Is speight injured or is o'korn the preferred qb right now?

also, is don brown a HC candidate after this season? he's certainly proven his worth as DC but I don't know of his HC aspirations. not sure of his age but he looks kinda old...maybe too old for a program to invest in him as a HC?

He is pretty old, 62 I think.

I doubt he goes somewhere to be a head guy and start a program, it doesn't seem in his make-up but you never know.
I think the only game worth talking about or handicapping is the UM/PSU game. Michigan in the two+ years Harbaugh has been there has only lost one game by DD and that was 2015 in Columbus. This defense is legit. It goes without saying that while PSU is rested, they haven’t been close to tested like this against a defense. To win by DD you have to be able to manhandle the other team for most of the game and I don’t see that front having that type of success against this D-line.

Michigan, especially with O’Korn, plays a conservative and ugly game but I assume you’ll see more out of the playbook because that’s what the situation calls for. The key to remember about Harbaugh is he’s great at installing weekly wrinkles on both sides that he didn’t show the previous week. He’s sometimes too reliant to just trust his defense/special teams (see: last week) but overall I can’t complain there.

I just can’t see how this goes over 43 without special team/defensive help in a major way. And while Barkley gets a lot of love for the Iowa game, he’s been quite average the past two games save one long run against NW.

My play: Under 43 / lean UM if it gets to 10
Northwestern -1
Illinois/Minnesota U45

Note: we’re about a week away from starting to handicap cold/weather with night games in B1G country.
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There is nothing average about Barkley, nothing. Does he deserve a heisman, who cares about that award anymore, I look at guys who are going to be great pros and he will. Only his offensive line has prohibited him from greater #s. You put that kid behind a better O line and I cannot even imagine what happens. He may only get 50 rushing yards tomorrow, but may get 100 receiving. Plus his presence alone opens up so many different things for others, its what makes that offense so dynamic. Moorhead their OC saved their program more than Franklin, he is every bit as good as Dom Brown is a DC so if that matchup is an even chess game which I'm sure it will be it turns into Michigan offense vs PSU defense which is a mismatch. ST we have the kicker advantage, punting even, return game slight edge to them with Barkley and #3 returning their punts, but the Peoples Champ is no slouch for us. I've seen a few PSU games this year, they cover kicks extremely well. So then we get into intangibles and thats where PSU is off revenge, at home, at night, off a bye, and could argue playing for more.

I expect Michigan to go with philosophy of our front 4 can whip your 5 so we can sag out LBs back to cover 88 and others. PSU WRs are really interchangeable, they play 6, some tiny and fast, some just huge. The real blue wins this game by being able to generate a rush from 4-5, run blitzes, and covering Barkley. Indiana run blitzed that O line into submission. The best way to cover Barkley out of the backfield is forcing him to stay in and pass block. If M is getting pressure from the 4 or 5 we can fluster them and stay in the game.

I can see 24-20 type game (give or take on points for each) or 37-13 in favor of PSU. Do I think our defense gives up 37? Of course not but turnovers and returns off of them can make it rise that high.

I'll bet my heart for small at 10 buying the half for reasons stated above and I just don't think PSU is #2 team in nation but a PSU vs Iowa game from LAST year there at night may be what we get. PSU loses at least one game yet this year, I just don't have a great feeling this is the one there under the circumstances. Hope I'm wrong, but the simple fact I am betting on Michigan should lead you to feel confident in a PSU hammer.
I want to have Michigan in this game, I want to, I don't know if I can.

The problem I have with assuming Michigan will play better on O or have some new wrinkles and plays is that it is what people always say this year. "this week it will be different". But after the bye week, in bad weather granted, but I saw Okorn make some terrible decisions throwing before the rain. Ok, the bye, now a start under his belt, the O will be better vs Indiana. And it just wasn't, the passing game was putrid vs Indiana. IU is a respectable D, yes, but there is no excuse for that out of Michigan. So how can anyone believe that this week something different will happen? People can hope it will be different, but we have seen nothing to suggest it will.
I want to have Michigan in this game, I want to, I don't know if I can.

