Baseball Cappers wanted - its past April, time to pony up with commitments

For myself, I am going to try and handle the Twins which should be an adventure. Lot of young pitching and not so powerful offense and Liriano finally making it back this yr

I follow them pretty closely, so if you need some help...

We have a member that hasn't posted much (if at all) that is a season ticket holder and the biggest homer I know. Swayler, come out come out wherever you are...
If anyone really wants to, they can take the Stros. Don't want to short change the forum with a lack of information. Im sure someone here knows this team much better than I do.
I know we have a ton of tigers and indians guys and here and each of them knows their teams great....good idea sc.

I personally think the blue jays will be interesting to watch if the starters reamin injury free....they have been so close recently.

wish I had more time, prolly will only bet on tiger games this year..just random ones.
Sorry fellas, been really busy with the day job for the last few days.

Terps - yeah, spring training is a good time to start the buzz and get random thoughts going. I know there are some that bet the spring games. I'm not one of them, but the earlier you can start putting up info, the better. But don't expect too much out of me until opening day.

Also, on the idea of how to organize this, here's my vote:

Start a weekly thread with your team. For examply I'd start a thread saying: Orioles games 4/1 - 4/7. All of my thoughts can be organzied in that thread. The record will be updated each week and posted in the following week's thread, etc.

**** Mods - if this clutters the forum too much, feel free to suggest another method of keeping track of this. But as I said, half of the folks that say they will do this all year will be gone by the All Star break.****

And- of course anyone is welcome to contribute to any team discussion thread. After all, that's what this place if for, right?

Here's what I've got so far:

Frankiegotti - Pirates (help from mogo too)
sirwinzalot - KC
reNewOrleans - take Houston
Brewer - White Sox
chopz33 - Rangers
anythingthatsgreen - Reds
Doggy - Baltimore
Jpicks - Dbacks
Orange&White - Braves
Terpman92 - Nats
signalcaller - Brewers
BossUp - Tigers
We have a member that hasn't posted much (if at all) that is a season ticket holder and the biggest homer I know. Swayler, come out come out wherever you are...

Forget swayler. He's too big of a homer. He thinks the Santana trade was a good one...
Now counselor, you know I'm a huge Twins supporter and I loved Johan more than anybody. It's better to get something for the guy, ya could've or should've it been more, well of course. Don't be hating the Twins, they offered him $20 million a yr. Hate the agents and the player assoc. do you think that they would let Johan get anything less than Zito!!! Hell NO!
BRING ON 2010 BABY!!!!
Just a suggestion for this:

Think the best avenue is to do weekly threads for the teams. The best way to keep it uncluttered is to devote a section of the forum to these threads. Such its one area and you dont need to search for them. have all 32 threads of that week on that opening page...

Just not sure how easy it is to add another room ...have the MLB thread and another one like MLB Research or something
I understand what you're saying SN, just not sure how much use a sub forum would get or if we'd be able to find the threads easy. My thoughts were to do a sub forum to bases and have each team listed and just keep that thread running all year everytime there's a new article or whatever. Just need people to participate the full season and not die out by June.
The reason I say a seasonal thread instead of weekly is it owuld be a pain in the ass to start a new thread each week and "sticky them in order of spelling or the like...
you guys know whats doable...

Fondy's right the key to this whole thing is participation and how long it lasts. Which why I didnt sign up cause daily posting has me burned out.

I was envisioning a " sub forum" where all 32 threads for that week would be on page 1 , and the previous week on page 2 and so on...basically space for just 32 threads on the 1st page and no the main page gas the freshest threads and info...

A weekly thread makes sense if its basically updated four or 5 times a week. If its just once or twice a week then a yearly thread may be better.

This is your guys idea so whatever you feel is best will work..BOL
I Made good money on the Indians last season.

Chalk me up for Cleveland. If someone else wants to be Tribe authority thats fine with me. I'll be here for bases.
Doggy- where do you want us to post info on our teams? In this thread? Or should I for example, start my thread with Washington Nationals info?
The reason I asked is that I wanted to give a report on players and positions. IMO I think all of us that have committed to report on a team should have their own thread in the baseball section titled under that team, and we can add to it as it is needed. Otherwise ,this thread will get a bit long.
I can do Tampa Bay for sure, it'll keep me more interested with baseball even when I'm not betting

But I'm not sure if anyone else already picked them
I'll help with ATL. I watch 100+ a year easy. I'll be better with info towards the break and onward, as I usually don't pay much attention in the off-season. So put me down as partner with Orange&White, even if i do hate the vols
I can help out with the Reds this season if needed. I've followed the team almost daily for the last couple years...
GPCyan3 - go for it. Frankie, Terps and I have been doing threads. I've been doing a weekly thread to cut down on forum clutter. Putting thoughts, psot game analysis on each game and plays in there.

All the rest of you slack bitches - start your threads - its April.

It's obvious which team I prefer to take since I've been in love with Halos since that golden '03 season :D

I'm not claiming that I'm some extraordinary baseball or Angels expert, and I can't promise that I'll make posts on daily basis (due to the nature of my work which requires a solid amount of traveling around the country), but I'll give my best to cover them in my plays as much as possible.

Also, just in case if someone haven't noticed, although I love them more than any other club (except maybe Seattle) and cheer for them, I don't have much problems betting against them when the situation is right.

So... count me in for the Angels! :cheers:
i'd love to help out, but being in Austin puts the 'Stros on sometimes and the Rangers on other times, or none at all. Also get the Cubs games cuz we have WGN for some reason, but in about 2 days i'll be in Red Sox country which doesn't fall under the parameters unfortunately..