Army v Duke


Tritty f'n Bunk
going to West Point on vets day for this one. Any input into these teams? I’m seeing Duke -3.. idk how I can bet against the knights on Veterans Day...

Haven’t watched any of either team. My buddy and I will probably make a large wager somewhere within this one..
Doesn't Duke have a really good history against the option? Plus they play GT after so more reason to prepare for it
Have you ever been to West Point? It's probably one of the most special places in America. So much history. I've been there 3x, once for a game. They do not run the tours on gameday, but maybe you are coming in the day before? There is a cool military museum behind the visitors center.
I have not capped the game. So keep that in mind but I did want to comment.... The last few years Duke has employed a strategy of sending a player in like a torpedo against the option and disrupts the option attack. I have mentioned it several times in the past. Again, not saying one way or another on whether they have the personnel to do it again or whether there is value in the line or total but I am saying there is a unique defense to the option that Cutcliffe (sp?) has employed in the past to success, so it is something he may continue to employ to success.
Cutliffe, one ‘c’
Been to West Point, long time ago. Cadets were very polite. And impressive. We came away much in love with West Point. Had car trouble going back to Pa. with relatives, but that’s another story.
Not saying anything you wouldn't already know...As good as Army is this year, obviously they are operating at a very high level right now, they could've lost at home vs Temple, EMich and UTEP played decent there as well. And going back further it that matters, Buffalo too. So just the fact that this is the best Army team in decades doesn't mean that they win easily vs everyone.

I was thinking about a Duke play. Hesitated because their O has been in such poor shape this year with OL issues, WR drops, Jones inconsistency, lack of running game. LOL, you name the problem, they have it on O. But they shouldn't. So that is the thing, if they have it in them to right those wrongs. The bye week can only help, assuming everyone is still on board and fully focused on what it takes.
Not saying anything you wouldn't already know...As good as Army is this year, obviously they are operating at a very high level right now, they could've lost at home vs Temple, EMich and UTEP played decent there as well. And going back further it that matters, Buffalo too. So just the fact that this is the best Army team in decades doesn't mean that they win easily vs everyone.

I was thinking about a Duke play. Hesitated because their O has been in such poor shape this year with OL issues, WR drops, Jones inconsistency, lack of running game. LOL, you name the problem, they have it on O. But they shouldn't. So that is the thing, if they have it in them to right those wrongs. The bye week can only help, assuming everyone is still on board and fully focused on what it takes.

I'd think 'under' the play here?
Have you ever been to West Point? It's probably one of the most special places in America. So much history. I've been there 3x, once for a game. They do not run the tours on gameday, but maybe you are coming in the day before? There is a cool military museum behind the visitors center.

this is my 3rd time there
Not saying anything you wouldn't already know...As good as Army is this year, obviously they are operating at a very high level right now, they could've lost at home vs Temple, EMich and UTEP played decent there as well. And going back further it that matters, Buffalo too. So just the fact that this is the best Army team in decades doesn't mean that they win easily vs everyone.

I was thinking about a Duke play. Hesitated because their O has been in such poor shape this year with OL issues, WR drops, Jones inconsistency, lack of running game. LOL, you name the problem, they have it on O. But they shouldn't. So that is the thing, if they have it in them to right those wrongs. The bye week can only help, assuming everyone is still on board and fully focused on what it takes.

Someone mentioned during a Navy discussion that they play better on the road because if they are at home, they still have to do all their duties that come with being enrolled at a military school. When they are on the road, their schedule is more like that of a typical college team. I imagine it's similar at West Point. Might be a reason why they play worse at home than on the road
It's been a while since I was there. A rainy Friday night game vs Rutgers was the last time. The first couple times we always ate at Suzzie's I think it was. The hot dog shop in town. They had all those weird and unique hot dogs and autographs all over the walls. The kind of place you see in alot of college towns. Then last time I was there it was closed up.
Army probably better suited to handle highs and lows than most college kids, but coming off that win at Air Force may lend itself to a let down. I'd have a hard time not rooting for Army if I was at the game though.

Good luck whatever you decide to do. Not sure there is strong angles to either side.
I first noticed Duke's anti option tacctics when vk pointed it out a few years ago. As he said, Duke may or may not have the personnel to be able to pull this off again but obviously Cutty knows how to scheme around the option. Definitely something to be wary of.
Last two years Army rushing stats vs. Duke 2016 43/165 3.8ypc, 2015 48/120 2.5 ypc. Interesting though that GT carved Duke for 47/341 on ground last year 7.8 ypc.
Cutliffe, one ‘c’
Been to West Point, long time ago. Cadets were very polite. And impressive. We came away much in love with West Point. Had car trouble going back to Pa. with relatives, but that’s another story.
Watching Army Navy game live with Dmoney, garfather and horses probably my favorite cfb memory. The atmosphere was just different. Lost a 1h play that day though.
I was impressed with the fans too, particularly since it was in Philly.
Watching Army Navy game live with Dmoney, garfather and horses probably my favorite cfb memory. The atmosphere was just different. Lost a 1h play that day though.
I was impressed with the fans too, particularly since it was in Philly.
A level of decorum not seen at Eagles games......
A level of decorum not seen at Eagles games......
Tim, you made me chuckle with that one.
Never been to a A-N game, but did go to an Iggles game many years back with a real rough crowd. Took the bus from Allentown and back. Bus Driver made a comfort stop by pulling over to the side of the road and I wondered what passersby thought of the whole thing.
Tim, you made me chuckle with that one.
Never been to a A-N game, but did go to an Iggles game many years back with a real rough crowd. Took the bus from Allentown and back. Bus Driver made a comfort stop by pulling over to the side of the road and I wondered what passersby thought of the whole thing.
Eagles fans take it to the next level, like the guy with the rocket paint ball launcher that could of killed somebody but hit and empty seat. The greatest thing is they have or had a legal processing center in the bottom of the stadium due to the amount of incidents.....