Anyone know why Malcolm Butler didn't play?


Pretty much a regular
Brady still the GOAT in my opinion and I am not a Pats fan- He blasted the "great" Philly defense for over 500 yds and 3 TD's with no interceptions.

The bigger question is why didn't the Pats best defensive back play in the Super Bowl? I haven't seen any kind of explanation from the Pats. Maybe I missed something? Seems very fishy to me.
Yeah it was weird. But no way it happens without Hoody’s permission. He needs a little more explaining to do besides the “we put the players out their that gave us the best opportunity to win” he’s saying now.
Its still a mystery on Boston radio. First question on Belicheck presser today, he's not giving any clue.
Let’s not overthink it folks..... team rules likely, maybe PED something or other?
This was the closest explanation I've found, but hasn't really been corroborated

Robot Dave@Robot_Davey
#NFL #SuperBowl Patriots/Eagles - Bill Belichick benched Malcolm Butler due to arriving late to team hotel, was also found with possession of marijuana on Thursday evening. Belichick was “fed up” with these actions and took a bold stand. (Closed source)
Robot Dave@Robot_Davey

#NFL #Eagles #Patriots #SuperBowl - Clarification/Update: Malcom Butler missed initial flight from Boston to Minneapolis. Arrived to team hotel intoxicated after curfew twice. During room evaluation (Thurs) he was caught smoking marijuana. Missed Saturday morning team meeting.

11:33 AM - Feb 5, 2018
He missed the initial team flight because he was sick and in the hospital (according to "sources") and flew in the next day. That alone didn't seem to be such a big deal and is plausible, but I was thinking last night something had to have happened here prior to the game because his backup didn't know he was starting until right before the game (again, that's the story). Pretty crazy that you prep all week with one group and then make a big switch just prior to the game but this screams some sort of disciplinary issue - not "best matchup" excuse that was given after the game.
Also read that read he had the flu and missed the flight to Minneapolis, but joined the team later after some rest, but the drug issue is more sensationalised and easier to blame.
another life changed (not ruined) because drug use isn't treated appropriately....much needed to prepare for the game then bam!
I take those tweets with a grain of salt also. Wouldn't be the first time the Pats PR machine make a player look like a douche.

It's not just because I was on the Eagles, but the run wasn't getting it done for the Pats (save one White run) and they were behind the entire game except for about 6 minutes. Of course they were going to chuck it around. I'm as impressed with the 505 yards as I was when Loyola Marymount would lose games despite having 110 points.
So Butler was getting high? What was Patricia's excuse for that atrocious game plan last night?

Bellichek and a Patricia are atrocious in big games.

They showed little to no ability to stop Atlanta last year and the giants in crucial drives.

Eagles in another big game showed that Bellichek Defenses really aren’t that great at all.

The pats are an offensive juggernaut. They have the best Qb and greatest tight end ever!

However except for Seattle and Atlanta self destructing this pats teams defense sucked.

The pats are only good when their secondary is good. Vs giants it sucked.

It was the best vs Seattle and Atlanta. Revis browner butler.

Yesterday no Regis butler or browner.

That’s why they lost. Bellichek secondary gets torched unless they have solid corners
Hoodie benching butler lost the game.

The replacements sucked. They couldn’t cover the stacks and bunches.

Rowe was getting burned all game long.

Is ERTZ the Second best tight end in the league?

He runs the best patterns I’ve ever seen.
The slant vs McCourty he burned him so bad that McCourt looked like was drunk tripping all over the place.

His route running is better than the Gronk. He isn’t as powerfull though and tall only 6’8 compared to the 6’11 GRONK.
The KC guy from Cinci is the best TE in the game, the one I'd trust most. Then Ertz. Then distant third the oft injured might retire Gronk...
If you showed up hammered and stoned a day late I'd start you braves, those who challenge authority have that certain edge...can't let them know it before they actually try it though
Honestly that seems the best case scenario for him going on to the FA market....drunk and stoned, that can be worked out
Travis Kelce is good but I don’t think he is better than Gronk.

