Anyone who ever has been an earthquake....


Big Kahuna
First time for me, and probably the rest of Hawaii.......

When the ground is humbling......

Scary shit......

Worst part was no power all day.....:spank: :spank:
Good to see you online and were one of the first people I thought of when I heard there was a quake in Hawaii...
no power is terrible. Even though I was a good 70 miles out away from new orleans we had no power in Baton Rouge for about a day and a half in the middle of summer. There was plenty about Katrina that was terrible for me even though it didn't affect my directly, all of my New Orleans friends went through plenty enough to have an impact me.
Yes, HG, was concerned myself. Evidently the epicenter was about 10 miles or so from where I used to live, so I was obviously concerned about my friends in Kona, too...
See what happens when Hawaii wins one on the road??

Better not do that again, huh??


Bye the way, thanks for the winner. Was all over tha 'Bows.


Careful out there, and keep the calls comin, from an ex-LA guy who got tired of the tremblors and moved to Tornado country to be safe.

Hey, HG.

Glad to know you're ok.

I've been through a number of them so it's old hat for me. Still 6.6 is a very good sized one.

Good news for you is that you were a little ways away and not on the Big Island or Maui.
know what r u talking about...

living here in Mexico City.
in 1985 (8.8 richter) more than 10 thousand people died..............hopefully you're OK
Yea good to see ur alright. The total in the game this week should be near 85 IMO
LOL JimmyD... TimH said it right, I hope everything is okay... but yes, the Rainbows will think twice before winning again on the mainland lol...
jimmyd said:
See what happens when Hawaii wins one on the road??

Better not do that again, huh??


Bye the way, thanks for the winner. Was all over tha 'Bows.


Careful out there, and keep the calls comin, from an ex-LA guy who got tired of the tremblors and moved to Tornado country to be safe.


redbearde said:
HG, glad you're alright. Do they know if the quake was volcanic?

well the big island has an active volcano and is on a tectonic plate, so i am sure they are related......but no, the earthquake didnt cause any new eruptions.
HG - glad to see you are ok. Are family friends, who live on Maui, were all on the mainland believe it or not.

I was born on Maui and stayed until I was 8. My sister and I experienced a tremor, which had to be around 1985 or 1986. On the CNN report, the last big earthquake was in 1983. I was on Maui then, but don't remember the quake. I might ask my parents.
We were living on Upper Kula Rd. on Maui during the tremor. Where do you live, HG?

Shaka bra.