Army/Navy Discussion Thread

Under, don’t care

for some reason so many ppl want to try and cap these or be super smart or something, i dont know, the smart thing is to always bet the armed forces under, tried telling ppl in the army/af and the af/navy before that. dont try to be cute, try to win money, they way to do that is always bet the under when these teams play!! i think these 2 have a longer streak than the others even, 15 in a row or something to the under!!! sometimes ill play the dog also but make the big bet the under!!! every time!! tease the dog and under if ya want, that works too! lol
What did under open at? How far did it get her down?

i never saw it higher than 36.5. i didnt see right at open tho.. think it was 36 last year so makes sense.. 37 or 38 be awesome, maybe ppl will try and be cute, it seems like it always happens, lot of guys i respect were playing the army/af over and i didnt understand it, some guys see these super low numbers and i guess cant help themselves, on the contrary i love them! same as the 110s-120s in hoops! lol.. maybe it go up a tick would like those key numbers which 37 and 38 def are.
i know the total being pounded down but i still think ya be crazy to play the over. if ya cant stomach playing the total where it at now tease it! army to win and under 41 should cash easy :)
It's hard for me not to take an over in a CFB game in the low 30's, even with these 2 offenses, especially with the always-present possibility of OT.

dont do it man, army/af went to ot and still only ended with 35! AF offense much better than navy's. navy/af was 23-3. i think it far more likely this is 20-7 than goes over. navy gonna have a really hard time scoring on army imo, the little passing both do gonna be even tougher in the rain, seems like everytime one these games comes up im tying to talk somebody off playing the over, it just not a good move my man.,. as i said above tease the thing if 35 scares ya, no damn chance they sniff 41! i usually dont like taking a side other than dog in these but i do think army to win fairly safe this year. normally id say tease navy up cause 13 points a shitload in this game but i am real concerned about navy scoring. 3 of last 4 times they have played they didnt combine for 30!!
Personally I think weather can be/is a factor in any game. Fumbles, the few passes there will be in this particular game , kicking, decisions to go for it on 4th down ( which they do a lot anyway) Just the usual reasons . Hell I look at the weather in every game
This time of year every little thing matters in my book
This time of year every little thing matters in my book
Agree but when both teams are running the ball 99% of the time, the weather will impact this game very little. The field would have to be a sheet of ice with no grounds crew to impact this one. If the wind was blowing 50 mph it would have no impact on this type of game other than kicking. There’s no way to cap 4th down conversions on whether it would benefit an over under or side bet
Agree but when both teams are running the ball 99% of the time, the weather will impact this game very little. The field would have to be a sheet of ice with no grounds crew to impact this one. If the wind was blowing 50 mph it would have no impact on this type of game other than kicking. There’s no way to cap 4th down conversions on whether it would benefit an over under or side bet
Man a ball that weighs like a boulder factors in more than the kicking game but that is an actual situation in a close game as well

Kickoffs, passes, it's a rock, not a football
Man a ball that weighs like a boulder factors in more than the kicking game but that is an actual situation in a close game as well

Kickoffs, passes, it's a rock, not a football

Even the pitch plays they both run. Ive see a few sloppy weather armed forces games over the year that had quite a few fumbles. Weather impacts lot more than just passing teams imo.