gimme the stacks bitch, Franklin's. Russ you better get some 100's, ha that is the old ticket writer out there Russ.
Well that Evangeline sucked ass, ha, those horses are terrible anyway, I was totally pushing my luck betting on those 3 legged mules. Oh well Belmont tomorrow then we get the fucking stacks bitch. I bet a trifecta at the track on the 9th, boxed 2,6,8, I won that but it was just for .50 so I got 55 bucks. And I was yelling come on 8, come on 8, come on 8, and this dip shit was yelling against me, saying fall over 8, break your legs 8, ha. Then 8 came in third he lost, and I told the guy to suck my balls, lol, yeah I got kicked out for that. They even took my shot of vodka away damn it.

Oh well time to break down some Belmont, that's where the money is baby, gimme stacks, big stacks.
He was not too happy, to say the least. You can't really tell somebody to suck your balls at the track, lol, but I did.
I will say this younggun another member here is helping me out big time. If it wasn't for him, I think I would be fucked on these big horse bets. Talk to him everyday, and he tells me where I'm being stupid, and shit. Fuck I need to win, don't have a damn job right now, so this is it.
Well that's what this website is good for meeting smart mothafuckas, like younggun to help me out on these horses. Shit he is only 26, but he has a vast array of horse knowledge beyond mine for sure.

Yeah schrute me and younggun blasted their ass today, hope tomorrow goes as well. We have been hitting smaller ones, but today was a big one kind of 1878, pretty nice. It sucks cuz we were so close to 10 k, and 5 k, but no, get 2nd in one damn race and fuck it up ha.
That was pretty fucking hilarious at the track tonight I yelled at a guy to suck my balls, ha, what the hell was I thinking there. It was just a stupid 55 buck win on a tri and I got all fired up cuz this guy was yelling against me, ha. Well hey, you know every 55 bucks counts, I lost 50 bucks on my Evangeline pick 4 so had to get that shit back niggaz, and that bitch was in my way. Fuck I'm the big dog out there at the track throwing down, those other nickel and dime bitches can back the fuck up.
Yeah gorgolon, I should have bet Uruguay today damn it, that was a good pick fuck. Maybe tomorrow I will jump back in with some World Cup, don't know. Fuck like gorgolon, kj, younggun there are a lot of real sharp motherfuckers that have helped me out here. Younggun is helping the most, that kid is a genius on horses, whoa, I am learning a lot, and winning a lot more importantly.
Ha I say kid and he is 26, well that is a kid to me, at 38. Damn it he is banging his girlfriend right now, I got nothing here in Lincoln, lol.
It is crazy cuz I look at these Lincoln back pages for hookers, and they don't give you a damn picture of who your getting. So who the hell knows there, guess I could gamble and hope I get something decent. Shit should just save my money on that crap.
Cuz I looked at different cities, and there is the same damn bitch in the picture, so must just be pimps. I don't know, would like to see what I'm getting ahead of time if I'm gonna pay for it. Really seems retarded to pay for something that you have no idea what your getting.
Damn it why didn't I bet Uruguay, that was stupid. England fucking blows, they are awful, and they were favored by half a goal, lol, Rooney what a piece of shit that guy is, ha. Oh well, big winner at the track so that's good. And I got kicked out tonight, that was nice, yelling at a guy to suck my balls at the track ha, that was good. Well ya know I start drinking at 10 am, and hey you give me shit at 830 pm, I'm gonna let ya know what's up when I kick your ass ha.
Shit I'm about out of vodka, better go to the sto, niggaz, yeah need some more, got Belmont on the brain, like fucking you know 5 g's or some shit bitch. Yeah 1900 was nice, now time to roll ass for 5 k, fuck me and yg have been close to the big one.
Castellano on that 6 horse in the 5th at Belmont, oh man that was the shit, fuck he rode that 10-1 in to make it pay big. That was a great ride, he ran down that favorite real late, shit I was yelling my ass off at the track. Well you know time to forget about today's win, gotta get the win tomorrow now. It's on mothafucka.
Know what I think about Belmont tomorrow, but that doesn't mean anything ha. Well I may be leaving out somebody I shouldn't be, sure yg will let me know, lol. Will have to see what he says about it tomorrow morning. Well with yg or kj, or gorgolon if they dispute anything I'm about to bet I am like, uh oh, shit I better not go there lol. Especially fucking kj, there were about 100 times in college hoops I made a bet and then he would come in and say well I'm on the other side Tuck, and then I would lose every damn time ha, that motherfucker.
