Atlanta +1450 Can this happen?

I didn't bash his play. I simply thought what he said about the C's in his write up was absolute garbage. And i probably wouldn't have made a comment about it, but people kept coming in telling him what a great write up it was.
so what? It was a solid writeup. I didn't agree with every part of it, but it was still good. What do you want him to do know, eat some humble pie?

What on Earth for? Did he ever say the Hawks will surely win? I mean look at the thread title. He is actually ASKING if they can pull it off. Asking for opinion. To be perfectly honest I wasn't 100% sure the Celtics will win tonight. I didn't place any bets on that game but Superbowl kept ringing in my head. After quarter 1 it was all over, it was evident what Boston put forth was a top class effort on both ends of the floor and Atlanta can't respond to that.

I mean that's why they were priced 18.00 before the game, and 79.00 to advance at some point in the series (after 2:0 Boston).

I understand you really, you don't want people to underestimate your Celts. Trust me, no one is. This team has the potential to be big. But it doesn't happen over night. This is your first season, give these boys some time. I don't think they'll win the title this season, but within 2 or 3 years, that's another story.

I just think Atlanta exposing them and winning 3 games was bigger than you think. On the other hand, Boston killed them in Game 7 which also has its importance.
To get to Slug's defense here, I think the point is that while the bet may have been legitimate, the reasoning behind it showed some mis-understanding for the Celtics...particularly the bit about Bibby owning Rajon Rondo. Now that Sammy says he only saw the ATL games though, it makes sense.

Rondo by the way finishes the series with 51 assists, compared to Bibby's 22. Bibby committed 13 turnovers to Rondo's 7. 81 points for Rondo, 72 for Bibby. Rondo just totally outplayed the guy.

As for whether this series exposed them, I don't know. I mean, hey, they are exposed - they will suffer against very athletic teams...I'm sure they are trembling at the athleticism of Wally S, Delonte, and Big Z. No doubt Cleveland will pose a great threat, but I don't think there really is much to take from this series - other than the importance of the C's keeping Pierce out of foul trouble late, and Sam Cassell's minutes being as reduced as possible...
that's one of the parts I didn't agree with (w/Sammy), I think Rondo is doing great for someone in his position. He's still very young, will definitely grow with this team.
Sammy, I know I'm a Celtics fan and i read this very late, but do you NOT like the Celtics for some reason? Calling them the "Shit 3" and saying a lot of the other things makes me think you do not like them as a team more than you thought ATL would win today.

I'm asking because I've had trouble separating biases in betting, but i've reached a point where i have had to get rid of it and bet the Cowboys, Duke, Oklahoma, and aTm at certain points throughout this past year.

good luck in the future