Anyone who bets Oregon tomorrow night...

Capt. Slap

1st year apprentice of Sammy
And that's real

Final Score: Arizona - 31, Oregon - 17

Willie Tuitama - 500+ Passing Yards, 4 TD's
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I am talkin about your:

Final Score: Arizona - 31, Oregon - 17

Willie Tuitama - 500+ Passing Yards, 4 TD's

Thats dreaming buddy. Willie throwing for 500+ and 4tds... A 14point win?

I never said OU covers but if they lost it aint by 14
Well, Willie Tuitama IS a much better Quarterback then Dennis Dixon, so what's stopping that?

And what's stopping Arizona from doing the same damn thing they did in Auzten last year? NOTHING!
Well, Willie Tuitama IS a much better Quarterback then Dennis Dixon, so what's stopping that?

And what's stopping Arizona from doing the same damn thing they did in Auzten last year? NOTHING!

1 win in the last 8 meeting................................................

Willie is not a much better QB, Dixon has commanded his team to a 8-1 record while Willie has put up nice numbers, his shit ass team has 4 wins so when you are down and losing every game and have to throw to get back into the game, it inflates your number.

Dixon doesn't let his team lose at BYU opening week, lose to Stanford, Oregon St or USC. He gets his offense in the endzone, something Willie has a problem doing. And that defense, uhh, no chance they hold Oregon to 10points again. You caught them in a slump last yr, won't happen again
im a big dixon supporter but zona is live imo. why isnt oregon a -18 or so. didnt even open a -14?
CSAH- are you a arizona student or something like that? what do yall think of our old offensive coordinator, sonny dykes?
My question to you is...

Why not go take the +330 to +350 the books are giving instead of settling for +275 on a forum
I was. I was very hyped on Dykes when I heard he was going to Arizona, and then after the first few games I wasn't very impressed.

But now, I'm back to being a believer! Dykes has turned Tuitama into the QB we all thought he could be (atleast, IMO, and he's only getting better) and I wouldn't be surprised to see them offer Dykes the head coaching position if in fact Stoops is fired (which I don't think he will be after beating Oregon tomorrow night).

But at the same time, I need to ask you this...I've noticed Tech hasn't lost a step offense wise, and your QB was putting up ridiculous numbers the last time I looked. So was it just the Texas Tech style of ball or was it Dykes that helped put up all those gaudy numbers?
I am sure Dykes has had an effect on the way the players (lineman, RBs, WRs, and most importantly the QB), but to say that Dykes is a 1 man magician would be absurd IMO. What people dont understand is that the Air Raid offense is all about making the reads and reacting to what the defense shows pre-snap. When a team has success against the Air Raid offense, its because they are disguising their defense well.
Can someone tell me just how Oregon is going to win this game?

They deserve to be favored because they have the more consistent offense, the better QB, the better Head Coach, and they are 8-1 this season.

Arizona, OTOH, is only 4-6, has not had a winning record since the new millenium started, and in fact, has not even gone to a bowl game since '98!!!

Your teams lost at home to New Mexico, Stanford, and gave up 40 pts at Washington and 27 pts to pedestrian offense UCLA.

Do I need to go on?
Not only does Oregon deserve to be favored, I would say they have at least a 70% to win the game. I took Arizona plus the pts because I saw it as value, not because I believe Arizona will win.
I am under the assumption that Dykes just went into U of A and instilled the basics of the Air Raid. Once he is able to recruit his own players, bring in his own coaches, U of A will be able to run the offense with the same efficiency as Tech.

We're struggling finding the talent on defense to match our talent on offense. I don't think y'all will have the same problem since U of A is typically one of the top places for a high school football player to go to in Arizona.
I am under the assumption that Dykes just went into U of A and instilled the basics of the Air Raid. Once he is able to recruit his own players, bring in his own coaches, U of A will be able to run the offense with the same efficiency as Tech.

We're struggling finding the talent on defense to match our talent on offense. I don't think y'all will have the same problem since U of A is typically one of the top places for a high school football player to go to in Arizona.

Definitely agree (with the entire post). People thought our offense was going to change instantly, I say they need atleast another year. We definitely have the talent, both on offense, and defense. So I'm curious why we haven't played up to par. I honestly think the defense got a little cocky (thinking they'd be a top defense in the country) and it's shown.

I do believe however that they buckle down tomorrow and play the defense they can play, when they have to. Winning the next 2 games, while seemingly unlikely, would not shock me.

And I can imagine how tough it must be at Tech. Figuring you guys are the 3rd or 4th looked at school by players from Texas must be rough. It's almost necessary for your team to run a crazy offense like they have been, because it's really only one of the ways to compete (and sorry if I sound like I'm bashing the team/program, I'm not...Arizona seems much worse off at this point). It's also tough because you guys aren't known for defense. At least at the U of A their defense and defensive coaches are recognized, now that Dykes is there, the offense is getting some recognition as well. It's definitely a key to success.
gridiron- if you think oregon will win, why not bet him the ML?


Did you read what I said? I said I believe Oregon has about a 70% chance to win the game, I did not say I am absolutely sure they would win the game. I already have a large position on Arizona +13, so thanks, but no thanks.