Shit I almost left a winner off the ticket today at Belmont, good thing yg told me to put it in there. I was like oh I don't know she obviously doesn't like dirt, ha, then she wins by 20 lengths or something lol, yeah he really saved my ass there. But ya know that is what this shit is good for. Well at least with yg I have his number so I can always check in with him, see what he thinks. I always bother him all the time too though, he probably is thinking, I don't know if I should have given this Tuck guy my number. No I think we're good buddies, so he is okay when I blow him up when I'm drunk which happens sometimes ha.
Well the good thing too is that yg has tvg, so he always watches and listens to what the guys say on there about the Belmont. I don't have that shit with my cable here in Lincoln. Fuck that has saved my ass too a couple times. Then just not leaving out a horse Beer or Serling likes, is always good, cuz that Serling guy especially he really knows his shit. So if he likes a horse and it is a long shot, you better fucking have it on your pick 5 ticket or your stupid ha. Well I think that Serling guy at Belmont is a professional bettor if I'm not mistaken, guess not sure on that, but he is right a lot on his picks, not always though.
Shit better go to bed, got to figure out my Belmont ticket tomorrow morning hopefully another big winner. You never know though how the horses will fall for ya. I mean it could pay 400 bucks or something, hope it is a big one again tomorrow. Right now, I'm not real sure if I'm gonna have 2 tickets like today with 2 singles, but gotta see what the fuck yg thinks. Don't make a move without that. Fucking damn it can't talk to him tonight cuz he's with his girl, fucking bitches fucking up my shit ha. Yeah not gonna bother him now, but do need to check before I make my tickets cuz I may have fucked up somewhere.
Fuck this is great not having to work anymore, don't know if I can keep doing this however. Well you know professional bettor now, ha, yeah we will see how long that lasts. This new waitress at the track, she has been there about 2 weeks, was like so are you just a professional out here, your out here everyday. I laughed and said, well I hope to be, not right now but who knows ha. Just gambling on my stocks money that my dad made for me.
Shit I would be about to go to work now if I still had that shit job, ha, good thing I don't have that anymore. Would rather drink all day and night, wake up at 9 or 10 then bang Belmont for 1900 bucks, yeah niggaz that is way better than working. Then you know later on bet some bumfuck tracks and hit a trifecta and tell some bum to suck my balls, ha, got kicked out for that tonight. That was pretty fucking funny. Well I was just yelling for my 8 horse to get 3rd and this bum was yelling for this 3 I think, don't remember who I was running down ha, but he was like break your legs 8, fall over 8. Then the 8 rolled up like a champ, and I hit my trifecta and I yelled at the guy to suck my balls, ha, that was really uncalled for. Yeah the track security came over and was like you gotta leave Matt. Well they all know me now. That guy would kick my ass the security, they call him Zeus.
Well if your at the Lincoln track, you better bow down when you come to my town, ha, I am the man out there, nobody else signing papers on tickets. I got my own line out there, yeah those other bums out there shit, they don't know what it is like to cash for over 1 k. Well there is one guy that is pretty good, and cashes some big ones from time to time as well.
Yeah I better go to bed, but hell I like drinking and staying up all night, fuck who needs sleep anyway. Shit I will be up at 8 or 9. Looks like it's almost 4 now, but I don't sleep much. Fuck it is just great to get up and be fucking happy for the day ahead you know. It sucked when I was working, and I was like oh fuck, I gotta go see Marty's dumb ass. That motherfucker fucked me on my last paycheck too, that bitch. It was 843 ha, that is nowhere near where it should have been, usually my check was 2400 or so for 2 weeks. But that varied cuz it depended on commission so it could be 3000, or 2000, on a slow couple weeks.
I called Marty and he just basically told me to fuck off ha. Man I wanna kick is ass so bad my dick is hard ha, but I can't, would go to jail then. Shit, I would fucking crack his ass, that fuck, man that pisses me off about that last paycheck, I don't know what the hell I can do about it however.
Shit 843, that is like I'm working at Mcdonalds or something ha, no not quite that bad, but still I don't know how the fuck that happened. Marty probably took all my money on that check, I couldn't fucking believe that when I got my last check and it was 843, ha, just you know 1500 or so short of where it should have been, lol.