B.A.R. and Killa NBA Collaboration Play (Saturday)


Awesome....hope many cashed in..

It worked out w/o Hughes and with Kaman..that made it even sweeter..

I actually dozed off after checking score in 3rd qtr...woke up at 12:58 am est to a text message from bdk saying congrats...:cheers:
Congrats to all who cashed in on this one, this was one of those games where the planets were aligned. Nothing they could do about this one, they couldn't make Cleveland favored at Clipps. And there was no shot in hell Cleveland was losing this game, so this was like stealing. I guarantee when the next spot like this arrives, we will pounce on it again. Stay tuned baby.

Ride or Collide.


Couldn't have said it any better.

Looking at the next several days games to see if anything may come up..you never know.

Cappers remember that MLK day is Monday. Great holiday....means matinee hoops as well....that right there creates situations..
Thanks guys!! Excellent call. Can't imagine the damage that would have been done if Hughes had played.

You guys are legends!!
malibu$urfer said:
Just take the win dude and be grateful.

Ok, you are either 1) really fucking weird, or 2) ignorant of the meaning behind the joke.

The dude said we're like Jay-Z and R.Kelly. R.Kelly faced charges for statutory rape and child pornography. One of his disgusting acts was pissing on a chick, on videotape no less. Hence the joke. So chill out.
nice call, liked your analysis and took Clev on the ML, Clev +point and had them on a 4 teamer that hit!
RandyJA said:
nice call, liked your analysis and took Clev on the ML, Clev +point and had them on a 4 teamer that hit!

Awesome! :wacka wacka:
Noy sure if I'm spelling this correctly, but....

ooooooiuw, ooooooiuww:wacka wacka: ooooooiuww, ooooooiuww

Bad Ass Play

Bad Ass Team Work

Bad Ass Payoff