The thread title is what got me irritated. All of the pts I have made about Oregon in comparison to Arizona cannot be refuted.
You're right GG, Oregon rightfully deserves to be favored and should be ranked #2

They're kicking ass and taking names, I just believe that Arizona is a mis-match for them and a big let-down spot.

I'm sorry that you believe in jinx's, I learned not to believe in that years ago. I guess I'm just a mature 19 year old.
BTW, when you look back on your life (I'll assume you're seems like a good number) do you ever wish you got into gambling at an early age?

I started at 17 and my knowledge has grown immensly in just 2 years of off and on capping. Why get mad at me for being 19? Sure I can post immature things, but I mostly do that in jester because I see how offended people get sometimes (sorry, seeing dudes get worked up on a internet forum amuses me), but I keep that to general or wherever else that talk should take place, unless of course something is directed to me in an individual thread.

I think the people that actually do know me on this board will all say I'm pretty mature for my age
I'm off to class though, the bet is still open for anyone though (or if someone wants only $50 of it, that works too)

Hope to see this thread at 3 pages by the time I get back :-*
I live in Tucson and follow the Cats. While I would love to see them win I doubt they will. Oregon, coming off a bye,will be taking this game very seriously . They will not be surprised this time.They just have too much firepower for the erratic cats. While the Cats will occasionally beat a ranked team I just don't see that happening on Thursday. I don't even see them covering the 12-13 points.
I dont' know about 34-17 CSAH, but I have a good feeling this game will fight out to the end. I'll be rooting for u CSAH, for the CATS to win by 7. GL :)

Anyone smell that FISH? It's FISHY lol, ohh. not u CSAH, talking about the game itself. lol
btw, this is a revenge game for the DUCKS, and i said it in some other thread "revenge is a recipe for disaster" :) esp on national TV.
I just don't see Ducks losing this one. Cover, they might not. Lose with this much on the line off a bye with revenge on the mind, I don't think so. Not to a team who is shady as fuck and not very good
I'm not surprised at this point.

But I do have a nice tidbit of info for everyone on the board...


You know the ZonaZoo is gonna be WILD! This makes me love my Arizona play even more
Why is this thread started?

Right now its pretty simple. There is NO MORE talk in threads on this board about side wagers or accepting money or anything of the sort. Slaps thread will be re-opened in a bit after I clean it up. The thing is you guys cannot be disussing betting with each other and setting it up on these boards. Use AIM,MSN, email..whatever else. We cannot be a facilitator for this.
I live in Tucson and follow the Cats. While I would love to see them win I doubt they will. Oregon, coming off a bye,will be taking this game very seriously . They will not be surprised this time.They just have too much firepower for the erratic cats. While the Cats will occasionally beat a ranked team I just don't see that happening on Thursday. I don't even see them covering the 12-13 points.

You going to the game tomorrow Jasp? I know they're close to selling enough tickets so that they'll be at a record capacity, it should definitely be rockin'
GL U of A may cover, OR is over-rated and over-hyped, strong public fade, thinking under as well:smiley_acbe:
Firstly, Arizona's defense is not worthy of being mentioned in the same sentence. as last years unit... Let us not forget that this vaunted Arizona defense is giving up TWENTY EIGHT (28) ppg. And they havent faced an offense as good as the Ducks to date.

I say, take a look at the Washington game a couple weeks ago. Get a real, real good look at what the same style offense does against Zona. Locker ran for 150 yards. U dub put up 41 and Zona scored 3 straight TD's in the 4th to win the game.

Is it not reasonable to say that Oregon has a far better team this year than the 7-6 team from a year ago? Does anyone think for one second that Oregon, in the midst of a Title chase mind you, is going to look past a team that stomped a mudhole in their @$$ last year at home?? Are you freaking kidding me?

Give me a break. Let down spot? HA!! How about revenge spot? How about making a statement on national TV, coming off a bye week. How about they have heard for a week and a half how Zona beat the piss out of them for 4 qtrs last year? In no shape, form, or fashion is this a let down spot. That is asinine.

Slap the sucker tag on me and watch Oregon backers take this one to the bank. Once bob jumps on the Cats, I will lay the points to go along with my teaser, first qtr, and first half play on the better team, with the better offense, better defense, and the heisman front runner, in a great situational spot for Oregon.

Good health in whatever you play fellas. I, as fortune would have it, get to watch mid-major D1 girls basketball while the game will be on tonight(which is similar to High School girls basketball, for those who arent lucky enough to get to observe 16,000 jump balls and 35 layups off of two feet being thrown over the rim back and forth for 30 seconds)

What a disaster :hang::hang::hang::hang::hang:
No doubt about it, 'Zona struggles with scrambling QB's. I think Oregon over-emphasizes on this tonight though

And it is the same defense as last year, they just don't have Michael Johnson.
For what it's worth, I love the UNDER in tonights game as well...

Don't see both teams going over way in hell
Arizona has covered in each of the last four games in which they were underdogs of 10.5 points or more. Behind the passing of quarterback Willie Tuitama, Arizona's passing offense accounts for over 316 yards per game and 24 scores. This could concern Oregon backers as their defense allows almost 270 passing yards per game. Considering the numbers above, it is interesting that less than 20% of the early bettors prefer Arizona (+12.5).