Kielce is pretty much a bigger receiver. He is fast and quick. But he takes a lot of bad hits and concussions.
Gronk is obviously the biggest powerful tight end. At 6’11 with a 7’4 wingspan he is too long to defend. The fade td was perfect coverage except the Gronks arms are too long for Darby to do anything.

However from what I’ve seen lately is Ertzs patterns are burning pro bowl defenders. He is a big guy that runs ridiculous patterns. His td over McMurtry was a thing of beauty. He burned garrison smith on a double move as well.

Ertz was unguardable in the playoffs.

I Could just imagine in coaches meetings Belly informing them that butler isn’t playing. He would just say it casually.

Bill will bench anyone. But in this case he must not like butler personally.

Drunk stoned who cares it’s super bowl week let the guys have fun.
Even stoned drunk butter could have covered better than Bademosi Chung or Rowe.
With the pats it’s sinple.

They will win the Super Bowl if their defense is top notch. It’s almost a guarantee

Yesterday it showed the pats deficient pass rush and pathetic secondary.

The pats defense was a defense that would give up 30+ points to all good offenses.

The years pats won it their secondary was solid.

The years they lost they couldn’t cover anyone when it mattered.

On late drives giants scored twice.

Eagles yesterday scored when it mattered late.
Gronk may retire but the human hedgehog the highest football IQ since 1645AD EDELMEN is coming back next season.
We could see a rematch next year.

The AFC might as well cancel their schedule.

No threat to the pats with Edelman and Hightower coming back.

NFC it’s basically eagles or saints. No other Challengers.
Betting pats to win afc is a great bet. They will be right back next season.

Barring injury I don’t see any team just being able to defeat the pats.

Pats will have Malcolm Mitchell and Edelman back.

Perhaps signing a stud receiver will put pats over the top.
Career Concussions
Ertz-3 (one was a grade 3 concussion)
Gronk 2-
Kelce 2- (both this season) Did not miss a game from 2014-present. Recency leads us to believe he is oft injured
. Quotes from other dbs were kinda cold, like oh well what can you do. It really will hurt his FA I would guess. I like Malcolm. It sucks. Please, if it just getting hi to take edge off, thats healthy, getting drunk, well thats a different story and I would sit your ass for that and I guess I might have to sit your ass about getting hi cause you were amateur and got caught. Walk outside with the bowl bro. He would have helped yesterday. It was a bad vibe that Bills dickness can often create. It was just inopportune time.
hard to say what happened with malcolm....but he practiced all week and had a good week....i suspect that it was ego and bill lost his mind over whatever the issue,usually ego gets in the way when you've been on top for a while.....i do know this, they didn't put gilmore on jeffery until the second half and jeffery caught two huge passes in the first half that butler may have stopped....and butler can tackle, and his replacements didn't tackle for shit,bedomosi or however you spell his name missed a big tackle on 3rd down that may very well havew changed the game, butler does not miss those....the pats d is better than it looked yesterday due to butler being benched and pederson calling one of the best games i've ever watched causing them to look worse than they were, and it ain't like the eagles d was any better, we took 8 points off the board and still scored 33...gronk better than Kelce, slightly more athletic and doesn't let his temper get the better of him and take himself out of games like kelce does....ertz awesome....not much diff between the 3
If true, the selfish twat probably cost his team the sb.

As a Raider fan who had to endure the B Robbins incident (He literally went crazy), I feel for his teammates, coaches, fans and ownership. He let them all down because he was an idiot.

Again, if true. If not true then my apologies to him for typing that.
Selfish twat is the coach if true and he ruins an organization for being selfish. Comparing him to B Robbins is borderline lunacy and denouncing actual mental illness and I know that's not what you are going for. Or I hope not.

There IS a difference given the superlatives and I hope you can at least figure that out.
Something was up with the patriots I believe.

