Awesome SYSTEM (70%) that u can backtest for yourself................

Tru - Im not saying its impossible. I am saying I have never seen it, and I also am saying that it would have to make logical sense too.

If a Mouse threw his shit at a newspaper and went 60% over the past 5 years am I going to bet it next year? No way.

There was a famous stat that Harvard students ate 70% more cheerios than the average college student. Does that mean if I eat cheerios I will get in to Harvard?

yeah no doubt van, what gets me is when i see some type of post sayin teams are 13-0 since so so year after playin vs team "X". what does hoiw they do after playin that team really mean about this game today? anything i ever try to use will always have a good logical reasoning to it. im tryin to use tha same approach i have backtested in cfb to other sports like nba an ncaab because i think it holds very strong, only time an testin will tell tha truth though. i will talk atcha about tha approach in cfb if ya want, so then maybe i can get u to finally have 1 system u can say has a good logical sense an reasoning.
If a system that can hit 60%+ constantly, we will have nowhere to place our bets by now.
MOON, i like the system alot...i am also glad to see that we are not gonna have any bullshit in here. i am from there also. Can someone list all of the BCS conferences for me???
Moondawg - could you please restrict your posting of plays, in keeping with your system, into this thread, rather than generating a new thread or threads (which may well have been your intention already), thanks:shake:
MOON, i like the system alot...i am also glad to see that we are not gonna have any bullshit in here. i am from there also. Can someone list all of the BCS conferences for me???

Big 10
Big 12
Pac 10
Big East
All I have to say to ADD to this conversation is that if it WORKS, even for just right NOW, why buck it? If that's what works for him, who cares? I've seen many people lose their asses, capping games the "real" way. And, I've seen many people win doing it the same way.

Systems are just about finding a certain common ground that is similar in all games that cover. If that common ground sticks around for awhile, then you bet that common ground while it's covering, until it goes away. I just know from personal experience that just because in my basketball system, who cares if correlation doesn't mean causation, if it's winning you money? Find the stats that correlate with a win or ATS cover or Over or Under or whatever you want and ride it, I say.

No disrespect to the other side, just the opinion of a guy who has won over 50 units last two years following a "system".
Ray said:
If a system that can hit 60%+ constantly, we will have nowhere to place our bets by now.

Ray, I try to tell people this about playing games that everyone and their mother is on every week, but no one likes to listen to logic like that.

Ill Be your Huckleberry :D

Some of you might know me from covers but a little background is im 25 years old, place wagers on NFL, NCAAF, and NCAAB... Im currently enrolled in the Civil Engineering program at Colorado State...

Well to start off i would like to address Vanz, i can understand you have no faith in systems based on this sort of angle... but what about a stat based system... I personally created a very extensive "Time Consuming" NCAA capping tool last December.. from end of December to end of February it was hitting around 58% on all games ATS and games where it found major differences was around 70% < but that was only about 20 games for the season> how can you fault a system based on statistics??

Another note..

I can make this so called program in excel with ease... but i don't know how to automatically update lines via the net... if you can get me the figures I can code excel to handle it no problem

If anyone doubts my Excel skills here is my NCAA capping progam from last year.. the last couple pages was finished but lost when my computer crash and im yet to redo it... also there is a hiding tempo page you can view by going to FORMAT>SHEET>UNHIDE

i had a Tutorial in powerpoint but lost that as well, and a lot of data is hidden on the team breakdown page you can highlight it to see the numbers there, but im offering to to make the program for you guys... I only need the data
1.5, 2, 2.5, 3..............DOG
6, 6.5, 7....................DOG
9, 9.5.......................DOG
11, 11.5....................FAV
13, 13.5, 14..............DOG
14.5, 15, 15.5...........FAV
19, 19.5, 20, 20.5, 21...DOG

what bout 4,4.5,5,5.5,8,8.5,10,10.5 etc etc....:wacka wacka:
i'm very impressed by this thread...

smo1a said:
Please no Covers bullshit. Let him state his case and if anyone is interested, great. If not, trust your own instincts and do your own thing.

Between this thread and G-Mans on the tOSU/MICH game, it's starting to feel like the BS that goes on at the other sites.

I never rant or bad mouth a fellow poster, but I don't want to see this great forum start turning out like the others. Please understand I say this with great respect for you vanzack :shake:

And i really have no opinion whatsoever on the main topic, this system...other than to each his own, and best of luck.

I'm very impressed by how professional and respecful everyone is being, regardless of their opinion on the topic. It just goes to show that things can be discussed rationally and w/out emotion &/or name calling. It shows that this forum does serve a purpose, a niche, and is not covers in any way, shape, or form.

Very happy about that. Because there have been quite a few potentially 'controversial' threads lately.

well said Smo1a, i haven't been to covers since CTG opened...:cheers:

Then i see comments like this...and how everyone is remaining cool...well, it's very reassuring to see, to say the least.

Sorry, jsut wanted to echo Fondy's thoughts here. And a sincere thank you to you guys for keeping CTG above all the (potential) bs.

got a semi working program only game that i know for tommorow is SC -15.5

need to know which way to go on spreads of 8 "Tenn" and 32.5 "Navy"
systems do work. but you have to use them right. for example. cap a game as usual then use your leans and work them into the system plays and when shit matches up you have a stronger play. for this week i like oregon state -14.5. well it matches this new system play as well so i think ithas better chance of hitting now based on past games. just my opinion i think they have relevance