The problem I have with assuming Michigan will play better on O or have some new wrinkles and plays is that it is what people always say this year. "this week it will be different". But after the bye week, in bad weather granted, but I saw Okorn make some terrible decisions throwing before the rain. Ok, the bye, now a start under his belt, the O will be better vs Indiana. And it just wasn't, the passing game was putrid vs Indiana. IU is a respectable D, yes, but there is no excuse for that out of Michigan. So how can anyone believe that this week something different will happen? People can hope it will be different, but we have seen nothing to suggest it will.

Great post.

Pretty much what I think about the play calling and JOK...

Run game, couple big plays and defense will determine of they win/cover. (and, obviously turnover battle).
It isn't a switch. An offense that is stagnant for weeks can't all of a sudden become efficient, especially in a difficult road setting against a team and D that atleast thinks it is good even if they aren't that good. I mean anything can happen, and I've bet on plenty of things with little to no basis of it actually happening. But Michigan O just flat out sucks and hard to see how that is not going to be a liability for them in this game. I don't want it to be, I want Penn St to lose to bring them down to earth if nothing else. And I personally like Harbaugh and want him to succeed. Plus I like cheering for underdogs in impossible situations.
Hard to move ball dowb fielld witz incompetent wiartwrback mich will need to forxe turnovers to get pains run game wonr duffice vs penn st d line
I am gone most of today...

But, if I had to recommend a play on the UM/PSU game..

Michigan tt Under.

Right now, I see 17's and one 17.5 out there.

Before the week my target number was 17 or under, obviously wanting more. Even with a few potentially short fields I cannot see Michigan getting more than 16-17 points in this game unless something drastic happens.

What works for us..

-Michigan awful in redzone
-Michigan runs a lot of clock
-Low number of plays (Michigan and PSU 58/62 in plays per game)

What works against us..

-Possible short fields
-Defensive TD

I see something like 23-16, 20-14, 17-13, 26-14 type of game. The Penn State number is garder to figure out due to it being so dependent on what Michigan does to be honest.

So, that is what I would play. I will have a basic one unit bet on that under.

Nothing else in B1G for me betting-wise this week.

GL all, enjoy your Saturday. You too Twinkie.
Let me return to your first post, mr. Hunt. I have spent the afternoon watching paint dry out in Evanston, Piscataway, and East Lansing. So, looking forward to tonite. Being a dog lover, you know who I am on.
My worst fear, it was the Iowa game last year all over again for PSU vs Mich

Can we stop the Barkley is average talk, kid is super special, his offensive line just prevents more and the fact he starts 7 yards back on every play or runs 15 yards sometimes before he gets the ball in his hands.

Honestly, game should have and could have been much much worse. We are young, bounce back next year. Start playing Peters now, nothing to lose, season is over.
My worst fear, it was the Iowa game last year all over again for PSU vs Mich

Can we stop the Barkley is average talk, kid is super special, his offensive line just prevents more and the fact he starts 7 yards back on every play or runs 15 yards sometimes before he gets the ball in his hands.

Honestly, game should have and could have been much much worse. We are young, bounce back next year. Start playing Peters now, nothing to lose, season is over.
Thought about your post from the other day when he had that first run.
Thought about your post from the other day when he had that first run.

I always have odd man crushes on certain college players from other schools, usually backs. It started with Reggie Bush, Gurley, then Myles Jack, then Fournette before he was always injured and now its Barkley. Kid is sick, just love talent that oozes off the screen to me. Football is the best game there is and respect how good players like that are. He's a generational talent that once he goes to the pros I won't care about like the other guys lol
No one said he wasn't good. He just doesn't have the year to warrant being invited to new york.

Men vs boys tonight. McSorley is really good and so are the wide receivers. Barkley of course is good. .. the oline is meh.

There is little doubt the situation that a lot of you thought would be the difference was ... but also just the way the game started it was going to be tough from there for Mich and they look like they tired. I was hoping for drama and was a little bit disappointed.

But I will eat the crow. PSU pounded them like they were 10 year old boys.