I am suspicious of the rift between Bellichek and Kraft. Perhaps the trading of Garoppolo pissed Belly off he decides ok Kraft we are benching butler??

It seems odd that a coach who loves cheating video taping would care for any rules and bench butler the most dominant experienced pats corner.

It doesent add up.
Butler posted an Instagram message stating he missed no curfews no disciplinary infractions.

This appears to me that Bellichek with his unapologetic straight faced attitude that at times is pgyscopathic with no empathy.

My guess is that Bill was livid with Kraft
interfering and trading away Garropolo that he wanted revenge.

Bill thought listen it’s all me running this team, I am the Gm and the Coach, I construct all personnel moves.
Then Kraft sticks his head into it and says listen Jimmy isn’t in our plans for the future.
Bill fires back tells kraft to screw off and leave the decisions to me. Bill thinks Jimmy is the future and wants to win a Super Bowl with Jimmy as QB so he can say listen it was all ME AND NOT BRADY.

The division started with Brady vs Jimmy.

Bill now livid says ok f u Kraft I’ll give Jimmy away to the Njners for a measly 2 nd round pick much less than the 1st round draft pick that jimmy was worth.
Bill trades him to the niners because Brady idolized Montana and the niners.

Then Bill still livid still aggravated still angry decides ok I’m going to burn kraft.
He thinks hmmm which 1 player on defense has been instrumental in the pats defense secondary the last 3 seasons? Malcolm Money $$ Butler.
Butler was so instrumental in their defense. Gilmore is good but was only there for 1 season.

Without Butler the pats secondary resembled a pathetIc pre season secondary.

No explanation from Bill because he did this to show Kraft.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Bill quits the patriots now,
Perhaps that espn article was right.

Bellichek is the biggest cheater, he would only bench butler to screw Kraft.

Why would he care for rules?

He may have fallen in bills doghouse but still.

Ninkovitch and other pats greats are right to call bill out.

Bill made a rookie move either way.

Pete Carroll approach he would never bench a player in that spot , he would say it’s ok just play and write an apology letter to the team
Catman is really good at the conspiracy theory thing....a real talent

I fe l Bj player that Butler starting the pats win.

I think the disarray and the mismatches were there because butler was out.

Pats were a team that has always needed 2 not 1 corner to be great.

Ty law and Otis smith
Revise and browner.

Gilmore and butler.
Bj player you know it I know it everybody knows that the 2 replay calls that went against the pats were basically not overtime because of 2 reasons.

1- The league couldn’t have changed either of the calls because of the Jesse James call earlier this year.
The common thought process was that the league gave the pats that call because they are the pats.

The sports world and entire city of Philly, Kim yong Hun would have erupted had they changed either of the philly touchdowns.

So in this game the league wasn’t going to screw the eagles.

Even if Ertz has not taken 3 steps which he did I think the play would have stood.

How good could the pats realistically have been if they are relying on overturned Jesse James ertz challenges to win.

The league said basically we are going to leave the calls on the field and let the players decide it.

When the 2 plays happened there was anger against the patriots and not the league. It’s the league with the confusing catch rule. But the pats get vilified because they seem to be involved in these controversial plays.

The Jesse James call likely resulted in 1 of the 2 calls not being overturned.
kJ I know you dislike conspiracies but the entire world is in a conspiratorial state. ( fancy word)

People everywhere are scheming, up to shenanigans and planning to get the upper hand.

Fellowship has been replaced with one upping.

Conspiracies are happening everywhere. The main or real truth is just fiction these days.

The truth has become like a lost art from 1450Ad. A thing of the past!
If true, the selfish twat probably cost his team the sb.

As a Raider fan who had to endure the B Robbins incident (He literally went crazy), I feel for his teammates, coaches, fans and ownership. He let them all down because he was an idiot.

Again, if true. If not true then my apologies to him for typing that.

Wow, I had forgotten about Robbins.