BAW Nation World Cup Selections ...

So before making these picks do you call heads or tails on the quarter that’s flipped? Catch and flip to the back of your hand or let it hit the ground...the people want to know!!!
Gotta be best of 7
In reverse write-up style I really felt like the under trend was ready to burst a bit today... that is not why I played it though...but it did get me thinking....I really liked the fact that these games would open up a bit more that the openers....I'd say I got one right, one lucky. We'll take it.
8 over/ 9 unders (2.5), with 5 straight overs, but its really balanced compared to the last couple of world cups from what I remember.
8 over/ 9 unders (2.5), with 5 straight overs, but its really balanced compared to the last couple of world cups from what I remember.

It was in my head from Saturday and Sunday play....

And interesting....
Morocco/Portugal O2.5 +120 1.25-1.50 units

I like what @KJ and @braves have to say about this. One thing I like to do is cap a capper and I have KJ's style down pretty solid after talking soccer with him the last 14 months here and there, especially with regards to totals... so this is a go for me and lets see if we can bag one nice in early...I'll be up around the midway point....

Nothing @ 11am...

Maybe something in the late show though....
Seven Days in the books...

5-2-1 +2.75 units

Got my futures covered as of now but this is too much fun. Back manana...
Croatia/Argentina O2.25 +108 1.50-1.62 units

Price changed 3 times as I hit submit but I'll take that, still better than the initial.

See at HT.
I was leaning under in the Iceland game but the price got away a bit overnight. I'll kinda track this one LIVE and go from there.
Take the half unit there and call it a day...think I shouldn't press my luck till manana...happy Friday peeps.
9-3-2 +6.25 units

A nice sleezy one there with Belgium. I think everyone is happy with that result.

Missed a number on the 11am game but I wanted to mull it over while sleeping. Back in an hour, we'll see...
Just took a KJ type issues with that hitting late...still think it was a good buy off.
10-5-2 +5.31 units

Taking Sunday off...don't like anything and time to refresh the batteries a little bit...